Game of Thrones - Season 6

Will Little Finger make it to the battle for Winter fell in time? Will Dany's horse lords take the ships from the masters or all three of her dragons burn them?

Will Little Finger try to take Winter Fell for himself once John and Ramsey 's armies are depleted?

Cersi seemed unmoved by the kings decree or the news she received. She has something planned and it's very deadly. Now would be an excellent time for her enemies to exit Kings Landing.

What a fitting end for Ramsay Bolton to be eaten by his dreaded dogs. Little finger saved the day. Will the two remaining Starks make it back to Winterfell. Danery and the imp will make some pair. So many questions remain with only one episode left. Next season should be a dozy.
What a fitting end for Ramsay Bolton to be eaten by his dreaded dogs. Little finger saved the day. Will the two remaining Starks make it back to Winterfell. Danery and the imp will make some pair. So many questions remain with only one episode left. Next season should be a dozy.

This episode was dope. I think we've seen the last of Arya and Bran this season. I think the final episode will conclude the battle and what happened afterwards, the trial for Cersei/Tyrell etc, and Dany/Tyrian. Then we got to wait another year smh
Little finger saved the day.

Yeah, but based on the preview they showed for next week, it sounds like Sansa may have to pay a price for the favor that Little Finger did for her. At the same time, another part of me thinks that Sansa maybe aware of this (due to spending time with him and watching his (and Ramsay's) every move, that she may have another trick up her sleeve.
Lord, they done kilt Rickon Stark!!!!:(

Was RicKon the sacrifice that had to be paid to the God of Light for John being brought back to life. In the preview for next week Melisandre (sp) is going to have to confess something to John. Which brings me back to when Melisandre had Stannis (I think that's his name) sacrifice his daughter.
What a fitting end for Ramsay Bolton to be eaten by his dreaded dogs. Little finger saved the day. Will the two remaining Starks make it back to Winterfell. Danery and the imp will make some pair. So many questions remain with only one episode left. Next season should be a dozy.

So true, good riddance Bolton.
Yeah, but based on the preview they showed for next week, it sounds like Sansa may have to pay a price for the favor that Little Finger did for her. At the same time, another part of me thinks that Sansa maybe aware of this (due to spending time with him and watching his (and Ramsay's) every move, that she may have another trick up her sleeve.

He wants to jump her bones.
Earlier in the season, I posted this:

3. I don't believe Sansa will go to the Wall. Again, I don't want to spoil anything, but I still have my copy of EW before season 6 aired (it featured the women of Game of Thrones on the cover), and I noticed the dress Sophie Turner (Sansa) had on for her photo.

I was off the mark in saying that I didn't believe Sansa will go to the Wall (different in the books), but I gave a hint about what her next move will be. Entertainment Weekly published 6 different covers of their magazine in honor of the 6th season of GoT. The covers featured the characters Cersei, Margaery, Daenerys, Arya, Brienne, and Sansa. The dress Sophie Turner (Sansa) had on had shoulder sleeves of feathers, which was the same exact dress she had on when she was with Petyr Baelish at the Vale of Arryn (after he pushed Lyssa Arryn out the moon door). And the sigil of House Arryn, the strongest house in the Vale, is a falcon.

Yeah, but based on the preview they showed for next week, it sounds like Sansa may have to pay a price for the favor that Little Finger did for her. At the same time, another part of me thinks that Sansa maybe aware of this (due to spending time with him and watching his (and Ramsay's) every move, that she may have another trick up her sleeve.

Or will it be Petyr Baelish that pays the price?:):p

Since I honestly don't know what direction HBO is going with GoT now, I can only guess about a lot of things. Remember, Petyr Baelish was in love with Catelyn Stark, and Sansa bears the exact resemblance of her. It's no secret that he is in love with Sansa. But remember, Sansa has not yet learned the truth about how Petyr Baelish did nothing to save Ned, nor does she know the truth about how Ned Stark was lured to King's Landing (the murder of Jon Arryn by Petyr and Lyssa). And lastly, Sansa was told by him that he and Catelyn were in love with each other, which is a lie.

This is my theory, and I'm probably wrong, but here goes: remember, Brienne spent a lot of time with Catelyn Stark and she (Catelyn) shared a lot of things with Brienne. And Brienne does not like or trust Petyr Baelish. I think she will reveal a lot to Sansa. Sansa already knows how dirty Baelish is; she saw him kill that man who helped her escape after Joffrey's murder, and she saw him kill her aunt. I think once Sansa learns the whole truth about Petyr Baelish, she will start "playing the game"; she'll gain his trust through seduction and will even go so far as to marry him. I think once she has Baelish totally "convinced", she'll kill him and become Lady of the Vale. House Arryn is an honorable house with a strong army and no one has ever attacked the Vale because they are high among the mountains and have the advantage to see their enemies approach them. If these events were to happen, she'll do well as the Lady of the Vale.

I also think the people of the Vale are tired of Baelish and Robyn Arryn.
Was RicKon the sacrifice that had to be paid to the God of Light for John being brought back to life. In the preview for next week Melisandre (sp) is going to have to confess something to John. Which brings me back to when Melisandre had Stannis (I think that's his name) sacrifice his daughter.
I think sir Davos put together what happened when he found that toy. He's going to kill Melisandre because of the princess.
Maybe the brotherhood will join with the North.
It seems like the end game is the battle between the living and the dragons vs. the dead.
so much epic awesomeness!

Cersi - she cold blooded..she burned them all!! ... I don't think Jamie will stick around after all that stuff she just pulled.

Lady Olenna - she traited handed the sand snakes the smoothest tongue lashing ever!

Tommen - his weak azz!! I'm glad his gullible as sky dived out the tower!

I really wanted to see Dany and Tyrion both ride dragons... maybe next season! lol

Jon is Dany's nephew then... but as the male heir he's the rightful king! Let's see how it plays out!

ill be back with more!

Damn, what a season finale! Cersei just isolated her brother, and she doesn't even realize it. He killed the Mad King to prevent from doing the exact same thing his sister did! Arya, as the assassin is awesome! "Why, here they are right here the pie." lmao

Tyrion finally has a place/position to call his own! Good for him. Now freaking ride the dragon already! Sheesh.

Sansa has to watch out for Little Finger now. It's apparent he will never give his allegiance to Jon and is likely already planning sabotage. I expect him to join forces with Cersei next season to obstruct Jon.

Can't wait to see what happens with the Night King and his pursuit of the North. And I definitely can't wait until Dany and her dragons reach Westeros.
Damn, what a season finale! Cersei just isolated her brother, and she doesn't even realize it. He killed the Mad King to prevent from doing the exact same thing his sister did! Arya, as the assassin is awesome! "Why, here they are right here the pie." lmao

Tyrion finally has a place/position to call his own! Good for him. Now freaking ride the dragon already! Sheesh.

Sansa has to watch out for Little Finger now. It's apparent he will never give his allegiance to Jon and is likely already planning sabotage. I expect him to join forces with Cersei next season to obstruct Jon.

Can't wait to see what happens with the Night King and his pursuit of the North. And I definitely can't wait until Dany and her dragons reach Westeros.

Cersei just isolated her brother, and she doesn't even realize it.

Even though it was super HAM, Cersei slit her own throat with that move. Keep in mind that Jaime doesn't know that Tomnen committed suicide; that will be a factor. But also remember all the work he put in to get Castle Black, along with the fact that House Tyrell was the major contributor to supplies (food, money, crops, etc) to King's Landing. All of this, along with Cersei's paranoia regarding the prophecy (by the way, the worst is still yet to come), will drive Jaime away from Cersei.

