NBA Playoffs 2011

Chris Dimino of 790 has no love for the hawks. He's blasting them left and right on our local sports radio and tv shows. But I do agree with him as far as the teams attitude. I fell out when he said that Al Horford is thinking, "What have I done to deserve this". I also agree that Josh Smith has never met a shot he doesn't like. :lol: The rest of this series will be interesting.

Yeah, man Josh Smith has $3 million talent and 5 cent brain on the floor sometimes. I'm looking like, this is probably the most athletic cat on the floor and he doesn't want to use that athleticism to score easy baskets or create for others. Carlos Boozer can't move right now (with turf toe and two bad ankles) and Smith is allowing that cat to get off easy on the defensive end.

Teague is a guy who has played well so far in this series. I like his poise and decision-making at the PG position. The Hawks have a ton of talent, but sometimes they act like they don't care. They were asking to be blown out in Game 2. Only carelessness by the Bulls kept them in the game.

Yeah, this should be "fun," though.
Chris Dimino of 790 has no love for the hawks. He's blasting them left and right on our local sports radio and tv shows.
ummmm, so..... :scared::scared:

I doubt if anybody gaf!

I also agree that Josh Smith has never met a shot he doesn't like.
Josh is a hometown guy, but he shole aint a favorite. :retard: (will leave it at that)

LOL@8 to 5
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Yeah, man Josh Smith has $3 million talent and 5 cent brain on the floor sometimes. I'm looking like, this is probably the most athletic cat on the floor and he doesn't want to use that athleticism to score easy baskets or create for others. Carlos Boozer can't move right now (with turf toe and two bad ankles) and Smith is allowing that cat to get off easy on the defensive end.

Teague is a guy who has played well so far in this series. I like his poise and decision-making at the PG position. The Hawks have a ton of talent, but sometimes they act like they don't care. They were asking to be blown out in Game 2. Only carelessness by the Bulls kept them in the game.

Yeah, this should be "fun," though.

As far the 5 cent Basketball brain, that is most of the young players today. They can run and dunk, but very little basketball knowledge.
Rondo got heart!!!!! No way in hell i thought he was coming back after that elbow bend. OUCH!!!! then to come back and make a steal on Bosh with that same arm.
Rondo got heart!!!!! No way in hell i thought he was coming back after that elbow bend. OUCH!!!! then to come back and make a steal on Bosh with that same arm.

The Heat let him finish the game. No way in hell he would have finished in the Old NBA. No one bumped his arm, or made him run thru screens. They were basically giving him a pass.
The Heat let him finish the game. No way in hell he would have finished in the Old NBA. No one bumped his arm, or made him run thru screens. They were basically giving him a pass.

The Cs is my team... but they could have easily trapped a one arm dribbler.. let's be real.. No way he should be out there as a point guard witrh one arm drin=bblin in the NBA
The Cs is my team... but they could have easily trapped a one arm dribbler.. let's be real.. No way he should be out there as a point guard witrh one arm drin=bblin in the NBA

I know. Its like the Heat felt sorry for him, and backed off of him lol.
well-fought series, good season, Ray and Doc are always class acts and it's always awesome to see a team go out fighting instead of limping away as the other team takes it. These guys are winners for the championship they have, but also they are winners at heart, they're competitors and it is a pleasure to watch them play any chance I get.

well-fought series, good season, Ray and Doc are always class acts and it's always awesome to see a team go out fighting instead of limping away as the other team takes it. These guys are winners for the championship they have, but also they are winners at heart, they're competitors and it is a pleasure to watch them play any chance I get.


Whatever Tony. Those guys have been bounced out the playoff three years in a row with no title. Way worse than one little sweep after making it to the finals 3 years in a row and winning two out of the three..
Whatever Tony. Those guys have been bounced out the playoff three years in a row with no title. Way worse than one little sweep after making it to the finals 3 years in a row and winning two out of the three..

you're right Perkins knee blowing out
and Rondo's arm being snapped into pieces
had nothing to do with it.
thank goodness for our 08' ring

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and a far as the Lakers, they were completely outclassed,
the Celtics were victims of misfortune.
a healthy KG gives them their 2nd ring
a healthy Perk gives them their 3rd ring
a healthy Rondo...oh well you get the idea

see ya next season.....
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and a far as the Lakers, they were completely outclassed,
the Celtics were victims of misfortune.
a healthy KG gives them their 2nd ring
a healthy Perk gives them their 3rd ring
a healthy Rondo...oh well you get the idea

see ya next season.....

Injuries are a part of the game.
A healthy Bynum and the Lakers would have had the three peat last season...
No way!

we'll line it up again next season, until then
we got moves to make in the off season

The Championship in 08 went 6 games. The Lakers had you down by 25 in a game but had not one to contend with Both Garnett,Perkins and Leon Poe.. Had we had a healthy Bynum to defend Poe and Perkins then we would have faired better. And lets not talk about injuries. Kobe been playing on a bumb knee,finger ,hamie for 4 seasons now...
The Championship in 08 went 6 games. The Lakers had you down by 25 in a game but had not one to contend with Both Garnett,Perkins and Leon Poe.. Had we had a healthy Bynum to defend Poe and Perkins then we would have faired better. And lets not talk about injuries. Kobe been playing on a bumb knee,finger ,hamie for 4 seasons now...

Same as when Perk knee blew out.

But check,
the Big 4 + Doc + some help may make one more run @ it.

what y'all gone do if you don't get CP3 or Howard?
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Whatever Tony. Those guys have been bounced out the playoff three years in a row with no title. Way worse than one little sweep after making it to the finals 3 years in a row and winning two out of the three..

one little sweep, naw that sweep by the German and the mulatto with a healthy Laker team is major lol
Same as when Perk knee blew out.

But check,
the Big 4 + Doc + some help may make one more run @ it.

what y'all gone do if you don't get CP3 or Howard?

Dude it's called matchups and we didn't match up well with Dallas. We will return all our players with some added depth and be right back in the mix. Boston is older than the Lakers.
Garnet,allen and Pierce are all older or the same age as Kobe. Gasol,Bynum and Odom are younger. Add a swing man that can shoot and a decent pointgaurd and we in the finals.
one little sweep, naw that sweep by the German and the mulatto with a healthy Laker team is major lol

daboom we went to the finals three years in a row. Tired legs kept us out of the final this year so now we can rest, heal some injuries and regroup. Boston is older than us point blank. Shoout Ray,Pierce and Garnett all the same age as Kobe.

Now I really need to address you all out war on my team. The Lakers have been Sweep before as has Boston so give it a rest. You were given a win by Miami when they didn't play Rhondo hard. Bottom line you were bounced 4-1 and have not won a title in the last three years with an aging team.

Oh we fought too. The Lakers led all three of the first games and they went down to the end when Dallas out played a tired unmotivated team with nothing to prove. Now they have Motivation and somethig to prove.