Creflo Dollar Tells Eddie Long’s Former Church Members “Go Backâ€￾

Nah, JayRob.

While you're right that they are only doing what they've been taught to do, my Bible says to rebuke them sharply.

nevaehinvesting said that I should read my Bible. That's what I'm doing. Reading.

More from the Apostle Paul:

10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:
11 Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.
12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.
13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;
14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.
15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

Titus 1 : 10 - 16

Vain talkers and deceivers. Teaching the commandments of men that turn away from the truth. Paul says to rebuke them sharply because their mouths must be shut or they will subvert whole houses. Teaching things that shouldn't be taught for money's sake.

Preachers shouldn't make fundamental mistakes like this. But, when they make a mistake in front of the people they need to be called on it in front of the people.

Reading my Bible like nevaehinvesting says I should .... :read:

Rebuke them sharply so they can be sound in the faith ....
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Black folks will condem a man to hell and gloat in his failure for getting some puddin, but will protect the heck out of a gay, rump runner.

Amen. The Money Pimp is protecting the Gay Pimp...:smh::smh::smh:.

On another note, it must really pay to preach your sermon on television. How much do these preachers get paid to be a televangelist?

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Can you all have an intelligent conversation without quoting bible scriptures?

No, we can't. Not concerning religious principles. We can't.

"Prove all things: hold fast that which is good." - 1 Thessalonians 5:21

If their position is right, they should be able to go to the Bible and prove it.

They can't. They only have one scripture which they've misused to mislead the people and that's it.

But, it doesn't work that way. You can't take one misapplied scripture and run with it. That's how "commandments of men" are created. Like go back and sit under a corrupt preacher and forgive him and "restore" him.
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You want to know why these pimps can still get up in the pulpit and preach even though they have fooled the masses? This is why.

"I don't think Bishop Long can do anything worse than what Judas did, and God still loved him," New Birth member Thomas Kirkpatrick said.

Kirkpatrick compared pastors to doctors.

"There are people who we trust with our lives every day, like doctors, who do all sorts of things, but we don't question them. This is our spiritual medicine. We come here to get what we need and then we leave."

When asked if there was anything that would cause him to stop attending New Birth, Kirkpatrick lowered his head and paused before he finally said:

"The church would have to close."
No, he has not (according to reports) and that's why the settlement went from $15 to $25 million, because he refused to give a public apology.

Anybody who continues to follow Long is a fool. Even Bernice King (MLK's daughter) left his church immediately after the settlement came out.

I (and anybody else) can forgive and pray for that man and his ministry from a distance. But to continue to follow him is just madness.

That $25 mil. could have gone back to the church where it belongs if he's handing it out like that. I wonder will he be able to tithe now or pay a portion back to God. Creflo want to send members back to New Birth, but those new millionaires that Long gave the $25 mil. to will be talked into staying at Creflo's own Mega Church.
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Nah, JayRob.

While you're right that they are only doing what they've been taught to do, my Bible says to rebuke them sharply.

nevaehinvesting said that I should read my Bible. That's what I'm doing. Reading.


Oh no you didn’t…. lol ok Here’s a scripture Eph 4:29 …don’t let perverse language come out of your mouth but rather only what builds people up….

You read that one? Yes? Then why you over posting about someone else’s sins on this thread, then go over to other threads and use words like ‘fuggin’ ‘shat’ ‘shyt’ ‘b*tch’ etc? You even take the Lord’s name in vain by saying G*d-D….. <excuse me lord. Christians say some crazy stuff on here.

That’s the problem with YOU & E. Long. Both you & E. Long quote scriptures and condemn certain sins but you both have a history of publicly “willing sinning” when you know it’s wrong.

So according to the scriptures you posted, neither one of y’all saved, right? I won’t mention your views on “getting head in the morning & riding reverse cowgirl” etc. & You reppin Christ???? And condemning others??? Wow!!!

I don’t know the details of your life but I know what you post on the world wide web via swacpage which is: scriptures today on this thread, cursing tomorrow on another topic. And you have a history of it i.e. “willing sinning.” Yours is different sin, but still sounds very Eddie Long-ish to me….

I challenge you to go 1 month without willfully cursing or taking our God’s name in vain on swacpage (since you Christ representative according to Paul) before you label someone else not a real christian or not a real preacher. It’ll help your witness. Starting…

The above is why the bible says instead of pointing out the tooth pick in someone eye, get the telephone pole out of your own eye….

