Soreness after exercising....


Postmaster General!!!
What do y'all do for it? Do you just continue to work out, or do you give your body a rest?

My abs, chest and arms are sore as hell. I hate push-ups with a passion. :mad:

You should exercise every other day or at least three to four times a week. Start with light weights and a lot of reps. The soreness comes from shock to your body or over doing it. Let your muscle heel a day or two before going back. I work upper body one day, legs the nex, and chest the next, which allows one part of your body to recover over the next two days. I also take baths in epson salt to help the pain.
You should exercise every other day or at least three to four times a week. Start with light weights and a lot of reps. The soreness comes from shock to your body or over doing it. Let your muscle heel a day or two before going back. I work upper body one day, legs the nex, and chest the next, which allows one part of your body to recover over the next two days. I also take baths in epson salt to help the pain.
oh, body's in shock and I'm over doing it. I've been working out everyday.
What do y'all do for it? Do you just continue to work out, or do you give your body a rest?

My abs, chest and arms are sore as hell. I hate push-ups with a passion. :mad:


Good point above.

Look...It take time to take weight off....So relax Billy Blanks.

What are you doing?
What do y'all do for it? Do you just continue to work out, or do you give your body a rest?

My abs, chest and arms are sore as hell. I hate push-ups with a passion. :mad:
I recently started working out and I am over doing it also. I was sore for about a week then it went away. During that week I took long hot showers after working out and that helped. You could soak in the tub like others have mentioned but I was never one to sit in the tub and soak. I'm learning now, thanks to delock, that it is just as important to rest as it is to work out...much like in music. If you work out everyday esp strength training, you will hit a brick wall like I did and that is discouraging as well as no fun.
Stretch before and after you work out. Lactic acid will do a number on you and come back for more.
I have a bad case of Lactic acid. I took 3 months off and Monday I hit the weights heavy. I will be doing back and shoulders heavy tonight.

Can you say pain...that is what I am in...that's okay because if feels good as L.

I will get my girl to rub me down tonight.
I have a bad case of Lactic acid. I took 3 months off and Monday I hit the weights heavy. I will be doing back and shoulders heavy tonight.

Can you say pain...that is what I am in...that's okay because if feels good as L.

I will get my girl to rub me down tonight.

You need to stretch before and after your work out to avoid it.

well i almost put a bullet to my head the other morning i woke up and my arms were so sore, but yesterday i sat in the sauna after my lower body work out, and i didn't wake up feeling a mess, and my arms felt a little better. i'm sure tomorrow might be a different situation though. i also used sports cream when it gets unbearable.
I usually go to the strip club. After getting my private dance form Coco I don't be as sore. She really has a way of relaxing me.
Soreness will go away eventually. Then you will experience a different kind of soreness/tightness after you workout. You will actually enjoy that kind. A warm shower and rest cures most ailments. There was a point when I had CRAZY chest soreness. Most nights I would have to BenGay it down. It felt good, and allowed me to sleep.
I generally strech during my workout.

There are keys to stretching:

1) NO-NO #1
Never STRETCH for exercise first thing in the morning without warming up and getting your blood circulating through unused muscles!! Particularly those who run first thing in the morning. Think about it. You will damage your muscle tissues by making them do things without blood circulating properly.

AFTER you have done a little heart-pumping slight warm-up (no less than 7 mins.), PLEASE STETCH!!!

STRETCH between isometric/weight-lifting sets. Helps elongate the muscles and keeps the tendons loose.


As far as pain?
...over doing it will hurt.
...first times will hurt.
...stopping all together will hurt.

BUT there are the "good hurts" and the "bad hurts"...

You will have to differentiate between "sore" and "pain" to know what I'm talking about. Sore is good. Pain is normally associated with damages occurred by tears, strains, pulls and breaks.

When performing exercises, you literally tear (micro-tears) muscle tissues so that they can rebuild into stronger tissues.

To make it go away?

1) Don't play "Hulk" on the first exercise day. Practice technique and form and THEN at the end of two weeks...increase your weight and or reps.

2) Beginners shouldn't do much isolatory or complex movement type exercises without knowledgeable trainers. Use the machines to help with symmetrical development. If all you have are dumbbells, it would be nice to have two....

3) MASSAGES....ahhhh. Don't forget to drink water after a deep-tissue massage.

You have to "trick" your body. You can NOT do the same exercises for more than 14 days and expect results. Your body is very smart. It will adapt. There are many exercises that work the same body parts and you should alternate not only because of your body's adaptation, but also because it can be boring.

Gotta go do some cardio....
