This is why you NEVER rent to Section 8


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Hell no! That batch woulda been out my apt section 8 or not! That's why you screen people and lay down the law before they move in there. That's why you contribute to the campaigns of the local sheriff and judges also.

That's why I wouldn't rent to Section 8. People on Section 8 don't give a damn about your property. I tried to rent my house in Mississippi out to this lady that had section 8 and she started having all of these demands before we even signed the rental agreement. Needless to say I didn't rent the house out to her. She was driving a brand new altima and was well-dressed. I guess she knew how to work the system.
SOME Section 8 folks are ok...they're just having some serious financial hardships, but are trying to make a better life for themselves and/or their families. You have regular folk that aren't on Section 8 that will fugg up your cribs worse.
That's why I wouldn't rent to Section 8. People on Section 8 don't give a damn about your property. I tried to rent my house in Mississippi out to this lady that had section 8 and she started having all of these demands before we even signed the rental agreement. Needless to say I didn't rent the house out to her. She was driving a brand new altima and was well-dressed. I guess she knew how to work the system.

Buck all of the people on Section 8 don't act like that. I rented to people that cared for the place like it was there own. That heffa in that story had some issues and I never come across any people like that. That batch woulda been dealt with!
SOME Section 8 folks are ok...they're just having some serious financial hardships, but are trying to make a better life for themselves and/or their families. You have regular folk that aren't on Section 8 that will fugg up your cribs worse.

That's what I'm saying Warndalyn. Yall need to stop thinking everyone who is struggling in life got issues.
That's what I'm saying Warndalyn. Yall need to stop thinking everyone who is struggling in life got issues.
hell, I'm struggling...I'm not on section 8 but sometimes I wish I was. I wish I could qualify for food stamps. :lol:
That's what I'm saying Warndalyn. Yall need to stop thinking everyone who is struggling in life got issues.

Most of those people who act like that aren't stuggling.

They're just women who keep having kids & don't go to school
or work. The money is not coming from their pockets
So they could care less. They can just move elsewhere on the tax
payers dime.

When you risk losing your secruity desposit and have to use your
pay check to pay rent, the situation is different.
Like others have said, all section 8 people arn't like that. You have to remember that you get to screen anyone you want to rent to whether they are on section 8, fema or whatever. You also can put stipulations in there about who can live in the apt and when they break that you can have grounds for eviction. So when that lady moved in her extended family and friends she and them would have been gone. He could have also put a heavy duty hasp on the door to make it close and removed the lightswitch where the light can just stay on. Since he did put that camera up he could have also installed one with infrared lights so it could still record and see what is going on without lights.
Buck all of the people on Section 8 don't act like that. I rented to people that cared for the place like it was there own. That heffa in that story had some issues and I never come across any people like that. That batch woulda been dealt with!

I agree! I know that some people on section 8 would not do those things, but she caused me to really not consider section 8.
You can find an exception to every rule, but as a whole,
the majority of Section 8 gonna fugg ya sh@t up!!!

Truth hurts. :nod:

I know......................Mom had rent houses.
Shat got torn up faster than we could fix it when renting to the sure section 8 money.
It ain't worth it. :shame:

Kicked mofo's out and started renting to people that could really afford Rent and SECURITY DEPOSIT'S out THEIR OWN POCKET.
Then the background checks.

People need to quit making excuses.
Go into any section 8 dominated property, APARTMENTS, ETC, and shat looks like a war zone.
Truth hurts. :nod:

I know......................Mom had rent houses.
Shat got torn up faster than we could fix it when renting to the sure section 8 money.
It ain't worth it. :shame:

Kicked mofo's out and started renting to people that could really afford Rent and SECURITY DEPOSIT'S out THEIR OWN POCKET.
Then the background checks.

People need to quit making excuses.
Go into any section 8 dominated property, APARTMENTS, ETC, and shat looks like a war zone.

You know about The Maple Street Apartments??
Go into any section 8 dominated property, APARTMENTS, ETC, and shat looks like a war zone.