Sansa has to watch out for Littlefinger now. It's apparent he will never give his allegiance to Jon and is likely already planning sabotage. I expect him to join forces with Cersei next season to obstruct Jon

Little Finger has to first gain full control of the Vale, in which he does not. Robyn Arryn is Lord of the Vale, and the Vale is extremely loyal to Jon & Lyssa Arryn. Sansa is blood-related to Lyssa; she has Tully and Stark blood, and the Vale knows both are strong houses. I still don't think Petyr Baelish will ever gain complete control of the Vale, and I still think Sansa will seduce him and kill him. Besides, House Lannister is gone; they have no allies, Lord Tywin is dead, and Tyrion was the only Lannister capable of truly strategizing and ruling. The banners of Martell, Tyrell, Greyjoy flew on the masts of the boats in Daenerys' fleet; their allegiance with anyone who is against the Lannisters. THE NORTH FINALLY REMEMBERS......with Lady Mormont (who totally went HAM all the way) reminding them, the North swore allegiance to House Stark, who has declared the White Wolf as King of the North! The North is still the largest out of the seven kingdoms. And the **** just got real when Bran discovered Jon's parentage. Once Jon and Daenerys learn, you'll have a Stark/Targaryen and a Targaryen teamed up......that's a wrap folks!

Petyr Baelish will side with whoever is the strongest, which obviously is Daenerys. And if he does try to join forces with Cersei, Lady Olenna will make good on her promise in telling Cersei who it was that killed Joffrey. Petyr Baelish is a lot of things but he's not stupid. He'd be a fool to join forces with Cersei. She (Lady Olenna) already said that if anything should happen to Loras, she'll no longer have anything to lose. And she has lost everything!
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Something to think about for a moment. Tyrion, Dany and Jon all have something every peculiar on common! All 3 were born from mothers who died during child birth. I think it's clear now that Tyrion is going to be one of the 3 dragon riders.
Something to think about for a moment. Tyrion, Dany and Jon all have something every peculiar on common! All 3 were born from mothers who died during child birth. I think it's clear now that Tyrion is going to be one of the 3 dragon riders.

I don't know if you remember me posting this:

Please continue to post during season 6 of Game of Thrones; I'm liking this mind meld thing (your mind to my mind, your thoughts to my thoughts).

Now, regarding your foretelling synopsis, here are a few tidbits I remember:

2. I don't spoil anything but last night's episode made me wonder if what I'm thinking is true. Keep in mind that HBO started to deviate from the books in season 3, so some things we see are not what's in the books. Remember, Tywin Lannister hated Tyrion because Joanna died in childbirth with him. He even told Tyrion the day he was born he wanted to throw him into the sea. Also, remember that Tywin Lannister hated Aerys Targaryen (The Mad King), and remember the Jaime Lannister killed Aerys Targaryen. I'll stop here because again, I don't want to spoil anything, but I will say this: there's a history between the Targaryens and Lannisters that goes beyond the hatred Tywin and Aerys had for each other. And that history will reveal why Tyrion had "success" freeing the dragons from their chains.

I think you commented and knew what direction I was going. But if you'll recall in the earlier seasons of GoT, remember how Tyrion would talk about how fascinated he was with dragons. Go back in time to his birth; in the books, while he does have blonde hair, Tyrion's hair was more bleached than Cersei and Jaime's. Go back before that, and revisit the friendship between Tywin Lannister and Aerys Targaryen and what it was that drove them apart. Go back to the 3-headed dragon myth and fast forward to Drogon, Viserion, and Rhaegal. And then recall Tyrion's experience in the dungeon when he went to take the chains off Viserion and Rhaegal. They (Viserion and Rhaegal) did not harm him.

The 3-Headed Dragon:

Drogon: Daenerys has ridden him
Rhaegal: named after Rhaegar Targaryen, Jon will ride him for his father Rhaegar
Viserion: cream (white) in color, resemblance to the Targaryens, he will be the dragon Tyrion rides

Daenerys, Jon, Tyrion=the 3-Headed Dragon of House Targaryen
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