I’ll answer your other questions after I eat later….

p.s. Joel Osteen has awesome teachings on “words you let come out of your mouth”. You should get it. It’ll ‘motivate’ you thru scriptures to stop cussing so much Ms. Christian. Also, you have a couple of non-christians plus 1 ATHEIST on here supporting you. That don't tell you something???
I'm still waiting ....

My faults are wide open for everyone to see and I'll willingly confess to them. But, I'm not a "bishop" and no one is putting me over their church. Unlike your beloved Eddie Long ....

Can you give me one example or not?

Oh no you didn’t…. lol ok Here’s a scripture Eph 4:29 …don’t let perverse language come out of your mouth but rather only what builds people up….

You read that one? Yes? Then why you over posting about someone else’s sins on this thread, then go over to other threads and use words like ‘fuggin’ ‘shat’ ‘shyt’ ‘b*tch’ etc? You even take the Lord’s name in vain by saying G*d-D….. <excuse me lord. Christians say some crazy stuff on here.

That’s the problem with YOU & E. Long. Both you & E. Long quote scriptures and condemn certain sins but you both have a history of publicly “willing sinning” when you know it’s wrong.

So according to the scriptures you posted, neither one of y’all saved, right? I won’t mention your views on “getting head in the morning & riding reverse cowgirl” etc. & You reppin Christ???? And condemning others??? Wow!!!

I don’t know the details of your life but I know what you post on the world wide web via swacpage which is: scriptures today on this thread, cursing tomorrow on another topic. And you have a history of it i.e. “willing sinning.” Yours is different sin, but still sounds very Eddie Long-ish to me….

I challenge you to go 1 month without willfully cursing or taking our God’s name in vain on swacpage (since you Christ representative according to Paul) before you label someone else not a real christian or not a real preacher. It’ll help your witness. Starting…

The above is why the bible says instead of pointing out the tooth pick in someone eye, get the telephone pole out of your own eye….

I’ll answer your other questions after I eat later….

p.s. Joel Osteen has awesome teachings on “words you let come out of your mouth”. You should get it. It’ll ‘motivate’ you thru scriptures to stop cussing so much Ms. Christian. Also, you have a couple of non-christians plus 1 ATHEIST on here supporting you. That don't tell you something???

What does being a non-christian or atheist have to do with anything? Heck, some of us seem to know the bible better than you do, especially in this case.

You're sitting here issuing out protective words on behalf of a liar, deceiver, sex-fiend and a man of questionable character in Long, yet can find the time to try and condemn others for making logical comments and asking logical questions? That's hypocrisy at it's best.
Folks should be questioning why ministers would be encouraging members to return to Long's church, and for good reason.

As close as assistant pastors stick to the lead minister, I can almost bet that some of Long's closest assistant pastors KNEW what he was doing, but due to selfish means and them not wanting to lose their cashcow and status, they kept the deceit from the congregation. Yet Dollar has the nerve to ask these already distraught people to return to an environment of corrupt leaders? I wonder if Long paid Creflo a few dollars to put out such a request? I wouldn't put it past him, especially if he didn't have a problem giving away 25 million.

And one more thing, whether I'm an atheist, non-believer or believer, right is right and wrong is wrong. THAT'S the issue at hand.
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p.s. Joel Osteen has awesome teachings on “words you let come out of your mouthâ€￾. You should get it. It’ll ‘motivate’ you thru scriptures to stop cussing so much Ms. Christian. Also, you have a couple of non-christians plus 1 ATHEIST on here supporting you. That don't tell you something???

Your boy Joel said he doesn't even like to use the word sin or sinner because he doesn't want to seem like he's beating people up or condemning people. Your boy Joel said he believes the Mormons are true Christians.
He even describes himself as a motivator and a coach.
He says live your best life now and be prosperous in this world when God said don't be conformed to this world and store up treasures in heaven.

Just because someone who may not be of the faith is supporting a certain point of view doesn't mean it is necessarily wrong for them to bring up valid points or critiques. Sometimes it is best to step away from the painting to see the whole picture.

It saddens me as someone who tries hard to do right and follow Christ that you don't see how wrong this Long situation is. That man shouldn't be preaching and selling anointing oil on the church's web site when he hasn't admitted to the congregation that he sodomized boys and is a homosexual. Nor has he asked for forgiveness. This man said he was going to fight the charges against him.

However, he cowered and agreed to a $25 million settlement because he didn't want more the skeletons to fall out of his closet.

Yeah, we all have screwed up in this life, but that doesn't mean we should not point out sin, especially when that person is supposed to be leading a group of people in the faith.

