Erykah Badu's new video

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Maan. Great video. She may get an award for this one!

Her azz lucky them rednecks didn't hold her azz down for the police to arrest her azz.:lol:
Let's be real.
She did a strip tease on the streets of Dallas in front of people out with their kids.
There was no camera crew, and she did this in one take using "gorilla style" filming tactics.

I hate "shock entertainment" although I like looking at that booty. :lol:
I hope like hell she not trying to be another "Lady Gaga"............getting over with shock entertainment Ah-la Modonna.
I don't get her sucess outside of people wanting to see what BS she will pull next.
All her shat sound the same.
One one long azz lead guitar rif
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I guess I'm the only one that thought she didn't actually do this video live with a bunch of folks standing on the street. That video looked edited to me. I need to go back and watch it again. :D

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I was driving home yesterday listening to 105.3...a damn sports radio talk show station. They were going in on Erykah. You should have heard some of the things "they" had to say about her. This video was a marketing genius because her cd drops today too. Now people are gonna buy the cd just to see what she's all about. Great video...great move!!!!

Which is what it was all about...

Her azz lucky them rednecks didn't hold her azz down for the police to arrest her azz.:lol:
Let's be real.
She did a strip tease on the streets of Dallas in front of people out with their kids.
There was no camera crew, and she did this in one take using "gorilla style" filming tactics.

I hate "shock entertainment" although I like looking at that booty. :lol:
I hope like hell she not trying to be another "Lady Gaga"............getting over with shock entertainment Ah-la Modonna.
I don't get her sucess outside of people wanting to see what BS she will pull next.
All her shat sound the same.
One one long azz lead guitar rif

I agree!! I like Erykah Badu...don't get me wrong and I will be going to buy this CD. However...I think her fans try to make her shyt more deep than it really is...sometimes just music!! :lol:
I guess I'm the only one that thought she didn't actually do this video live with a bunch of folks standing on the street. That video looked edited to me. I need to go back and watch it again. :D

I was thinking it was edited it too. :noidea:
Tom Joyner reported that she's NOT going to be cited for Indecent Exposure by Dallas Police.

The news this morning said unless someone who was there (and witnessed the nudity firsthand) files a criminal complaint, no charges will be filed....

Besides, the nudity wasn't pornographic, it was 'art' done for 'arts' sake....

Yeah.... That's what it was...... ART...

ART - stands for Ass Right There..... :tup::tup:
The news this morning said unless someone who was there (and witnessed the nudity firsthand) files a criminal complaint, no charges will be filed....

Besides, the nudity wasn't pornographic, it was 'art' done for 'arts' sake....

Yeah.... That's what it was...... ART...

ART - stands for Ass Right There..... :tup::tup:
boy hush...:lol:
What kind of weed they had at Grambling? She got fcuked over there. Extra crazy, but I will download this album.
I guess I'm the only one that thought she didn't actually do this video live with a bunch of folks standing on the street. That video looked edited to me. I need to go back and watch it again. :D

Nope..................No editing.

She followed the route of the Kennedy assassination and the spot where she "fell" is the exact location where Kennedy was shot.:retard:
Thats why you see all of those references pointing to Kennedy and a gunshot right before she fall down in the video.
That is what got these mofo's hot and bothered more than her stripping in public.
Don't know WTF point she trying to make.:noidea:
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I'm back... I went on the "Grassy Knoll" and I found it....

That wet spot she left laying on the ground.....

I can send you all samples if you like....


Nope..................No editing.

She followed the route of the Kennedy assassination and the spot where she "fell" is the exact location where Kennedy was shot.:retard:
Thats why you see all of those references pointing to Kennedy and a gunshot right before she fall down in the video.
That is what got these mofo's hot and bothered more than her stripping in public.
Don't know WTF point she trying to make.:noidea:

Go to youtube and listen to JFK last speech...
Nope..................No editing.

She followed the route of the Kennedy assassination and the spot where she "fell" is the exact location where Kennedy was shot.:retard:
Thats why you see all of those references pointing to Kennedy and a gunshot right before she fall down in the video.
That is what got these mofo's hot and bothered more than her stripping in public.
Don't know WTF point she trying to make.:noidea:

I don't know why them Dallas white folks are mad. They didn't like Kennedy in Texas anyway.:lol: One of the reasons he was assassinated there and ole Jack Ruby was able to kill Oswald right in police custody thus starting the coverup.

I assume she is saying that the Kennedy stuff was covered up and it wasn't what it appeared and comparing or making a parallel to what is going on now within our government. Who knows.:noidea:
She's "eclectic"....

Thanks. :bowdown:

eclectic~crazy. Got it. lol

Chick went waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay overboard but I understand why she did what she did, although very illegal :| as you CANNOT go out in public in this state naked :retard:, to help bolster her music sales. Obviously, it's worked. lol

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Okay blue... Conservative primarily white-anglo Dallas, Texas going to the hallowed spot where JFK was assinated naked as a jay bird. :| What's "normal" about that? We're not in South America here. You can't run around in public naked man. lol


I feel ya but lets put everything in its proper perceptive. She was shooting a video and as she has always put in her disclaimer, you have to remember that she is an artist.

