Rated R Superstar
Well-Known Member
People paying $5 and $6 for gas for the sake of Ukraine gonna get old real quick. For a lot of people, it's already gotten to that point. Biden and Kamala can't be out here encouraging people to get back to the office with these gas prices (on top of inflation). That ain't a small price to pay for a lot of folks.I think most fair-minded Americans will see the sanctions as a necessary evil in the fight against Russia's unjustified assault upon Ukraine and the conseqential deaths and destruction that follow. If Trump had been president, Russia still would have invaded Ukraine but most likely with impunity, unless the other members of NATO would have stood up. Most Americans would disagree that Russia is deserving of of a "softer stance" from the United States for the genocide it has exacted upon the Ukrainian people, and the war crimes and physical destruction it has imposed without any provocation whatsoever. A slight decline in living standards due to an increase in energy prices will be a small price to pay to fight off a bully dictator's infringement on a sovereign nation wantng to carve its own existence.