Folks saying he who without sin cast the first stone to quiet people down contribute to these pimps getting away with adultery, molestation, theft and other transgressions.

When the daughter of MLK Jr. leaves your church shouldn't that tell you something?

Oh no you didn’t…. lol ok Here’s a scripture Eph 4:29 …don’t let perverse language come out of your mouth but rather only what builds people up….

You read that one? Yes? Then why you over posting about someone else’s sins on this thread, then go over to other threads and use words like ‘fuggin’ ‘shat’ ‘shyt’ ‘b*tch’ etc? You even take the Lord’s name in vain by saying G*d-D….. <excuse me lord. Christians say some crazy stuff on here.

That’s the problem with YOU & E. Long. Both you & E. Long quote scriptures and condemn certain sins but you both have a history of publicly “willing sinning†when you know it’s wrong.

So according to the scriptures you posted, neither one of y’all saved, right? I won’t mention your views on “getting head in the morning & riding reverse cowgirl†etc. & You reppin Christ???? And condemning others??? Wow!!!

I don’t know the details of your life but I know what you post on the world wide web via swacpage which is: scriptures today on this thread, cursing tomorrow on another topic. And you have a history of it i.e. “willing sinning.†Yours is different sin, but still sounds very Eddie Long-ish to me….

I challenge you to go 1 month without willfully cursing or taking our God’s name in vain on swacpage (since you Christ representative according to Paul) before you label someone else not a real christian or not a real preacher. It’ll help your witness. Starting…

The above is why the bible says instead of pointing out the tooth pick in someone eye, get the telephone pole out of your own eye….

I’ll answer your other questions after I eat later….

p.s. Joel Osteen has awesome teachings on “words you let come out of your mouthâ€. You should get it. It’ll ‘motivate’ you thru scriptures to stop cussing so much Mr. Christian. Also, you have a couple of non-christians plus 1 ATHEIST on here supporting you. That don't tell you something???

I didn't even read this post the first time around. I just briefly scanned it and saw that the attention was focused on me rather than answering the question. I expect that and I'm surprised somebody didn't do it sooner.

Then, I read it. And noticed your challenge. Son, you are on.

But, I 'll issue my own challenge. I want you or dacon to show me where God put a man out of his will over the church or admit that you're supporting false doctrine.


Because that's what this is about. So-called preachers and religious folks spreading false doctrine.

...It's unfortunate that you throw your lot in with "Dr. Dollar" and "most pastors". But, I guess you know yourself better than anyone else.

...You have to make a decision. Whether you want to stand with these people or do you want to stand with the truth.
As far as the congregation goes, these people need to be worried about their own personal salvation. In 1 Corinthians 11 : 1, Paul states "be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ." It would be logical to expect any pastor we choose to minister to us to also be following Christ. If he is not, then it is highly unlikely that he can lead us to Paul, much less Christ and salvation. Therefore, they cannot follow him.

We can forgive him and pray that he is restored if he ever was saved, but it is up to him and God to take care of that. Again, the congregation needs to be concerned with their own salvation, not Eddie Long's.

Save yourself from this untoward generation. It seems that Eddie Long and all of us are in the same boat.

Save yourselves from this untoward generation ....
No worries about salvation. Jesus purchased that with His own blood. It is a free gift. The members of New Birth need to be concerned about all of the members of New Birth, including Eddie Long, the fella that came for the first time on Mother's Day, the hooker that just hangs out in the parking lot, and the homosexual that is trying get into the music department. They are all souls that Jesus died for. Yes, it is still that body thing.

Once again, I do not recall a single post in this thread suggesting that anyone should follow an unrestored person of any stature. The call has been to help those persons to be restored.
I didn't even read this post the first time around. I just briefly scanned it and saw that the attention was focused on me rather than answering the question. I expect that and I'm surprised somebody didn't do it sooner.

Then, I read it. And noticed your challenge. Son, you are on.

But, I 'll issue my own challenge. I want you or dacon to show me where God put a man out of his will over the church or admit that you're supporting false doctrine.


Because that's what this is about. So-called preachers and religious folks spreading false doctrine.

Sorry. I and nevaehinvesting have been talking about the ministry of reconciliation spoken of in 2 Cor 5. Jesus is the only one over the church and the only one who ever will be.

Now, there are plenty of pastors of churches who were outside of the will of God when the got there and remain so. They got into those positions in a myriad of ways. God will sort that out and hold them accountable. There is no account of such persons being placed over churches in the New Testament...unless you count the pastors of the seven churches in Asia Minor as recorded in Revelation 2-3. Though the issues could have been different, the call to them was to repent and come back to God. I think we are saying the same thing to Eddie Long and anyone else walking awry.

