Texas teacher suspended after racist Ferguson tweet

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Still amazed at how the same woodpeckers wanting her fired make all the racial comments on twitter all day and everyday, but can't take it when its about them.
Facebook, twitter, instagram. All that shyt is the devil. I'll keep passing.

I think it depends on the person and how they use it. FaceBook, Twitter and Instagram are making some folks millions. Others are losing their jobs or not getting jobs because of what they do on there. For most, they are just social mediums. Not evil in themselves. It just depends on how they are used. :noidea:
I think it depends on the person and how they use it. FaceBook, Twitter and Instagram are making some folks millions. Others are losing their jobs or not getting jobs because of what they do on there. For most, they are just social mediums. Not evil in themselves. It just depends on how they are used. :noidea:

It can be argued this very website, and others like this one, has the potential to present pitfalls depending on how individuals chose to engage. It's not just limited to prominent social media sites.
Will she be able to find another job in Tx? Will anyone hire her?

It will be easier with a resignation on her record rather than a termination. But she would still likely have to explain it in applications/interviews. I'm sure there is a district in Texas that would give her another opportunity, especially if her work history prior to this incident is good.
I pray she gets back in the classroom.. That's her calling. She is a great teacher who made a mistake... The resignation will look much better than termination.
It will be easier with a resignation on her record rather than a termination. But she would still likely have to explain it in applications/interviews. I'm sure there is a district in Texas that would give her another opportunity, especially if her work history prior to this incident is good.

She'll teach again in Texas. May end up being at a private or charter school at first.

I pray she gets back in the classroom.. That's her calling. She is a great teacher who made a mistake... The resignation will look much better than termination.

Well, I pray that some school in Tx will allow her to continue her profession and those racist folks in Tx don't harrass her.
Its going to be hard for her to find another teaching gig unless she goes to one of those charter schools or something. I don't think many public ISDs would be willing to hire a person with this much publicity. Not in Texas anyway.

In the immediate future it will be hard but there are a lot of charter schools looking for good teachers.

so she keeps her pension right?

All of her retirement funds are in the Texas Teacher Retirement System. They can't do anything to stop her from getting that. It's hers no matter what happens.

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Resignation vs termination won't mean much in the age of google. She should be able to get another job but they will know what she did.
They are saying on the news that the district hasn't received her resignation and is still meeting to fire her this morning at 730am.
Just heard about this on the radio while taking my step daughter to school. When I heard the name, I was shocked. Nita has said way worse on Twitter and nothing was said about that. Fills are so damn sensitive now.
I hope that she find another job in Texas.
They are saying on the news that the district hasn't received her resignation and is still meeting to fire her this morning at 730am.

One thing I have learned is when those white folks are out to get you, they go out of their way to try and break you. I bet you they got that letter, they are just trying trying to hurry up to make sure it goes on her record. I have seen them do this so many times in the corporate world. The thing is when it comes back to their white tales, then they go get their guns and come back shooting folks.
I wish her the very best. However, as an adult you have to accept the consequences of your actions, which looks as if she has done.

In the words of Kenny Rogers...."You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em....know when to walk away, know when to run". :tup:

Lesson learned.....Not only for her but for ALL of us. :tup:
I wish her the very best. However, as an adult you have to accept the consequences of your actions, which looks as if she has done.

In the words of Kenny Rogers...."You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em....know when to walk away, know when to run". :tup:

Lesson learned.....Not only for her but for ALL of us. :tup:


However, that doesn't mean that we can't take strong stands on issues that matter. I think the real lesson here is that there is an appropriate way to do anything. Not that we shouldn't have or share our opinions.
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