eating habits and workouts

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I wanna be your lover...
Okay, I've noticed that I seem to eat only in the morning. I eat breakfast, then ~1 -2 hours later, I'm starving. I'm eating lunch 10:30 or so. But that's it for the rest of the day. I'm not hungry or even thinking about it.

Now, I've starting working out again with weights and Tae-bo. And after the workout...guess what...I'm starving. BUT I work out at 8 - 9 pm. :noidea: And eating a full meal at that time of night would seem to counteract all my hard work. Any tips/ideas on how to become more effective working with my hunger schedule?


wow.... well, thats prolly why you're need to eat 6 times a day...

Big Breakfast(healthy)
Medium Lunch
Small Dinner
piece of fruit

And eat before workouts, there for giving you energy to work off any fat and cals during workout

right now, it a deer sausage sammich and milk.

:xeye: :lmao:

But yeah, that's true @ Smoke.....that's pretty much what I do:

Breakfast- a bowl of Special K Cinnamon and Pecan w/1% milk
Snack- a small muffin and fruit
Lunch- it depends; right now, it's a cup of chicken noodle soup and a turkey wrap
Snack- fruit and almonds
Dinner- again, it depends but it usually involves a spinach salad and grilled/sauteed chicken. :lol:

As far as working out, I fell off a bit. :( I'm still tryin to figure out what's best- working out before dinner or after? Mind you, I don't get home until about 6pm. :confused:
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wow.... well, thats prolly why you're need to eat 6 times a day...

Big Breakfast(healthy)
Medium Lunch
Small Dinner
piece of fruit

And eat clean before workouts, there for giving you energy to work off any fat and cals during workout



people ...well that another story. But a 1 pound buger with fries 1 hour before workout aint good!

wow.... well, thats prolly why you're need to eat 6 times a day...

Big Breakfast(healthy)
Medium Lunch
Small Dinner
piece of fruit

And eat before workouts, there for giving you energy to work off any fat and cals during workout


Honestly, I've heard and tried that eating all day...cant seem to stay on track. It doesn't SEEM right in my mind. I'm thinking...all those calories for what? BUT I will try. How small is the small dinner?>
Honestly, I've heard and tried that eating all day...cant seem to stay on track. It doesn't SEEM right in my mind. I'm thinking...all those calories for what? BUT I will try. How small is the small dinner?>
I feel ya.

Baked Chicken or Fish
2 cups veggies
Water or Tea
cup of Fruit

~walks out~
Since I work out so early in the AM, I don't eat prior to working out. If I do, it is a slice of toast w/ peanut butter.

The rest of the day, I spread my meals out making sure I never let myself get too hungry. It is then when I'll overeat.
Okay, I've noticed that I seem to eat only in the morning. I eat breakfast, then ~1 -2 hours later, I'm starving. I'm eating lunch 10:30 or so. But that's it for the rest of the day. I'm not hungry or even thinking about it.

Now, I've starting working out again with weights and Tae-bo. And after the workout...guess what...I'm starving. BUT I work out at 8 - 9 pm. :noidea: And eating a full meal at that time of night would seem to counteract all my hard work. Any tips/ideas on how to become more effective working with my hunger schedule?

Hey CT, you're on it! If you're doing weights and Tae-bo, that metabolism is in high gear! Just eat some fruit if you feel guilty late at night. Then in the morning, eat something hearty like oatmeal, eggs and turkey sausage (just an idea).
I am another person that doesn't usually leave the gym till 10 pm and I am hungry as heck by the time I make it home.

I am another person that doesn't usually leave the gym till 10 pm and I am hungry as heck by the time I make it home.
yall trippin with that 10 pm shat :lol:...Im in there @ 530 out by 730-8....I got shat to do with the rest of my hard day @ work other than being in a hard arse'd gym :lol:

yall trippin with that 10 pm shat :lol:...Im in there @ 530 out by 730-8....I got shat to do with the rest of my hard day @ work other than being in a hard arse'd gym :lol:


On days that I have night class, I am in there by 5:15 and out by 6:30 (cardio only)

My goal on other days is to be in the gym by 6:30 but a lot of times I end up getting there around 7:45 and leaving about 9:50-10:00 pm. I need a good two hours for working out.
fug a gym. I work out between commericals at the crib.

But..yea I do be starve after a workout, but usually after I drink some water I'm straight. Maybe even something very light like a snack.
fug a gym. I work out between commericals at the crib.

But..yea I do be starve after a workout, but usually after I drink some water I'm straight. Maybe even something very light like a snack.

Got laughed at to much eh?


Does running on concrete affect you guys? Lately I have been running around my sub-division which is about 2.5 miles, and man my ankles don't like that concrete.
Does running on concrete affect you guys? Lately I have been running around my sub-division which is about 2.5 miles, and man my ankles don't like that concrete.

SWAC football did a number on my knees and I won't dare run on concrete :smh:. I stay about five blocks from the National Mall so I may start running out there in the summer. As of now, I am on the elliptical and spin bike.
SWAC football did a number on my knees and I won't dare run on concrete :smh:. I stay about five blocks from the National Mall so I may start running out there in the summer. As of now, I am on the elliptical and spin bike.

Everyone keeps telling me to do the elliptical instead of the treadmill. Why is that? I am old skool. Been on the tread for ever, hard to give it up.
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