Creflo Dollar Tells Eddie Long’s Former Church Members “Go Backâ€￾

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Quick questions ....

Do you consider buying cars, renting apartments, lying to the congregation not to mention diddling boy's booty holes overtaken in a fault? Wouldn't that be a pattern and he just got caught?

Since you're interested in trying to follow what the Bible says, what does it say about willful sin?

What about the qualifications of a Bishop? Isn't there something about "a Bishop must be blameless"? Did I read that or did I imagine that? What happens if a Bishop doesn't meet those qualifications?
Yes, being overtaken in a fault is being overtaken in a fault. It makes no difference whether it is the preacher or the guy who seems to come in and just sit on the seat. Your brother is your brother and you want to see him and the rest of the body whole. The process of restoration is the same for both guys. The word used in the text is taken from the process of refinishing furniture: all of the old finish has to be removed and the wood sanded down before a new coat of finish is put on. It takes time and caring attention to detail but the full finish - sheen and all - can be fully restored. That is what the Scripture says.

Are leaders to be held to a higher standard than the pew-sitter? ABSOLUTELY! The Scripture tells us that as well. What you read was not imagined. That must be included in the restoration process.

CriTAUcal said:
How 'bout step aside and just receive the counsel of GOD? Trusted leaders in his circle? They're probably corrupt, too...
If he can't be honest about the things he's done and repent, I don't see why he needs to be in the pulpit EVER again. How you can teach the masses when you're still living a lie?
With all due respect, people who are overtaken need to be ministered to by people of like precious faith before they can really hear the counsel of God. That is what we are here for. That is part of the roll of the rest of the body. When a part of your physical body is injured, inflamed, bruised, and hurting, the remaining capable parts of your body do not dismiss themselves from the area of injury; rather, they come to aid. The Church must be the same way.

Warndalyn said:
One thing I have learned about pastors, preachers, bishops, whatever is that they stick together like a fraternity. You won't get any of them to really speak out against Long. They may talk amongst each other in PRIVATE, but in public it's not happening. It must go against the "ECODE" or something...
This is just my guess based on my very unscientific interaction with thousands of pastors and leaders from across the country and around the world, but I venture to say that in 99+% of churches the pastor and his family are the loneliest people of the congregation. We all have ISSUES in our lives. While everyone else seems to feel they have the liberty to reach out to the leaders for help with those issues, pastor's families almost always are inhibited from doing so because of the position they are in and how they will be viewed for having those issues. Some pastors and their families wisely establish networks each other to help with this, but most do not. And, finding people in your own congregation with the spiritual maturity to handle such a relationship is EXTREMELY rare.

If this were a case involving a lay person at New Birth and some preacher said "stay and restore that brother", it would be deemed admirable. Don't make it a conspiracy because some preacher said "stay and restore that preacher".

CriTAUcal said:
That's 'cause it's about 'dem dollars!
When these preachers have conferences and have them as guest speakers at their churches, it's ALL about those Benjamins.
When they don't speak against each other or stand for another, it ain't all 'cause of the love of God or their fellow brother, they're considering their own greedy pockets.
Apparently you and I don't run in the same circle of preachers. Even when they have done wrong, you don't discharge folks from fellowship until you have lovingly tried to win them (Matt 18:15+). You don't speak against a brother - ANY BROTHER/SISTER - until you have completed to the due diligence to retain them.

Even when King Saul had been rejected by God and enraged at David who had been anointed by Samuel as Saul's successor, David still recognized him as God's anointed and refused to lay a hand on him.
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Very Good Point P. However, Black folks will continue to serve and follow these katts... Black Folk and their Religion....:no:

All will be following These pimps and Religious Practices and BUST Hell Wide Open due to no Spiritual Connection with their Maker.... They are just in Church shoutin' because that's what Grandmomma'nem Did!!!!

Ill take being Spiritual over Religious Anyday!!!!!

Exactly and exactly.
With all due respect, people who are overtaken need to be ministered to by people of like precious faith before they can really hear the counsel of God. That is what we are here for. That is part of the roll of the rest of the body. When a part of your physical body is injured, inflamed, bruised, and hurting, the remaining capable parts of your body do not dismiss themselves from the area of injury; rather, they come to aid. The Church must be the same way.
Whoa, nicely said. That statement above should really end this thread now.
Unfortunately, there are 2 groups of people who may never understand or accept that: 1) perfect people 2) People not "in the body"
If you follow Eddie Long, you might as well follow Bishop Don Juan. One pimps puzzy, the other sticking booty.
Whoa, nicely said. That statement above should really end this thread now.
Unfortunately, there are 2 groups of people who may never understand or accept that: 1) perfect people 2) People not "in the body"

and unfortunately there are people who are so dumb and needing some fake pastor to give them type of self esteem that they will sheepishly follow them into anywhere. Yeah those people are not in the body
uhh whats the message???
The message is still the same. People sin. People make mistakes and do things they really shouldn't.
Even pastors. Even Presidents. Even Kings. Even Me. Even You.

