1) We will rip a white guy for yelling at Obama while he is making a speech and yet grant Kanye a free pass? Both were wrong place wrong time
2) A parent will see nothing wrong with this and that's a message to the kid to do it anytime they want to. Guess where they will do it? THE SCHOOL and when it's time to be punished guess who comes to the school giving us heck? Claiming it was no big deal and why the fuss? Tell that to a teacher whose job is on the line because kids can't learn in class thanks to that child?
3) Accountability-yeah Kanye can "apologize" online but he clowned her on tv. A real MAN would do it on tv and apologize in front of everybody.
4) Black man disses a white girl and everyone is COOL with it. Gee keep making hard for those white kids in black schools adn make it okay for them to be disrespected because someone doesn't agree with them.
True. However a few doors have been closed over this. Those closed doors won't be known until years later. You saw what happen to Usher and Tom Cruise-they still made money but the clowing with those wives turned folks off. Bow Wow's clowing turned folks off to the point that he had his WORST selling album-guys that recieved no promotion outsold sold him.
Sooner or later those white folks will get tired of that. It's one thing to do it to the BET crowd. MTV is a different group.
Also Kanye failed to think about who really knows him.
Now take a look at the two abouve comments-their fans are reading that and if they don't know anything about Kanye-that's the image in their mind now.
You don't know who will be pissed off about this and who they have influence over. Look at Chris Brown-he made enemies of Oprah-how many white folks knew of Chris Brown before Oprah?
That's the danger you do with stunts like this. You set yourself up for cheapshots galore that can paint you as the biggest racist on the planet.
I won't even get into the gun happy folks that are looking for a reason to cap a negro.