False doctrine? Hardly. It is the essence of the gospel.
That $25 mil. could have gone back to the church where it belongs if he's handing it out like that. I wonder will he be able to tithe now or pay a portion back to God. Creflo want to send members back to New Birth, but those new millionaires that Long gave the $25 mil. to will be talked into staying at Creflo's own Mega Church.
I don't know the details of how New Birth is setup, but chances are that you are wrong about this. Most (smart) churches these days have insurance policies to cover this type of thing. Due diligence with background screenings and such are required with such policies - though that might not have helped in this case at all.
No, Dac didn't.
Dac misapplied the restoration scripture. Period.

Also, Dac is either totally unaware of another fundamental principle about officers of the church or he's purposefully misleading us here. Either way, there's a problem with his soundness in the scriptures.
Rather than defend myself, I will ask you to please provide the proper application.

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Infected sheep?
Start spreading a disease? What disease?
If you have been around church folks who have moved from one congregation to another, then you have probably encountered a few who bring with them the same diseases that attached to them at their previous location: strife, backbiting, gossip,etc. Nothing new. People who leave church A for church B because they are disgruntled about something have a way of impacting people in church B with their disgruntled nature. It is just something that church B wants to avoid.

That is not to characterize everyone that moves the same way. All I am saying is go back and clean up the mess and get healthy. If God impresses you to move on after that process is complete, then move on.
If you have been around church folks who have moved from one congregation to another, then you have probably encountered a few who bring with them the same diseases that attached to them at their previous location: strife, backbiting, gossip,etc. Nothing new. People who leave church A for church B because they are disgruntled about something have a way of impacting people in church B with their disgruntled nature. It is just something that church B wants to avoid.

That is not to characterize everyone that moves the same way. All I am saying is go back and clean up the mess and get healthy. If God impresses you to move on after that process is complete, then move on.

1. Man, those people who have left New Birth or are considering leaving New Birth should be free to worship anywhere they please. Those folks just want to be in an environment that is not surrounded by lawsuits, accusations, uncertainty and deceit created by their pastor.

I'm assuming those people want to distance themselves from all of that and get a fresh start where the leadership is not entangled in such matters and where they can be taught sound doctrine. Not be taught by a wolf in sheep's clothing.

I wouldn't call that potentially spreading a disease. I would call that freeing themselves from a false prophet.

2. What mess did the members create that needs to be cleaned up? It was Eddie Long who created the mess for unsuspecting and innocent members to unfairly deal with. He should take the steps necessary to clean it up. He, as a pastor and as leader, doesn't even have the respect to apologize publicly to his members for what he put them through the last couple of years. That is wrong. So wrong.

Man, all this rhetoric you and nevaehinvesting are spitting is disheartening to say the least.
dac, just stop. Stop. This too serious for you to be playing with folks like this.

Just to refresh your memory, you said:

While I am not the biggest of Creflo Dollar fans on the planet, he is right this time.

... about this video:

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>

Watch that video again and see what you agreed to.

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Nice thought, but your confession tells me that you are not my brother.

Secondly, there is absolutely no fire here. The Word is quite clear and succinct: restore my brother.

See, stuff like this shows your lack of scriptural soundness.

JayRob is not your brother, but Eddie Long is? Eddie Long is your brother. Very interesting.

I wonder what Jesus has to say about that:

31 There came then his brethren and his mother, and, standing without, sent unto him, calling him.
32 And the multitude sat about him, and they said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee.
33 And he answered them, saying, Who is my mother, or my brethren?
34 And he looked round about on them which sat about him, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren!
35 For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.

Mark 3: 31 - 35

I wonder if a pattern of hypocrisy and lying - "preaching" against homosexuality while playing in boy's booty holes the whole time is doing the will of God.


You have interesting brothers, dacon. They don't seem to be like Jesus' brothers at all. Does that say anything about you?

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I didn't even read this post the first time around. I just briefly scanned it and saw that the attention was focused on me rather than answering the question. I expect that and I'm surprised somebody didn't do it sooner.

Then, I read it. And noticed your challenge. Son, you are on.

But, I 'll issue my own challenge. I want you or dacon to show me where God put a man out of his will over the church or admit that you're supporting false doctrine.


Because that's what this is about. So-called preachers and religious folks spreading false doctrine.

As Dac said no ‘man’ is over the church. But if you mean show you a leadership position that was kept after long time sin was committed; Eli the priest that you named, he was punished, not demoted, even though he kept his evil sons around.

Show me where Eli the priest had his priesthood taken away. Not saying it didn't happen, but maybe I missed it; so show me. The other people you named weren’t pastors, bishops, etc either.

I guess that’s what you’re looking for? My point is that most sin is ‘willful.’ We normally know it’s wrong before we do it no matter what position we have. Lying, judging, fornication, lust, etc.

Your own pastor might sin once per week. He doesn’t do 52 different sins each year. Some are the same sins over and over, even though he knows better. Yet, he still up there preaching.

BTW you can go longer than the agreed upon 1 month w/o willful cussing since you’re a christian.
Your boy Joel said he doesn't even like to use the word sin or sinner because he doesn't want to seem like he's beating people up or condemning people. Your boy Joel said he believes the Mormons are true Christians.
He even describes himself as a motivator and a coach.
He says live your best life now and be prosperous in this world when God said don't be conformed to this world and store up treasures in heaven.

Just because someone who may not be of the faith is supporting a certain point of view doesn't mean it is necessarily wrong for them to bring up valid points or critiques. Sometimes it is best to step away from the painting to see the whole picture.

It saddens me as someone who tries hard to do right and follow Christ that you don't see how wrong this Long situation is. That man shouldn't be preaching and selling anointing oil on the church's web site when he hasn't admitted to the congregation that he sodomized boys and is a homosexual. Nor has he asked for forgiveness. This man said he was going to fight the charges against him.

However, he cowered and agreed to a $25 million settlement because he didn't want more the skeletons to fall out of his closet.

Yeah, we all have screwed up in this life, but that doesn't mean we should not point out sin, especially when that person is supposed to be leading a group of people in the faith.

Folks saying he who without sin cast the first stone to quiet people down contribute to these pimps getting away with adultery, molestation, theft and other transgressions.

When the daughter of MLK Jr. leaves your church shouldn't that tell you something?
Who cares if Joel doesn’t use the word “sin” as much as you think he should. Your pastor might use it 100 times per Sunday? Has it stopped you from doing what you do?

Joel teaches from the bible every week and gets his point across. Out of all of Jesus’ teachings, stories, parables, sermons etc throughout the gospels He used the word “sin” for teaching purposes maybe 6-7 times. Jesus got his point across the same way Joel does, some scriptures plus a lot of stories.

"Love & Kindness" draws people he says.

Besides, it’s about the fruit that you or your ministry produces.

***I watched Dallas win tonight and people criticize Lebron & Dwade. Their critics & haters watching at home cannot jump high, can’t shoot a basketball, can’t get endorsements, can’t sell their own shoes, can’t coach, etc. The only thing that their critics will do is sit at home with their feet up and watch them on tv to criticize them. They’re basketball critics.

***That’s like you and Lakewood. You are a ministry critic. You do not go to africa to build bible colleges. You don’t go to india to perform surgeries on poor children. You don’t fund Christian programs locally & nationally & inter-nationally. You don’t send aid, food, clothes, etc to disaster areas around the world and pray with the people there.

You don’t have a storage area with millions of letters from people around the world saying “thanks, I accepted Jesus from watching your ministry.”

No. All you do is sit in your living room, put your feet up, and criticize what you see active Christians doing on tv.

Lakewood will continue to produce fruit for God in Houston, the US, and around the world saving people. You……you will continue to do what you’re doing now. No swacpage thread and posts will ever change that.

p.s. as a Christian, you can at least be glad that Lakewood does the things listed above plus 100 times more stuff for the kingdom of God, right? I mean, who else is going overseas to spread the gospel, you? lol :)
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Who cares if Joel doesn’t use the word “sin” as much as you think he should. Your pastor might use it 100 times per Sunday? Has it stopped you from doing what you do?

Joel teaches from the bible every week and gets his point across. Out of all of Jesus’ teachings, stories, parables, sermons etc throughout the gospels He used the word “sin” for teaching purposes maybe 6-7 times. Jesus got his point across the same way Joel does, some scriptures plus a lot of stories.

"Love & Kindness" draws people he says.

Besides, it’s about the fruit that you or your ministry produces.

***I watched Dallas win tonight and people criticize Lebron & Dwade. Their critics & haters watching at home cannot jump high, can’t shoot a basketball, can’t get endorsements, can’t sell their own shoes, can’t coach, etc. The only thing that their critics will do is sit at home with their feet up and watch them on tv to criticize them. They’re basketball critics.