When we sin, God has a restoration process that Dac pointed out that is normally implemented by other Christians (the body od Christ).

When those Christians decide to not restore the 'brother' or 'sister' who has messed up but instead to gossip, make fun, judge, laugh at, etc that 'brother' or 'sister' then they themselves are now in the wrong.

Think about ALL of the sins you've committed in the past 1yr. What about your own sexual immorality (unless you stayed a virgin until marriage)? Does God see Eddie Long's sexual immorality as being worst than yours, Luvaboom?

Without forgiveness from God, won't your sexual sins and Eddie Long's sexal sins send you both to the same Hell?

Anybody posting can insert their own name in Luvaboom's spot.

Point is, love and restore fallen people. Heal the part of the body that's hurt. It may be you one day, or your child, or your grandchild. You'd want people to to help them. That's how God feels about His own children, including Eddie Long.

That's the part of the unchanging message, luvaboom...
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The message is still the same. People sin. People make mistakes and do things they really shouldn't. Even pastors. Even Presidents. Even Kings. Even Me. Even You.

When we sin, God has a restoration process that Dac pointed out that is normally implemented by other Christians (the body od Christ).

When those Christians decide to not restore the 'brother' or 'sister' who has messed up but instead to gossip, make fun, judge, laugh at, etc that 'brother' or 'sister' then they themselves are now in the wrong.

Think about ALL of the sins you've committed in the past 1yr. What about your own sexual immorality (unless you stayed a virgin until marriage)? Does God see Eddie Long's sexual immorality as being worst than yours, Luvaboom?

Without forgiveness from God, won't your sexual sins and Eddie Long's sexal sins send you both to the same Hell?

Anybody posting can insert their own name in Luvaboom's spot.

Point is, love and restore fallen people. Heal the part of the body that's hurt. It may be you one day, or your child, or your grandchild. You'd want people to to help them. That's how God feels about His own children, including Eddie Long.

That's the part of the unchanging message.

I know I said I'd leave this alone, but I can't leave this sort of deception alone.

I understand forgiveness and restoration. The part you're so conveniently leaving out is that Eddie Long is still in the same position at "his" ... "church".

The question is does this process of restoration require him to step down? Yes or No?
who in this thread said that they shouldnt forgive him. again has he confessed and repented of his sins?? the questions is why should members of his church continue to go to his church if he himself has not confessed and repented of his sins. he has even admitted that he has done wrong.

and yes i have sinned and falled short and have asked God and my congregation of the church that i attend to pray for me and forgive me of my sins. im not prideful. thats the difference between me and your pastor Eddie.
If you follow Eddie Long, you might as well follow Bishop Don Juan. One pimps puzzy, the other sticking booty.
Why do people keep saying "following Eddie Long"? He didn't write the bible that we live by or are taught on sundays. He is just a messenger. It's about the message, not the messenger. Also, (I could be wrong) but I believe that you said you were a Christian in a previous thread? Why do you use the perverse language on swacpage, I assume everyday life, that you use? What do you think God feels about it? <<<(ignore if you're not a Christian).

*I go to Lakewood, but I try to follow God, not Osteen. To love Eddie Long and restore Him is to follow Christ, not Eddie Long per scripture....

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The message is still the same. People sin. People make mistakes and do things they really shouldn't.
Even pastors. Even Presidents. Even Kings. Even Me. Even You.

When we sin, God has a restoration process that Dac pointed out that is normally implemented by other Christians (the body od Christ).

When those Christians decide to not restore the 'brother' or 'sister' who has messed up but instead to gossip, make fun, judge, laugh at, etc that 'brother' or 'sister' then they themselves are now in the wrong.

Think about ALL of the sins you've committed in the past 1yr. What about your own sexual immorality (unless you stayed a virgin until marriage)? Does God see Eddie Long's sexual immorality as being worst than yours, Luvaboom?

Without forgiveness from God, won't your sexual sins and Eddie Long's sexal sins send you both to the same Hell?

Anybody posting can insert their own name in Luvaboom's spot.

