Prairie View A&M vs Southern U Game Updates:

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s phi s said:
Pv side one min. before kick-off
Closer to 21 minutes before kick-off.

If 14:54 remaining in a quarter is late, I really wonder what early is...We were what, 1 play into the 2nd quarter???
Bruh do you really think anybody cares? Isht look at the scoreboard the whole damn team was late.

I bet you're still wondering why you all are so prone to losing huh? Get your mind off of trivial crap because the only point your proving is to what degree a loser would work to get a piece of any type of postive attention. :xeye:

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The only thing you proved with all of that was how you tried that spin to make it seem as if there was NOBODY on PV's side the entire game, when that wasn't the case. You can have your fetish for things PVAMU, but when you blatantly misrepresent fact, it will be noted, as you did here. You felt the need to post this (as inaccurate as it is), so I felt the need to clarify....
s phi s said:
The only thing you proved with all of that was how you tried that spin to make it seem as if there was NOBODY on PV's side the entire game, when that wasn't the case. You can have your fetish for things PVAMU, but when you blatantly misrepresent fact, it will be noted, as you did here. You felt the need to post this (as inaccurate as it is), so I felt the need to clarify....

Are you really this dumb?

bluedog said:
Ok so I had four drinks by then and laughing by butt off at you after telling me that a couple of plays here or there the game would have been different and didn't remember my photo shots,big deal.

EDIT, lets keep it cordial
s phi s said:
SMH....Far from it dude...Far from it.

Bottom line, with all of the hype for this game from your fans, they let you down. You guys could have made more money had they showed up. I guess they had the "Wait-And-See-What-They-Do-Against-Southern" Syndrome, before they support.
EDIT, lets keep it cordial Sorry, I was just asking a honest question bet welcher. Is this your baby bruh?

I agree that I thought there would be more PV fans there, but blue is trying to spin it like we had NO fans there the ENTIRE game, which was not the case.
s phi s said:
I agree that I thought there would be more PV fans there, but blue is trying to spin it like we had NO fans there the ENTIRE game, which was not the case.
So I'm correct you are insecure. Just because I put the time period that I took the picks at a time you have a problem with you silly butt actually believes I give a flying rats pa-tootie how many fans Pv had or didn't had. :rolleyes:

Like I sad earlier, I bet you still wonder why your players have such a loser mentality. :rolleyes:
Will somebody close this old isht? I'm trying to see this weeks stuff not this crap from last week!
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