NCAA Firings. Hirings and Retirings 2023-2024

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Far too many of us still have the mind of people who don't want us to be successful. Sadly, it's the only way some of us know how to handle business.
So much of what goes on at our schools would never fly in the private sector. I've noted many occasions where achedemia seems to work against its own best interests. So many HBCU'S including tsu can't get out of their own way.
Mane, you just made me cuss. Next time I'm in Ole contry View of the flooded Perry, I'm definitely walking on the grass.
Sleep, y'all have a GREAT corporate response mechanism in place for those of us who donate to sTu w/ matching corporate $$$. That lil' $100 turns into $200 because y'all have great people employed who do their job very well. I want to do what I can, while I can, to help sTu out. Andre Johnson for head coach? I'm w/ it and support it fully!

Up Ohhhh. Another reason I thought McNair making a big decision. Too many different fractions at TSU. Right now, the former chief of police is suing TSU and former President for firing her. And it has come out that there may have been a romantic relationship between the former President and a TSU police officer, that the former chief was advising against. Whoa.
Up Ohhhh. Another reason I thought McNair making a big decision. Too many different fractions at TSU. Right now, the former chief of police is suing TSU and former President for firing her. And it has come out that there may have been a romantic relationship between the former President and a TSU police officer, that the former chief was advising against. Whoa.
Damn, McNair leaving hurt you that bad?
It's okay Brother, we're listening.
Tired Season 3 GIF by Paramount+
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