Jackson Residents--- Ex Jackson Residents--- Interested outsiders

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"You get Detroit when the businesses and people with money leave."

The very first sentence of my post, JayRob. I'm not surprised you missed it and had no clue what I was talking about.

What's really laughable is that you think you can tell me anything about anything. You have never been and never will be able to tell me nothing.


Not trying to tell you anything, I'm trying to educate you. There's a difference. Both the wealthy and middle class folks living in Detroit were directly effected by NAFTA when the jobs left. When the jobs left, the people started leaving, then the tax base started dwindling, then the infrastructure started crumbling, then crime started rising.
You should wait a few months until after the bank forecloses. It'll be cheaper.
Well. That is something you will never worry about since you don't own shat except a lease, making DWHITEMAN rich paying him rent on something you will never own.
Dude or dude-ette...........Whatever you are.
You just don't know how much of a clown azz joke you are to me.

:lol: Come on guys, it's not that serious.

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:lol: Come on guys, it's not that serious.

Hey................ :lol:

He is the one that can't discuss shat without the TOM or silly implications in his post. He started in last night. You know I don't mind playing that game. :lol:

As for the election, you right. It's not that serious. It's over and I'm done with Jackson politics for good. But you know how some people are when they find someone that don't bend over and take up the backside just to fit in with the "keep it real": crowd. :lol:
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Hate politics.
Would not be able to keep my food down having to deal with hypocrits and con artist on a day to day, hour to hour basis. :tup:

ok 83, the people have spoken, please continue to make Jackson a better place until you leave,
and even after that.

ok 83, the people have spoken, please continue to make Jackson a better place until you leave,
and even after that.


Man............. :goof:
Let these fools take care of it themselves. From now on, the only part of Jackson I'm taking care of until I'm able to leave is the spot of Earth my house is on. I'm not even interested in anything else. I'll do like all the rest. Vote in the national elections and let these locals have at it.

Whats the point. We all know who people here will vote for from day 1. Newcommers need not apply to the click. :lol:
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:lol: Come on guys, it's not that serious.

Man we just having fun here lol. 83 is like old faithful - you know he's going to erupt its just a matter of waiting for it to happen,

As for the new Mayor, he has some real fence-mending to do with Lee voters. He should adopt one of Lee's idea(a full-time Business liaison) and host a series of meetings with Lee supporters(White) to gather ideas and input. And he has to continue the outreach effort. Outside a few of the loons(see: Jstate83), most sensible Jackson residents understand that this city is too valuable to just give up. Business leaders will work with the new Mayor because its in their best interest to do so. Lumumba, by virtue of running for office, wants to leave a legacy of good stewardship. He understands its going to take everyone involved to make this happen.
Man............. :goof:
Let these fools take care of it themselves. From now on, the only part of Jackson I'm taking care of until I'm able to leave is the spot of Earth my house is on. I'm not even interested in anything else. I'll do like all the rest. Vote in the national elections and let these locals have at it.

Whats the point. We all know who people here will vote for from day 1. Newcommers need not apply to the click. :lol:

I know you feel, I wanted Henry Kirksey for mayor the first time some unknown to me named Harvey won,
I'm still upset about that.
JSU/99;2155038[B said:
]Man we just having fun here lol. 83 is like old faithful - you know he's going to erupt its just a matter of waiting for it to happen[/B],

As for the new Mayor, he has some real fence-mending to do with Lee voters. He should adopt one of Lee's idea(a full-time Business liaison) and host a series of meetings with Lee supporters(White) to gather ideas and input. And he has to continue the outreach effort. Outside a few of the loons(see: Jstate83), most sensible Jackson residents understand that this city is too valuable to just give up. Business leaders will work with the new Mayor because its in their best interest to do so. Lumumba, by virtue of running for office, wants to leave a legacy of good stewardship. He understands its going to take everyone involved to make this happen.


Well..............Call me a loon because I'm done.
Look like I got plenty of company on the JACKSON LOON farm since over 3/4 of the people don't give enough of a shat to even bother to vote unless a PRESIDENT is on the ballot. People are tired of this mess and has figured out these fools are not worth the time when local elections roll out. Whats the point. Nobody is gonna be elected except for the same ole clowns that have done na-da-dam-thang since Moses walked the Earth.