Here in Cook County (Chicago and surrounding areas) the laws are in favor of the renter so if a landlord is trying to put somebody out and that person doesn't want to leave.....
It can and will take YEARS and a whole lot of money to put somebody out in Cook County.
I've heard horror stories from people renting to non-section 8, section 8, heyal even Habitat 4 Humanity had a issue where they couldn't just put a family out the house that had stopped making payments. Daymn shame that it took almost 4 years to put that family out AND they destroyed the house that was given to them brand new.

You know about The Maple Street Apartments??

In case you don't this was the first time I've seen people,
and I can't see how this is possible.

But they literally, broke through New Aluminum siding, & New iron fences
in less than six months!!!! damn!!!!
You know about The Maple Street Apartments??

Maple Street and all the rest. :nod:

White rock(before closing), apt's near Lanier(before closing), damm near the entire ZOO area, APT's behind Metro(before closing), THE Lodge, The GROVE(place used to be the shat), THE Advantages(dodge city now), Northhill Square, Majority of APT's in South Jackson, etc.

All are torn out the frame. :shame:
Maple Street and all the rest. :nod:

White rock(before closing), apt's near Lanier(before closing), damm near the entire ZOO area, APT's behind Metro(before closing), THE Lodge, The GROVE(place used to be the shat), THE Advantages(dodge city now), Northhill Square, Majority of APT's in South Jackson, etc.

All are torn out the frame. :shame:

I was poor for most of my life, but I never torn up any of
the little places where I slept. What makes people tear sh@t up so bad??
In case you don't this was the first time I've seen people,
and I can't see how this is possible.

But they literally, broke through New Aluminum siding, & New iron fences
in less than six months!!!! damn!!!!

All I can say Tony is that you did a bad job at screening people. You should have also put a clause in the lease that would allow you to do a monthly inspection. The only problem or issue I've had to deal with was when my tennant allowed her boyfriend who was just released from prison to move in. I simply asked ole boy what the deal was. I told him what I expected and allowed him to stay. I had no problem from those people and the dude eventually started to cut the grass on his own and helped keep the property up.
All I can say Tony is that you did a bad job at screening people. You should have also put a clause in the lease that would allow you to do a monthly inspection.

Oh no sir, this was an apt. complex I saw.

My leases all have 32 different clauses.

each one signed initialed & notarized.

And require secruity deposit. I would live in everything, I rent.
Oh no sir, this was an apt. complex I saw.

My leases all have 32 different clauses.

each one signed initialed & notarized.

And require secruity deposit. I would live in everything, I rent.

So what was the problem? Did you put a lease termination clause in there?
All I can say Tony is that you did a bad job at screening people.

Man...................You screen 1 person that say 2 other will be staying there.
1 adult and 2 kids for example.
You meet and greet all 3 smiling faces.

You get the lease and other papers signed and start renting.
Shat start getting f-ed up and you find out later that there are 8 or 9 mofo's sleeping in the place at various times.
Skillet, Just out of prison Junebug, little sista and her band of bay-bay kids have all moved in with the original person on the lease.

They don't GAF cause nobody there is paying out their pocket.
They get kicked out, they take the guv-ment vouchers to some other "mark".
Cost of doing "business" for them.
So what was the problem? Did you put a lease termination clause in there?

I haven't had any problems.

I don't rent to Section 8.

Think about it.
a young woman with small kids doing nothing all day?

Devil's playground.....

Think about it again.

Lots of Men coming to cut
deadbeat relatives stacking in there, with there cutbuddies
and people constantly riding the front porch like the chick in the clip,
because they're bored
No Sir, take those Niggerish ways somewhere else!!
Man...................You screen 1 person that say 2 other will be staying there.
1 adult and 2 kids for example.
You meet and greet all 3 smiling faces.

You get the lease and other papers signed and start renting.
Shat start getting f-ed up and you find out later that there are 8 or 9 mofo's sleeping in the place at various times.
Skillet, Just out of prison Junebug, little sista and her band of bay-bay kids have all moved in with the original person on the lease.

They don't GAF cause nobody there is paying out their pocket.
They get kicked out, they take the guv-ment vouchers to some other "mark".
Cost of doing "business" for them.

100% correct.

MO kids = MO Gov'ment money

no G.E.D. nothing just BET, & fuggin all day with about 8- 15 people
stackin' in and out all day. I have too much of a conscious to help destroy a community like that by renting to them. no way :shame: