(Starz) Power Season 6-Finale

Either Tasha or Tommy's mom is going to tell Keisha about Hollie. It seems like he has deeper feelings for Keisha than Hollie. I think he knows Keisha wants to be with him, but Hollie wanted the money and the life. Yet and still, Tommy is a wildcard and Keisha may end up dead.

I think Ghost knows about Dre working both sides. I believe he looked back and saw the feds while he and Dre were in traffic.
Yea that Tasha sleeping around is getting old.

I bet Councilman Tate is in the game.

Ghost's son is about to get in to something he knows nothing about. When he had his head pinned on the table my wife fell out laughing.

The highlight was Proctor....he made one mistake....had he called 911 everything would have been straight. But when he made the statement, "you'll never take my daughter away from me...." the feds are going to look at that as if he brought some coke to her. All because he said "how much of that did you take." They are about to use him. Yet, Proctor is smart. He will slide Ghost and Tommy a note to watch what they say.

He didn't dial 911; he dialed 9-1 and hung up right? In either case, if Saxe still has that recording device in the unicorn, it could be bad news for Procotor.

Episode 5 Random Thoughts:
No longer is anything on Power realistic now. The writers are simply trying to entertain us. Sigh....so be it....as I said before it is still watchable...

So I like the way Proctor when out. Now I'm kinda glad he had that chip that can implicate Tommy and gave it to his daughter. I see that she will be back on Episode 7. But wild Tommy shooting up Ghost's house with the AR-15 and then meeting up with Ghost later? C'mon man....The continuity really sucks in the later seasons.

Even with Tariq getting played. They showed how he acknowledged that ole girl played him as he was been expelled and glanced at the chessboard. But I don't see her character listed again in any of the future episodes either and he won't be able to confront her.

See the problem that I have with Crime Dramas and Crime Series is that the antagonist can't always win. In real life, he or she never does. There has to be a balance. I know the world can be cold and people often get ahead by being callous and calculating. I'm one of those people that definitely believes that people reap what they sow in life. I can't stand to see people get away with doing thing intentionally wrong. But I know what you all are about to say. It's coming.

Last thought, I was getting ready to kick my son out of the den because I just knew that Ghost and that politician woman was about to get busy. But then I remembered there was no N or SC for this episode. LOL...She want him bad though.
Episode 5 Random Thoughts:
No longer is anything on Power realistic now. The writers are simply trying to entertain us. Sigh....so be it....as I said before it is still watchable...

So I like the way Proctor when out. Now I'm kinda glad he had that chip that can implicate Tommy and gave it to his daughter. I see that she will be back on Episode 7. But wild Tommy shooting up Ghost's house with the AR-15 and then meeting up with Ghost later? C'mon man....The continuity really sucks in the later seasons.

Even with Tariq getting played. They showed how he acknowledged that ole girl played him as he was been expelled and glanced at the chessboard. But I don't see her character listed again in any of the future episodes either and he won't be able to confront her.

See the problem that I have with Crime Dramas and Crime Series is that the antagonist can't always win. In real life, he or she never does. There has to be a balance. I know the world can be cold and people often get ahead by being callous and calculating. I'm one of those people that definitely believes that people reap what they sow in life. I can't stand to see people get away with doing thing intentionally wrong. But I know what you all are about to say. It's coming.

Last thought, I was getting ready to kick my son out of the den because I just knew that Ghost and that politician woman was about to get busy. But then I remembered there was no N or SC for this episode. LOL...She want him bad though.
Just got caught up on the season. Good stuff. The "politician woman" obviously wants Ghost. Ghost should have never stepped out on Tasha, she is a real one. Tommy is a major liability. Writing better than last season IMO.
Tommy is killing everything walking. I think Saxe is going to get popped. Ghost been trying to get out of the drug game...Tasha and Tommy never wanted to leave. I can see maybe Ghost making it out because he goes "straight" but Tommy and Tasha and possibly Tyriq no....po' Keisha...she is so clueless.

Tommy is really a loose cannon.
Episode 5 Random Thoughts:
No longer is anything on Power realistic now. The writers are simply trying to entertain us. Sigh....so be it....as I said before it is still watchable...

So I like the way Proctor when out. Now I'm kinda glad he had that chip that can implicate Tommy and gave it to his daughter. I see that she will be back on Episode 7. But wild Tommy shooting up Ghost's house with the AR-15 and then meeting up with Ghost later? C'mon man....The continuity really sucks in the later seasons.

Even with Tariq getting played. They showed how he acknowledged that ole girl played him as he was been expelled and glanced at the chessboard. But I don't see her character listed again in any of the future episodes either and he won't be able to confront her.