See me in 1 year and tell me how you liking the Lumumba / Stokes era. :lol:
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I know you feel, I wanted Henry Kirksey for mayor the first time some unknown to me named Harvey won,
I'm still upset about that.

Even though I voiced my opinion on this forcefully, I'm really not mad. This is not even a surprise to me as for Jackson voters. This is par for the course. The only thing different with me this time is I truely don't care anymore.

More power to the PO PEOPLE.............S............. as Stokes say.
A plural word with a S added to it. :lol:
Even though I voiced my opinion on this forcefully, I'm really not mad. This is not even a surprise to me as for Jackson voters. This is par for the course. The only thing different with me this time is I truely don't care anymore.

More power to the PO PEOPLE.............S............. as Stokes say.
A plural word with a S added to it. :lol:

man we ain't talkin'
bout Stokes that's a 10 page thread of its own...lol...
I'm gonna guess that if Lee had been elected, there wouldn't be these posts about how dumb Jackson voters are, how doomed the city is, etc. So what was it about Lee that made you think he could have single handily saved this poor doomed city poor of ignant ******s from itself? What qualifications did he possess that this city so desperately need? If you look at the trend lines - the more people learned about him, the less they liked. His actual biography didn't fit his campaign narrative.

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I'm gonna guess that if Lee had been elected, there wouldn't be these posts about how dumb Jackson voters are, how doomed the city is, etc. So what was it about Lee that made you think he could have single handily saved this poor doomed city poor of ignant ******s from itself? What qualifications did he possess that this city so desperately need? If you look at the trend lines - the more people learned about him, the less they liked. His actual biography didn't fit his campaign narrative.

I think it was nothing but moderate democrats and republicans are always looking for the black radical boogey man.
Obama got it also. It doesn't matter who actually runs for them as long as it's not the perceived radical black boogey man.
Chokwe was/ is a city councilman I don't see anything about Lee that tops that, and I imagine they don't either

I blame moderate democrates for the reason democrats to me, recently, can't seem to win a state wide election in MS other than the attorney general seat
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[h=1]Chokwe Lumumba's comments on Christopher Columbus fuel debate[/h]Jackson's presumptive next mayor's comments about the accuracy of Christopher Columbus' discovery of America are causing controversy.

Chokwe Lumumba has said he wants school history books to reflect the historical argument that travelers from northern Africa had been venturing to the New World long before Columbus sailed in 1492.

"Columbus didn't discover America. America wasn't lost, Columbus was," Lumumba told WAPT. "I'm just talking about accurate history and that should not be offensive to anybody."

The Democratic candidate for mayor told the station he’s already spoken to Jackson Public Schools officials about the change.

Some questioned why the story was making headlines now. Lumumba for months has talked of the need for more black history to be taught in a city where 80 percent of its residents and more than 90 percent of its school children are black. He said it previously in interviews with The Clarion-Ledger, and at mayoral forums and debates.
“If I knew that perception of me was anti-anglo, I probably wouldn't announce accurate school book changes the day after my primary win,” wrote Nic Lott, a Republican political consultant, on Twitter. “Not smart.”
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This is the type of shat this idiot is focused on.

A day after he's elected, this is what is important to him.


Can any of you Lumumba supporters tell me how this benefits the City of Jackson?
So jagfan will you be giving us 24hrs of coverage dissecting all things Chokwe?
where has your coverage been the last 4 years?

oh and if you can't understand the significance of black little boys and girls knowing
accurate history then i don't know what to tell ya.
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So jagfan you gone be like faux news and give us 24hrs of coverage dissecting all these Chokwe?
where has your coverage been the last 4 years?

Do you have an answer to the question?

How does that benefit the City of Jackson, Mississippi?
jagfan who is the mayor where you live?

Believe it or not, he's Black and he's never brought up Christopher Columbus one damn time.

Seems to be concerned about running the city and making sure it's a good place to live for all of its citizens. You know, minor stuff like that.

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