***That’s like you and Lakewood. You are a ministry critic. You do not go to africa to build bible colleges. You don’t go to india to perform surgeries on poor children. You don’t fund Christian programs locally & nationally & inter-nationally. You don’t send aid, food, clothes, etc to disaster areas around the world and pray with the people there.

You don’t have a storage area with millions of letters from people around the world saying “thanks, I accepted Jesus from watching your ministry.”

No. All you do is sit in your living room, put your feet up, and criticize what you see active Christians doing on tv.

Lakewood will continue to produce fruit for God in Houston, the US, and around the world saving people. You……you will continue to do what you’re doing now. No swacpage thread and posts will ever change that.

p.s. as a Christian, you can at least be glad that Lakewood does the things listed above plus 100 times more stuff for the kingdom of God, right? I mean, who else is going overseas to spread the gospel, you? lol :)

Nobody is should criticize anyone or anything when there is nothing to criticize. But when there is something to criticize then one would have to expect there to be some examination of those matters.

When you play in the NBA Finals in front of millions of people or you are a MEGA CHURCH preacher with thousands of members one would have to expect for those people to be placed under the microscope because of who they are and the positions they hold.
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As Dac said no ‘man’ is over the church. But if you mean show you a leadership position that was kept after long time sin was committed; Eli the priest that you named, he was punished, not demoted, even though he kept his evil sons around.

Show me where Eli the priest had his priesthood taken away. Not saying it didn't happen, but maybe I missed it; so show me. The other people you named weren’t pastors, bishops, etc either.

I guess that’s what you’re looking for? My point is that most sin is ‘willful.’ We normally know it’s wrong before we do it no matter what position we have. Lying, judging, fornication, lust, etc.

Your own pastor might sin once per week. He doesn’t do 52 different sins each year. Some are the same sins over and over, even though he knows better. Yet, he still up there preaching.

BTW you can go longer than the agreed upon 1 month w/o willful cussing since you’re a christian.

In other words, you can't do it.

I'm not going to let you guys use semantics to get out of this one. You both know that I was referring to holding an office in the church - especially the office of bishop. You've both slithered and weaseled. dacon is on here telling outright lies. Talking about he doesn't "recall a single post in this thread suggesting that anyone should follow an unrestored person of any stature" when in the video - that he supports - Creflo Dollar repeatedly says the people should go back to New Birth. Eddie Long has not confessed. He has not stepped down. A call to go back to New Birth is a call to go back to a crooked pastor. dacon clearly said he agrees with that and then conveniently changed his position to only be about restoration and now doesn't "recall" supporting telling people to go back to sit under a corrupt "bishop". Outright lies. From a so-called preacher. This is shameful. :smh:

And neither of you ... still ... can't find one biblical example to support your view. You're still grasping at straws and using innuendo to try to justify your wicked position with no biblical foundation at all. Shameful. :smh:

Lastly, I've never claimed to be a Christian. From what I understand, the word Christian means "Christ-like" and it's well documented that I don't live a Christ-like life. To me, being a Christian is more than believing in God and going to church which is what I do. Maybe I'm still "working out my salvation" as is mentioned in Philippians 2:12. However, that doesn't mean that I should be naive and blindly follow anything you lying preachers and religious folks spout.

Yet, I will live up to my commitment although you can't prove your position. I guess that would be the Christian thing to do.
1. Man, those people who have left New Birth or are considering leaving New Birth should be free to worship anywhere they please. Those folks just want to be in an environment that is not surrounded by lawsuits, accusations, uncertainty and deceit created by their pastor.

I'm assuming those people want to distance themselves from all of that and get a fresh start where the leadership is not entangled in such matters and where they can be taught sound doctrine. Not be taught by a wolf in sheep's clothing.

I wouldn't call that potentially spreading a disease. I would call that freeing themselves from a false prophet.

2. What mess did the members create that needs to be cleaned up? It was Eddie Long who created the mess for unsuspecting and innocent members to unfairly deal with. He should take the steps necessary to clean it up. He, as a pastor and as leader, doesn't even have the respect to apologize publicly to his members for what he put them through the last couple of years. That is wrong. So wrong.

Man, all this rhetoric you and nevaehinvesting are spitting is disheartening to say the least.
Those people ARE free to leave and worship elsewhere. It is perfectly understandable for them to want to find a different environment. They did not create the mess; Eddie Long did. I get it, completely. I have been there myself.

I make these statements regarding the process of restoration out of experiencing the biblical principles in action and not just reading about them.