See the problem that I have with Crime Dramas and Crime Series is that the antagonist can't always win. In real life, he or she never does. There has to be a balance. I know the world can be cold and people often get ahead by being callous and calculating. I'm one of those people that definitely believes that people reap what they sow in life. I can't stand to see people get away with doing thing intentionally wrong. But I know what you all are about to say. It's coming.

Last thought, I was getting ready to kick my son out of the den because I just knew that Ghost and that politician woman was about to get busy. But then I remembered there was no N or SC for this episode. LOL...She want him bad though.

Ghost lives in that expensive house and there are no cameras?

LMAO!!!!! That’s the unrealistic part about the show. Hell there are cameras everywhere!!!
Tommy is killing everything walking. I think Saxe is going to get popped. Ghost been trying to get out of the drug game...Tasha and Tommy never wanted to leave. I can see maybe Ghost making it out because he goes "straight" but Tommy and Tasha and possibly Tyriq no....po' Keisha...she is so clueless.

Tommy is really a loose cannon.

Tasha got plunked by a corner dude...and she didn’t even tell Ghost or Tommy?????

Tyriqngot played. I believe the girl is the daughter of the guy who wants $2 million from a Ghost and Tommy. The set up was from the beginning.

I think Saxe works for someone in the drug game.
Tasha got plunked by a corner dude...and she didn’t even tell Ghost or Tommy?????

Tyriqngot played. I believe the girl is the daughter of the guy who wants $2 million from a Ghost and Tommy. The set up was from the beginning.

I think Saxe works for someone in the drug game.
I wonder if that corner dude has a connection with the dude that tried to hit on Tasha? Both of them seem to just come out of nowhere.
Tasha got plunked by a corner dude...and she didn’t even tell Ghost or Tommy?????

I think Saxe works for someone in the drug game.

She probably would have told Tommy if he hadn't talked about Keisha and put her out the car. She ain't telling Ghost

Saxe is just dumb and will get that female officer killed. Saxe has NEVER been the brightest.
Ghost lives in that expensive house and there are no cameras?

LMAO!!!!! That’s the unrealistic part about the show. Hell there are cameras everywhere!!!
Why would he have cameras inside his house for the feds to be able to view them or even somehow hack into the system?
Why would he have cameras inside his house for the feds to be able to view them or even somehow hack into the system?

Outside brother.....outside.

I have lived in Metro areas and in this day and age they CCTV everywhere....these MOFOs live in a house where the elevator stops and opens to enter their home and there are no cameras outside to see who enters the building?????? LMAO!!!!!
I'm at the point where I watch Power just to see what unrealistic scenes and story lines they come up with. Even though Ghost found and bribed the federal witness to leave town, Saxe had a convoy of FBI agents rush to her home on Dre's cue and Saxe's boss found out about the whole scenario somehow everybody is supposed to believe the fed's would still have the witness living at the same place. I don't think I've seen a show with so many jacked-up scenes and story lines, but it remains entertaining still.
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Man, I didn't know if this was a drama or a comedy for a while. Stuff is moving fast with so many moving parts. DAYUM.
Yeah, everybody is pretty much agreeing. They are just doing too much....

Random Thought from tonight's episode: Alphonse proved to be ignant as ___L..... He had me chuckle some. Who has ever heard of a drug dealer on the corner being courteous? Dre's response was priceless...

....2Bit and Spanky provides comic relief as well....

Still, I'm even more ready for all this to end and be over...
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Yeah, everybody is pretty much agreeing. They are just doing too much....

Random Thought from tonight's episode: Alphonse proved to be ignant as ___L..... He had me chuckle some. Who has ever heard of a drug dealer on the corner being courteous? Dre's response was priceless...

....2Bit and Spanky provides comic relief as well....

Still, I'm even more ready for all this to end and be over...

2bit and Spanky are funny as hell.

That move by Dre was awesome!!!!!

I believe the guy giving Tasha drugs is a cop....
Proctor's cousin is going to kill Tommy and Ghost. Tariq is going to end up with the power backed by the mob Hell, they may get Tasha too.
This season has been helter skelter, but I can't wait to see
Proctor's cousin is going to kill Tommy and Ghost. Tariq is going to end up with the power backed by the mob Hell, they may get Tasha too.
Proctor's cousin is going to kill Tommy and he is going to do it based on information he gets from Ghost and/or Tariq.
He knows Tommy did it but he may think Ghost lied and is helping Tommy. I can see Tariq getting both of them killed.
LaLa is getting a little chunky. She is wearing all these dark colors trying to hide that expanding bagoozle but you can't hide quality like that.