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Wow at this week's episode.

More on Invisible Man.
Claire finds the Momma and she's got Flaming Fingers
Sylar looks like he's bout to escape.
Little Boy's powers seen more of.

Nathan Petrelli is her father. He has the flying ability. You must have missed the last few seconds of the episode.

Now I'm thinking if Claire's biological uncle (Peter Petrelli) can harness his abilities, he would whup Sylar's arse.
It was the hits tonite. The battle between Jessica and Matt was good. I knew Ando was going to get played. Nathan realized that Claire is the cheerleader. Just wait until Peter finds out!
Sylar done hooked up with the professor....and the prof's naive arse don't know jack isht...it's gone be off the chain...

I liked the cat-and-mouse game Matt and Jessica/Niki had. But can't nobody whup Jessica/Niki arse like her husband can.

I'm still waiting to see just how Peter catches on fire.He has to come in contact with Ted Spraque somehow....

I also read that Mr. Linderman will be on the show before the season over with..

So many twists and turns...I'm loving this show more everyday.

Question: How Nathan knew Claire was the cheerleader his brother was talking about? Didn't Isaac paint a picture with Claire in it or something?

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Sylar done hooked up with the professor....and the prof's naive arse don't know jack isht...it's gone be off the chain...

I think he realizes something is up. He was looking at Sylar a little crazy.
Question: How Nathan knew Claire was the cheerleader his brother was talking about? Didn't Isaac paint a picture with Claire in it or something?He probably remembered seeing the painting

I'm addicted to the show.
I saw the sneek peek at the one that has that super-sensitive hearing..she looked at Sylar and said "What your heart beating so fast for? You nervous?" ...I coulda sworn she got that from B.G. himself...

It looked like Nathan wanted to establish something with Claire, especially now that he knows she's the cheerleader that his brother went risked his life for. Nathan...like Jessica/Niki are just pawns in Mr. Linderman's game. I wonder how Nathan and Peter's father's death fixes into the boys' abilities.

I also dug up and learned that the sword Hiro is looking for is the one his future self had earlier in the season. Hiro's becoming my favorite character. Po' Ando got played like a trombone in a brass band.

But I still say Peter Petrelli could wind up being the most powerful one of them all, if he can harness his ability to mimic other people's abilities. He'll whup Sylar's arse when it's all said and done. And the Israeli girl from the online graphic novel will be in the show soon tracking down Mr. Bennett with Ted Sprague. I wonder if this is how Peter comes in contact with Sprague and blows up New York.
I screamed like I had been shot when Simone got hit. This is the best show on TV. I cant believe that Radioactive and and Matt ran up on Bennett in his crib. That was gully. Peter is a real bad ass right about now. Hopefully he will back up time and save Simone.
I screamed like I had been shot when Simone got hit. This is the best show on TV. I cant believe that Radioactive and and Matt ran up on Bennett in his crib. That was gully. Peter is a real bad ass right about now. Hopefully he will back up time and save Simone.

Has Peter came in contact with Hiro yet? But yeah...that was gully as hell how Ted Sprague and Matt bumrushed HRG in his house. I'm pissed I had to work and only caught the bumrush and Simone getting shot.
Yes. Future Hiro was the one that told Peter that he had to save the cheerleader, save the world. Peter already used Hiros power to dodge Mr Bennets tazer in last nights ep.
Peter is learning how to control his powers. Since Peter almost killed Cylar in their first meeting, I think a more powerful Peter will finish the job the next time they meet.

When will the doctor realize who is riding with him?

Did you guys catch the Stan Lee cameo?

Could Linderman be the real power behing Primeatec?

I really enjoy how questions are being answered that lead to more questions.
Attack Dog..my jaw dropped when Stan Lee was driving the bus. To me, that was a HUUUUUUGE big-up to the show with Stan Lee doing a cameo...especially on a non-Marvel related show.

But in actuality, the characters are definitely Marvel-influenced..

I think Peter got the telekenesis from Sylar, if i'm not mistaken.
Man that itsh was off the chain tonite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh this is the best show in the history of Television. Its better than Lost, better than 24, better than the A-Team better than The Cosby Show, Better thatn AirWolf, better than the dukes of Hazzard, Better than Good Times, Better than the Jeffersons, Better than Star Trek better than the Andy Griffith Show, better than the Honeymooners. This itsh is just about too good for television. When Claire walked up out the house and healed I almost crapped my pants, cause that was the itsh.
I'm going to have to watch the episode online. I got a phone call and I missed about 45 min of tonite.