Creflo Dollar Tells Eddie Long’s Former Church Members “Go Backâ€￾

<b>"Stick your hand in the fire one more time dummy, it won't burn! It's nice and cool this time."</b>

I SWEAR I don't understand how stuck on dumb some folk are and why they continue to co-exist w/ the rest of us who aren't. :D lol :emlaugh:

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Thanks for asking.

I have TWICE been THE assistant pastor when the senior pastor has had a failure. The first thing that came to mind in each case was:
Gal 6:1-2,7
6:1 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness ; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. 2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ... 7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

In the first case, the restoration process took 5 years (divorced), but it held that church together. I was pleased to perform the remarriage the pastor and his wife, and the church thrived. We then got to leave. At the next church, the pastor and wife again ran into trouble just as God had given us a Word to start a new church body. We stayed 6 months weeks for them to be recovered and it held that church together.

What Dr. Dollar is talking about is as much for New Birth and the ministries that will be born out of it as it is for Eddie Long. The only thing that I might have done differently was to tell them to first go back and see Pastor Long restored and the church stabilized. If God then gives you a word to move, follow that word. But, to abdicate because the deal went bad is failing to love your brother and it is wrong.

If I had a failure, I would want someone to love me enough to take the time to restore me.

HE DIDN'T EVEN ADMIT HIS FAILURE!!! Dacon are you ONE of "them"?
HE DIDN'T EVEN ADMIT HIS FAILURE!!! Dacon are you ONE of "them"?

Nah, Man. I am a dude just trying to follow what the Bible says. If Long does not want to follow the principles of Scripture, he will end up like Jimmy Swaggart before him: a shell of his former self. If he does what is right, he could rightfully take the helm of New Birth again in the future. The best thing he can do right now is to step aside and receive the counsel of trusted leaders who love him enough to hold him accountable.
The best thing he can do right now is to step aside and receive the counsel of trusted leaders who love him enough to hold him accountable.

How 'bout step aside and just receive the counsel of GOD? Trusted leaders in his circle? They're probably corrupt, too...
If he can't be honest about the things he's done and repent, I don't see why he needs to be in the pulpit EVER again. How you can teach the masses when you're still living a lie? :retard:
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Nah, Man. I am a dude just trying to follow what the Bible says. If Long does not want to follow the principles of Scripture, he will end up like Jimmy Swaggart before him: a shell of his former self. If he does what is right, he could rightfully take the helm of New Birth again in the future. The best thing he can do right now is to step aside and receive the counsel of trusted leaders who love him enough to hold him accountable.

Quick questions ....

Do you consider buying cars, renting apartments, lying to the congregation not to mention diddling boy's booty holes overtaken in a fault? Wouldn't that be a pattern and he just got caught?

Since you're interested in trying to follow what the Bible says, what does it say about willful sin?

What about the qualifications of a Bishop? Isn't there something about "a Bishop must be blameless"? Did I read that or did I imagine that? What happens if a Bishop doesn't meet those qualifications?
How 'bout step aside and just receive the counsel of GOD? Trusted leaders in his circle? They're probably corrupt, too...
If he can't be honest about the things he's done and repent, I don't see why he needs to be in the pulpit EVER again. How you can teach the masses when you're still living a lie? :retard:

One thing I have learned about pastors, preachers, bishops, whatever is that they stick together like a fraternity. You won't get any of them to really speak out against Long. They may talk amongst each other in PRIVATE, but in public it's not happening. It must go against the "CODE" or something...:noidea:
One thing I have learned about pastors, preachers, bishops, whatever is that they stick together like a fraternity. You won't get any of them to really speak out against Long. They may talk amongst each other in PRIVATE, but in public it's not happening. It must go against the "CODE" or something...:noidea:

That's a clue in itself. A pastor should stick with God only. Forget people. When you see them sticking together instead of with the Word ... watch out.
One thing I have learned about pastors, preachers, bishops, whatever is that they stick together like a fraternity. You won't get any of them to really speak out against Long. They may talk amongst each other in PRIVATE, but in public it's not happening. It must go against the "CODE" or something...:noidea:

That's 'cause it's about 'dem dollars!
When these preachers have conferences and have them as guest speakers at their churches, it's ALL about those Benjamins.
When they don't speak against each other or stand for another, it ain't all 'cause of the love of God or their fellow brother, they're considering their own greedy pockets. :tdown:
That's a clue in itself. A pastor should stick with God only. Forget people. When you see them sticking together instead of with the Word ... watch out.