It's not like she was actually making a day of it or even a half an hour for that matter. It was her simply expressing herself in an uniquely artistic fashion.

Like the late great Issac Hayes would your thing girl.
Nope..................No editing.

She followed the route of the Kennedy assassination and the spot where she "fell" is the exact location where Kennedy was shot.:retard:
Thats why you see all of those references pointing to Kennedy and a gunshot right before she fall down in the video.
That is what got these mofo's hot and bothered more than her stripping in public.
Don't know WTF point she trying to make.:noidea:

Watch the folks around her. For what I can remember, none of them are really reacting to her undressing right on the street. She is pretty much invisible to them. If she was doing this live then folks would've been walking and looking with their mouths wide open. She walked a pretty good distance with just her underwear on and nobody seem to react. Also I think a lot them had on jackets and coats. You would've also heard about this before the video was actually released. Hell she would've been put in jail and all over the news. I need to go home and watch it again. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's what I remember from watching it last night. You all got me about to leave work early.
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A marketing coup.

Controversy sells. Sex sells. Different and unusual sells.

I see it as a well executed marketing strategy used to promote her album. Not much different than the "rap beefs" that males use to promote their albums.
I see it as Eyrkah being herself and not following some of the artist that aren't stimulating listners in today's society. Notice how many artist out there aren't delievering the messages that we used to and need to hear in music. We even talked about this in the "Hip Hop is Dead" thread a few weeks ago.
Watch the folks around her. For what I can remember, none of them are really reacting to her undressing right on the street. She is pretty much invisible to them. If she was doing this live then folks would've been walking and looking with their mouths wide open. She walked a pretty good distance with just her underwear on and nobody seem to react.

I caught that too when she took off her top and was in her bra and sweats. I noticed nobody was actually looking at her or reacting to it.
Watch the folks around her. For what I can remember, none of them are really reacting to her undressing right on the street. She is pretty much invisible to them. If she was doing this live then folks would've been walking and looking with their mouths wide open. She walked a pretty good distance with just her underwear on and nobody seem to react. Also I think a lot them had on jackets and coats. You would've also heard about this before the video was actually released. Hell she would've been put in jail and all over the news. I need to go home and watch it again. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's what I remember from watching it last night. You all got me about to leave work early.

Trust me.
She did it joke.

The only camera she had was a cam-corder with one other person filming.
I sure she had her security planted along the route in case something went wrong.
Got to remember that it's been a while since she been in the public eye and there was no music playing like in a regular video shoot.
Most people probably didn't even know it was her at the time and just thought it was some crazy mofo that they should not F with.
Just her walking while the person filming had the song playing low so she could hear it and be at certain places during the song.
You can tell that because sometimes she would speed up her walk to a jog and then slow back down at certain spots.

When she crosses the street and take off her shirt, look at the woman with the 2 kids stop and look at her.
In the beginning when she takes off her coat by those guys, one in the background actually pick it up and put it on.
She probably walked that route a dozen times, figuring out where she would do what before actually doing the shoot.
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I just want a ticket outta town
A look around
And a safe touch down...

great song
great video
this is one of the types of videos I would make
And what did she expect people to do?
She lucky someone didn't reach out and try a "Mr. Whipple" and squeezed the
. :lol:

Erica badu talks about Video shoot

Badu says she was verbally harassed on the day of filming, though the taunts did not make the final cut.

"they were yelling, 'THIS IS A PUBLIC PLACE : YOU OUGHTA BE ASHAMED : PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON : DAMN GIRL! etc," she tweeted.

As the music video progresses, a naked Badu reaches Dealey Plaza and a gunshot rings out in the distance. Badu's head snaps back and the naked singer crumples to the floor.
Badu wrote that she was "too busy lookin for cops" to be shy about her nudity, though she was aware that children were around and “prayed they wouldn’t b traumatized.”
When the cameras stopped, Badu tweets that she and her cameraman fled
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It's fun seeing how in a matter of days the talk of Badu's video is all over F.B., Twitter, & etc. the video played...the message(s) I felt she was trying to convey:

1. She enters into the scene and parks her antique car then puts money in the meter

During her time on the music scene which is still now..Badu has entered into the music scene with an approach that is orginal..reminiscent of old school and not of current artists...something that has been lacking overall in music

2. She walks throughout the scene taking off her clothes a piece at a time with the tatoo on her back which says evolving

Badu continues to evolve on each release...revealing her soul in her music and what she is all about...she ain't scared to do it either

3. She is shot in the end but a new Badu emerges

The people walking around could be the critics or the industry. As she continues to ignore such folks...she will be shot down for being who she is..neverthless..she will still evolve and be something that is unique and different and against the grain...

:noidea::clap::lecture: :idea:

just a thought...LOL!
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