The #1 rated football recruit for 2018 is asking what would happen if we started going to HBCUs

I thought FAM wasn't an official visit on his list?

It wasn’t...he came to Florida to visit UF and FSU...then decided to visit FAMU. His UF trip actually didn’t happen...visited FAMU this morning for an unofficial...then used his official to go to FSU’s “Saturday Night Live” event for Top Recruits.
This is a great thing but what we need more than anything else is a REAL committment and THEN an encouragement from him to his peers to join him at an HBCU. A #1 recruit can have a LOT of influence!
I know Florida State encourages it's black student athletes to go over and hang out "down the street" on FAMU campus to get that "black experience" they would miss out on their own campus. For this reason, wherever he signs, I hope it's not with Florida State.
They sure will because they don’t give a damn about him as a person just like every other schoool he doesn’t choose.

They sure will because they don’t give a damn about him as a person just like every other schoool he doesn’t choose.

Nah we wouldn’t...hell, we are just glad he’s genuinely considering FAMU. We have players that will sign and will commit...the best part is that this more kids trying to visit FAMU. It’s definitely given us some preseason attention that we haven’t seen in quite some time.
I once heard a lady in the barber shop tell one of the Barber's she would rather her child to pick up garbage than go to a black college. Some of us have some serious issues
And your response to her was?????? I usually chime in when people say that. Last year at the barbershop one of the barbers turned the tv to the FAMU/TSU game. He talked bad about TSU, like it is the worst school to go to for football. I chimed in and said their football team might not be the best, but academically, they are a good school. He started backtracking his comments after that. We are so negative about our schools. I did say that TSU's football team was sorry though. lol
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And your response to her was?????? I usually chime in when people say that. Last year at the barbershop one of the barbers turned the tv to the FAMU/TSU game. He talked bad about TSU, like it is the worst school to go to for football. I chimed in and said their football team might not be the best, but academically, there are a good school. He started backtracking his comments after that. We are so negative about our schools. I did say that TSU's football team was sorry though. lol

I was severely wrong in the past of not uplifting. In the grand scheme, we're all in the same boat struggling for survival. An attack/obstacle to one is akin to the same occurring @ our respective campus. Even those whose constituents/alums talk constant mad cash shit lol, I look over their primitive behavior and see the bigger picture.

I WANT ALL SWAC schools to beat the living SHIT out of every team we face OOC in ALL sports. #beatdeyazzSWAC
I was severely wrong in the past of not uplifting. In the grand scheme, we're all in the same boat struggling for survival. An attack/obstacle to one is akin to the same occurring @ our respective campus. Even those whose constituents/alums talk constant mad cash shit lol, I look over their primitive behavior and see the bigger picture.

I WANT ALL SWAC schools to beat the living SHIT out of every team we face OOC in ALL sports. #beatdeyazzSWAC
Me too!
I hope he signs too but it's a long shot. As far as the future goes.... it would be nice to see....but there's so much to factor in why the top players are going to the big named schools. 1. like somebody said earlier......they're getting paid. We all know that mightu dollar is mighty for a reason. We don't have the money to "pay" players or their mom or dad to get you to sign. 2. Unfortunately for HBCUs, it's not as looked down on as it used to be to attend Miss State, Ole, Miss, LSU, etc. Back in the day yo' mama and daddy would tell you, "yo ass ain't goin to no damn Ole Miss, etc". and there was a bigger sense of pride to play at an HBCU. Even though race relations are still bad, a lot of these young kids(black and white) are now hanging out with each other and don't view hanging out with the other side as taboo as we's WAY different than back in our(I'm in my 40's) day. I went to LSU/Alabama 2 years ago in Baton Rouge, the mixing of the young college kids is WAY different than it was back in the day and a lot of it is happening in the high schools and not in small numbers, so for some of them, they don't see it the way we used to. 3. We're not sending players to the NFL like we used's hard to convince a kid "you can get a shot at the NFL here just as much". While it's true, it's still hard to convince them, the household names, "Jimmy Smith's" and the other guys I named, come to few and far in between. I used to idolize the players back in the 70's and 80's in the SWAC. Then there's the ignorant negro factor........the ones some of you named before who think our schools are trash. They brainwash their kids because a lot of them have
crossed over" or went to PWIs themselves. Then there's the factor no one likes to hear - White girls. :D I'm joking, but I'm serious. We all saw He Got Game........Spike Lee put that in in the movie for a reason. Just all my opinion of course.
I loved what Thibodeaux has to say about FAMU in the article that came out today...pretty said that FAMU felt like home(like he was back in LA). Said FAMU people were real and that he didn’t realize we had this many fans.