One would FIRST need to know/learn the word in order to know what to "watch out" for. That is the primary problem with most of the folks in here who are pointing fingers. It is easy for a person to label a pastor as "a pimp" because its probably too hard for that person to take the time to learn the word.
One would FIRST need to know/learn the word in order to know what to "watch out" for. That is the primary problem with most of the folks in here who are pointing fingers. It is easy for a person to label a pastor as "a pimp" because its probably too hard for that person to take the time to learn the word.

HUH?? who's pointing fingers. A Bishop shouldnt be carrying on the way this Eddie Long has and even as he did mess up he should put his pride aside and confess and repent. That aint hard at all
HUH?? who's pointing fingers. A Bishop shouldnt be carrying on the way this Eddie Long has and even as he did mess up he should put his pride aside and confess and repent. That aint hard at all

He going to hell faster than OJ... With Gasoline draws and muscle shirts!

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HUH?? who's pointing fingers. A Bishop shouldnt be carrying on the way this Eddie Long has and even as he did mess up he should put his pride aside and confess and repent. That aint hard at all

I agree. What is your point?
Hush money does not equal asking for forgiveness and repentance. The fact that he paid hush money means he had more to hide. He didn't pay because of the pictures we saw. He paid for the pictures he didn't want us to see. And I am sure, there are more men out there waiting to blackmail him.
why dont Spike Lee speak out against these 2 well known crooks. this is a damn shame. compared himself to Jesus????....Jesus????

If he would never see any money from the hood ever again. When you got SHEEP under your control you can make them do anything and support what you want.

How do you think all these black folks in political ofice keep getting reelected? Yet have done nothing to help improve hood life?

Creflo 4 quarters got a mansion in atlanta and a million dollar house in Manhattan one of the richest cities in the world??

Boom,, what is the one thing that is DRILLED into church members? When I video events for preachers such as new ones being sworned into a new church or preacher conferences-I hear this all the time-

"A CHURCH IS TO TAKE CARE OF ITS PREACHER." He is to have the best of everything because he is a reflection of the church. How many preachers you know have full time jobs outside of the church? I know very few who don't.

we wonder why people don't go to church these days.

Most people don't go to church because the church won't support them. Like a book I read-8,500 churches in the hood and yet how bad are most hoods??? How many actually do anything in thier community outside of Sunday?

You telling me you think people should continue to follow the teachings of this lying, sodomizing preacher? This man is in the TRUTH and FAITH business, yet he couldn't take his OWN advice and the word of The Good Book and stand on them. Instead gave up 25 million?? For a lie?

I undersand what you are saying. Now look at it like this for those members. They bolt and go elsewhere-how fast could Long make life for all those folks hell? How many of his supporters are hiring managers? admission folk? police officers? reporters? Now he has Dollar's support to make it worst? And how much dirt does he have on some of those members?
One pimp looking out for a fellow pimp. :lol:


Game know Game.
No one has mentioned the hypocrisy factor here. Eddie Long for years has been the most outspoken homophobic preacher out there. He used his pulpit to condemn the LGBT community to hell. He preached against gay marriage and attacked LGBT members in the most vicious ways.

Now, he's exposed as using his influence to seduce young black boys. Eddie Long is a hypocritical pederast and should be condemned like Catholic priests (who molested boys) and not defended, in the harshest of words.

What Creflo Dollar has said, reminds me of what the Rev. Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple said when he told his followers to drink the cyanide laced Kook Aid. Every day life changes, the set, it rearranges and all the players change their costumes and the players are Creflo Dollar and Eddie Long.
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I agree. Dollar is right. But the folks on here are so focused on shooting the messenger they completely missed the message.

Dollar is NOT right. And it's a shame that the so-called preachers on this site don't know why.

Very telling.

These people are misusing forgiveness for their own greedy and self-serving purpose. Lying to the people for the sake of making a dollar.

But, we know no part of the truth is a lie.

There are standards for officers of the church, especially bishops, and certain actions must be taken when they fail. I have chapter and verse. I'm not just talking. But, I'm not sure I should give it to these dogs because if they were truly in touch with God, they would know God's will.

No part of the truth is a lie.

3 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.

4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

5 But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.

6 He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.

1 John 2: 3 - 6 KJV


Y'all can continue to try to justify following these false prophets if you want to. That's your choice.

I'm done with this conversation.
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Well at my church, the associate pastor had to step down after divorcing his wife, so I know screwing lil boys in the butt would have gotten you tossed out the door. :lol: