Prairie View A&M selects PBK Sports to design Football Stadium & Athletic Field House

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What some folks don't understand, Mumford stadium was built during a time when engineers over-engineered damn near everything, therefore Mumford stadium will stand strong for another 80 plus years. And if SU continues to upgrade and renovate it, Mumford stadium would be similar to LSU's Tigers Stadium on a smaller scale. I would love to see the maintenance cost for some of these plush new stadiums in 10 to 15 years from now. It doesn't take long for today's new stadiums to deteriorate. And we all know about the stadium designed by PBK Architects that started falling apart right after it open. As nice as it looks for a high school stadium, folks will always remember it as the stadium that was falling apart right after it opened.

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Why the hell are y'all hijacking our thread about these pipe dreams for mumford?

You know y'all not getting ready to add no 2nd fieldhouse.
What happened with jaguar park? What's the status of it?
I thought it was suppose to be done by now. All I saw was some new lights up on that area when we came down.
Good to hear. In the campus Master Plan, it had the soccer and track facility combined as one.

That plan has been changed as you can see that the football stadium and the track & field facility has been swapped. They left the baseball & softball field in the same place and added the soccer facility.
The jealousy & envy are real lol.

All the big internet rhetoric means absolutely nothing when in reality your school prezo has gone on record to say that your school cannot afford to keep the weeds cut in the west end of campus because the lawnmowers @ Walmart haven't gone on sale yet smh. From bordering declaring financial exigency a few recent years ago now to building & revamping entire athletic facilities? Obviously some of you are still celebrating that PVAMU football gift we gave you for your homecoming. smh
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FTR, PVAMU is NOT upgrading all of its athletic facilities to stay in the SWAC. That birdie was released ~6-7 yrs ago & even then some thought we were joking. This is not a joke or test. Get the uhauls ready because we are moving soon ;-) .

me-> :D
This PV thread but to make a team walk from the gym is ignorant.......No way around it. Everyone provides a visitor locker room just strip it of anything that can be damaged. provide lockers, showers and clean floors and benches.....SMH
This PV thread but to make a team walk from the gym is ignorant.......No way around it. Everyone provides a visitor locker room just strip it of anything that can be damaged. provide lockers, showers and clean floors and benches.....SMH
They gym is next to the stadium and where they park their buses. It really isn't far at all. Halftime they use the locker room in the stadium.
Why the hell are y'all hijacking our thread about these pipe dreams for mumford?

You know y'all not getting ready to add no 2nd fieldhouse.
What happened with jaguar park? What's the status of it?
I thought it was suppose to be done by now. All I saw was some new lights up on that area when we came down.
We are getting a new field house. Jaguar Park is on schedule. Phase 2 starts after football season. Every sport will have their own field house except softball and tennis. Once we start and finish the new field house Tennis will be taken care of. Before that we have to do something for softball.
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We are getting a new field house. Jaguar Park is on schedule. Phase 2 starts after football season. Every sport will have their own field house except softball and tennis. One way we start and finish the new field house Tennis will be taken care of. Before that we have to do something for softball.


Start that thread over there discussing Jag park whatever fieldhouse whatever whatever whatever----------------------> . Geez. smh

The title of this thread is ->
"Prairie View A&M selects PBK Sports to design Football Stadium & Athletic Field House."
We are getting a new field house. Jaguar Park is on schedule. Phase 2 starts after football season. Every sport will have their own field house except softball and tennis. One way we start and finish the new field house Tennis will be taken care of. Before that we have to do something for softball.

So yall are doing all of that, and no $$$ for academics and general campus improvements??

So yall are doing all of that, and no $$$ for academics and general campus improvements??


Misplaced priorities and senseless. Campus infrastructure wreaks to all of be damned but we sho'nuff gonna' T-R-Y to keep pace w/ this other school, that's currently IC, as they make their athletic facility moves. lol Too funny. :D

At some point, we'll be dealing w/ placement of the future indoor practice facility. Nothing spectacular or earth shattering but it will be nice all the same. smh

Enter illogical and irrational words via dsl/broadband in 5.....4......3......2.....

Misplaced priorities and senseless. Campus infrastructure wreaks to all of be damned but we sho'nuff gonna' T-R-Y to keep pace w/ this other school, that's currently IC, as they make their athletic facility moves. lol Too funny. :D

At some point, we'll be dealing w/ placement of the future indoor practice facility. Nothing spectacular or earth shattering but it will be nice all the same. smh

Enter illogical and irrational words via dsl/broadband in 5.....4......3......2.....
There are 6 currently approved projects ongoing at SU and only 1 is athletics related.
There are 6 currently approved projects ongoing at SU and only 1 is athletics related.

That's good man.

Now, back to PVAMU Selects PBK... lol

So, the Soccer facility will be its own separate entity? Wow. I thought the new soccer/t&f complex would be combined but apparently both will have their own real estate. I see you BIG GIANT! :D

Start that thread over there discussing Jag park whatever fieldhouse whatever whatever whatever----------------------> . Geez. smh

The title of this thread is ->
"Prairie View A&M selects PBK Sports to design Football Stadium & Athletic Field House."
I didn't start the SU facilities talk. Someone else did. I just responded.
That's good man.

Now, back to PVAMU Selects PBK... lol

So, the Soccer facility will be its own separate entity? Wow. I thought the new soccer/t&f complex would be combined but apparently both will have their own real estate. I see you BIG GIANT! :D


Are y'all satisfied with PBK's oversight of the construction phase to make sure there won't be any corners cut???
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Are y'all satisfied with PBK's oversight of the construction phase to make sure there won't be any corners cut???

Man J89 I'm not sure what's what. I haven't been on campus yet to see a new stadium so I don't know what they are doing @ PVAMU.

They're building a stadium there? :eek:
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