NCAA Firings. Hirings and Retirings 2023-2024

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Sleep, y'all have a GREAT corporate response mechanism in place for those of us who donate to sTu w/ matching corporate $$$. That lil' $100 turns into $200 because y'all have great people employed who do their job very well. I want to do what I can, while I can, to help sTu out. Andre Johnson for head coach? I'm w/ it and support it fully!

I'm feeling generous too. And after I give to the "Help the get Andre Johnson" fund, I may want to give to the stadium fund also.

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Texas Southern…WTH…

Looks like Texas Southern has too many people with their hands in the cookie jar. If the athletic director and McNair came to an agreement on him becoming the head coach…having someone else step in and say “Nah” is some BS.
That is the way they role. Take a look at the make up of the Board of Regents for TSU. Reported that 2 regents held out. they probably did it just to mess with make TSU look bad.
That is the way they role. Take a look at the make up of the Board of Regents for TSU. Reported that 2 regents held out. they probably did it just to mess with make TSU look bad.
Working in higher ed for a little of 10 years now, I've learned to expect things like this. You are a part of a committee, a good majority are in agreement, yet it never fails, 1 or 2 may want to go another direction for their own personal reasons. I"ve seen so much progress delayed because of similar situations over and over again. For an individual like myself, when it comes to making moves and decisions at that level, you really have to play chess and prepare for the effects from each move and decision that it made whether it is a good one or not.

The lesson that I've learned more than anything out of all of it is to make sure I have a team that is with me so things will get done cause delays and infighting can be an MF...

Anyhow, it is what is... #shrug
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In all seriousness I know Texas Southern Alumni is not happy about this stupid mess. What our boards at HBCUs don't get is that they expect the alumni to give money and be all in for the school but the boards are always on ignorance. If we all could ever get real boards without personal agendas the sky would be the limit.
In all seriousness I know Texas Southern Alumni is not happy about this stupid mess. What our boards at HBCUs don't get is that they expect the alumni to give money and be all in for the school but the boards are always on ignorance. If we all could ever get real boards without personal agendas the sky would be the limit.
Preach Brother Preach!
So can McNair sue Texas Southern if they don't hire him? Isn't this like some type of breach of an agreement or something if they offer him which means he must quit his job to take their offer? Seems like they can still be held accountable for this.
So can McNair sue Texas Southern if they don't hire him? Isn't this like some type of breach of an agreement or something if they offer him which means he must quit his job to take their offer? Seems like they can still be held accountable for this.

On a very basic level, what is going on here is you have board members that have overstepped and are working against the administration. The A.D. and President chose to hire McNair, that likely involved a MOU or something similar. The real question is whether the MOU contained language to make it legally binding. If so, it's just a matter of time before they approve everything. Even if it doesn't, the potential threat of legal action will eventually lead them to doing the same. They can't stay butt hurt forever.

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Seriously the board delayed meeting about the coach again! Now that is really embarrassing. Why do our schools get stuck with such incompetent people!
These people act a fool on small school boards. If they were on big school boards like Alabama or Texas they would be damn near invisible.

You have to be some kind of very special stupid to place an item on an agenda you don't have the votes for, but to do it three times is buffoonery and qualifies as hall of fame dumb.
These people act a fool on small school boards. If they were on big school boards like Alabama or Texas they would be damn near invisible.

You have to be some kind of very special stupid to place an item on an agenda you don't have the votes for, but to do it three times is buffoonery and qualifies as hall of fame dumb.
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