Point is, love and restore fallen people. Heal the part of the body that's hurt. It may be you one day, or your child, or your grandchild. You'd want people to to help them. That's how God feels about His own children, including Eddie Long.

That's the part of the unchanging message, luvaboom...

Man, Long hasn't even come before the church and confessed his sin like the Bible said he should do. But you expect people to restore and forgive him?

That cat put the whole church through a situation they didn't deserve to be put through because of his sins. Not mistakes. His willful sins.

That is the problem with the church today. Folks try to make people feel guilty and put them in bondage by saying that if they don't forgive sin on the terms of the sinners then they are not true Christians.
With all due respect, people who are overtaken need to be ministered to by people of like precious faith before they can really hear the counsel of God. That is what we are here for. That is part of the roll of the rest of the body. When a part of your physical body is injured, inflamed, bruised, and hurting, the remaining capable parts of your body do not dismiss themselves from the area of injury; rather, they come to aid. The Church must be the same way.

Whoa, nicely said. That statement above should really end this thread now.
Unfortunately, there are 2 groups of people who may never understand or accept that: 1) perfect people 2) People not "in the body"
So you guys are gonna rely on an analogy of some biologically and anatomically impossible event to people leaving the church. I'm sure you all know that body parts have no ability to detach itself from the body. It's ludicrous, and frankly insulting, to offer such an analogy.

Let me ask this question. As Long is trying to restore himself, should the objective be to restore himself as it relates to his relationship with God, or is the objective to always restore himself to his position with the church??? It's obvious that he's fallen short in a serious way. And unlike Creflo Dollar, I see this as much more than a "wreck". Religion has a way of causing otherwise rational thinking people to ignore all rationality. If my high level executive is caught stealing company money, I can easily forgive him and remain his friend. But I'd be a fool to put him back in the same position to steal company money. So, when pastor is doing the kinda mess that Bishop Long is doing, he can be forgiven and loved, but he shouldn't expect to resume or reclaim that same position or status as a matter of right. And to expect the congregation to keep him there or ridicule them for leaving if he remains is wrong.
First of all I ain't preaching over souls like Eddie long. He is screwing boys in the butt hole, then at the alter the next day praying over souls and looking for his next victim. That is sick.

Why do people keep saying "following Eddie Long"? He didn't write the bible that we live by or are taught on sundays. He is just a messenger. It's about the message, not the messenger. Also, (I could be wrong) but I believe that you said you were a Christian in a previous thread? Why do you use the perverse language on swacpage, I assume everyday life, that you use? What do you think God feels about it? <<<(ignore if you're not a Christian).

*I go to Lakewood, but I try to follow God, not Osteen. To love Eddie Long and restore Him is to follow Christ, not Eddie Long per scripture....
Why do people keep saying "following Eddie Long"? He didn't write the bible that we live by or are taught on sundays. He is just a messenger. It's about the message, not the messenger. Also, (I could be wrong) but I believe that you said you were a Christian in a previous thread? Why do you use the perverse language on swacpage, I assume everyday life, that you use? What do you think God feels about it? <<<(ignore if you're not a Christian).

*I go to Lakewood, but I try to follow God, not Osteen. To love Eddie Long and restore Him is to follow Christ, not Eddie Long per scripture....
People say that because that's what it is. That church can easily find a worthy man of God to head that church and give the message. But it would appear that your position that it's Long's position and he should be returned to that position. It is about the message, but if given the choice, I'd rather the messenger be genuine. If you were told that Satan was preaching the Word, would you attend??? It is about the message, and not the messenger, right???
Why do people keep saying "following Eddie Long"? He didn't write the bible that we live by or are taught on sundays. He is just a messenger. It's about the message, not the messenger. Also, (I could be wrong) but I believe that you said you were a Christian in a previous thread? Why do you use the perverse language on swacpage, I assume everyday life, that you use? What do you think God feels about it? <<<(ignore if you're not a Christian).

*I go to Lakewood, but I try to follow God, not Osteen. To love Eddie Long and restore Him is to follow Christ, not Eddie Long per scripture....

i hope u have these types of words and criticism for Eddie long and Creflo Dollar. and why arent u loving CeeDog and praying over him and forgiving his sins since they are the same right>>
First of all I ain't preaching over souls like Eddie long. He is screwing boys in the butt hole, then at the alter the next day praying over souls and looking for his next victim. That is sick.

It doesn't matter if you are a pastor or not. You will be held accountable by the Lord for everything you say, according to scripture.
who in this thread said that they shouldnt forgive him. again has he confessed and repented of his sins?? the questions is why should members of his church continue to go to his church if he himself has not confessed and repented of his sins. he has even admitted that he has done wrong.

and yes i have sinned and falled short and have asked God and my congregation of the church that i attend to pray for me and forgive me of my sins. im not prideful. thats the difference between me and your pastor Eddie.

Kendrick & Luvaboom,We have no idea about what Eddie Long has confessed to God. We don't know his inner circle and what he's confessed to them or where he is TODAY in restoration. We only know what the media says and then we make up, assume, and post stuff to "fill in the blanks."

I've said before, sexual immorality is wrong, but people who don't like Eddie Long didn't like him before all of this. There are is a large group of people who dislike "tv preachers" period. They think they're all pimps, and money hungry, and in it just for the dollar, etc. Those comments where posted about Long, Jakes, my pastor Osteen, & others, waaaaaaay before any of this came up.

To some people, seeing a pastor write a book, getting paid $5 million, and then buying a $2 million home is bad. Oh well. Then, their "legitimate" wrongs are over blown.

1) SUJagfan & Robber.
Does the process require him to step down? I do not know in this particular case. Here's the thing tho, you don't either.
What we do know is that the process does not involve Christians doing what some are doing on this meesage board. In the past, Some of God's leaders who messed up had to step down, others kept their spot. Read your bible and see that God decides that. King David committed more sexual immorality than anyone I've seen and he was a GREAT king who died "after God's own heart." Doesn't make it right, but God decides who stays where. If it weren't for God;s grace, you might not be your current position.

2) Luvaboom.

You say that you fall short too & ask God & the church for forgiveness? Great. Leave it at that. But don't ask your church for forgiveness on tomorrow Sunday morning, and then come home Sunday night and stone Long and put 'perverse laced' posts on the swacpage 1hr after leaving your church.

I say that about you & CeeDog, not to judge, but because y'all Christians acknowledge "Long's sin is soooo bad and let's kick that pimp out, and people are dumb for going there" but then come here and think it's okay to curse in your posts? You a Christian? Yes. Maybe you need to evaluate your position? p.s. yes, I do pray for all christians
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So you guys are gonna rely on an analogy of some biologically and anatomically impossible event to people leaving the church. I'm sure you all know that body parts have no ability to detach itself from the body. It's ludicrous, and frankly insulting, to offer such an analogy.

Let me ask this question. As Long is trying to restore himself, should the objective be to restore himself as it relates to his relationship with God, or is the objective to always restore himself to his position with the church??? It's obvious that he's fallen short in a serious way. And unlike Creflo Dollar, I see this as much more than a "wreck". Religion has a way of causing otherwise rational thinking people to ignore all rationality. If my high level executive is caught stealing company money, I can easily forgive him and remain his friend. But I'd be a fool to put him back in the same position to steal company money. So, when pastor is doing the kinda mess that Bishop Long is doing, he can be forgiven and loved, but he shouldn't expect to resume or reclaim that same position or status as a matter of right. And to expect the congregation to keep him there or ridicule them for leaving if he remains is wrong.

LOL, the analogy that you say is "ludicrous" to use was taken straight out of God's Word. God included it in scripture to describe the situation :) Tell Him if you think it was dumb, not us.... Dac used it correctly tho ;)
Kendrick & Luvaboom,We have no idea about what Eddie Long has confessed to God. We don't know his inner circle and what he's confessed to them or where he is TODAY in restoration. We only know what the media says and then we make up, assume, and post stuff to "fill in the blanks."

I've said before, sexual immorality is wrong, but people who don't like Eddie Long didn't like him before all of this. There are is a large group of people who dislike "tv preachers" period. They think they're all pimps, and money hungry, and in it just for the dollar, etc. Those comments where posted about Long, Jakes, my pastor Osteen, & others, waaaaaaay before any of this came up.

To some people, seeing a pastor write a book, getting paid $5 million, and then buying a $2 million home is bad. Oh well. Then, their "legitimate" wrongs are over blown.

This becomes a problem when a Jakes, Dollar or Long incorrectly use the bible and their flawed teachings to fund their lavish lifestyle and hoodwink the people. Jesus was the greatest "preacher" to ever live. That man didn't live a lavish lifestyle at all. He was not rich, he didn't have a lot of possessions or live in a mansion like some of these cats do today.

In fact, Jesus said "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

Nobody is saying that a pastor should not be able to provide for himself or his family. But it is a little concerning to see a preacher rake in millions a year while his congregation is struggling to get by.

Doesn't the bible say something about how difficult it will be for a rich man to inherent the kingdom?

Most of these mega church pastors are nothing but motivational speakers and not teachers of the Word.