What does a woman really want?


Well-Known Member
Sometimes, I will never understand black women to save my life. First, they want a provider. But, they also want you at home, too . I mean, you can't have both at the same time. My wife doesn't have to pay the mortgage, or any bills. But, all she is worried about is me coming home.

I told her, instead of listening to those sistas at your jobs. ( All her co-workers have deadbeat for significant others) Go ask, the white women at your job, and I bet they tell you different.

Can you sit down and ask her and don't interrupt her? When she tells you, believe her.
She should do the same with you.
There has to be some compromising, not an all or nothing.
One thing you certainly don't wanna do is have her copy the white woman's feminist ways or you, the white man's dictatorial ways.
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Can you sit down and ask her and don't interrupt her? When she tells you, believe her.
She should do the same with you.
There has to be some compromising, not an all or nothing.
One thing you certainly don't wanna do is have her copy the white woman's feminist ways or you, the white man's dictatorial ways.

Thanks. I already, told her, the deal before accepting my job. It's not about me being absent from home; she is more concerned about "what people are thinking?"
Bruh how long you been married?

A blessing to me was getting married for the first and only time after I was 40.

I set the precedence with my wife before we were married that I work.During tax season I may not make it home before 11 pm. Even our anniversary is 7 days after tax season.

Then I have my day job where I am pushing for a promotion. My objective is to be able to pay all the bills and she utilize her money for everyday family needs.

This is why I say marriage is not about love when it comes to men.

As my father told me and my mother agreed....a man in a marriage should be respected first and loved second.

Since being married I live by a motto: if my wife can’t go someplace with me outside of frat and lodge meeting then I shouldn’t be there. When I’m not working I’m spending time with my sons or her.

My advice to you is simple: take your wife out on a date once a week. It can be a movie, ice cream, dinner, or just a moment for you two. Put your cell on do not disturb so that it won’t ring unless it’s someone on your favorites.

Also, white marriages and black marriages are very much so different. My wife told a white coworker once (they were discussing some subject I can’t remember) who was married “My husband don’t play that.” The white lady asked was my wife being abused. My wife was like “hell naw you notice OJ’s first wife never complained about abuse...we just know it’s certain that ain’t going downa certain way.”

Last thing: you will never be able to figure out women so don’t worry about it. This includes my mother, sister, female cousins, aunts, and grandmothers. LOL
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Bruh how long you been married?

A blessing to me was getting married for the first and only time after I was 40.

I set the precedence with my wife before we were married that I work.During tax season I may not make it home before 11 pm. Even our anniversary is 7 days after tax season.

Then I have my day job where I am pushing for a promotion. My objective is to be able to pay all the bills and she utilize her money for everyday family needs.

This is why I say marriage is not about love when it comes to men.

As my father told me and my mother agreed....a man in a marriage should be respected first and loved second.

Since being married I live by a motto: if my wife can’t go someplace with me outside of frat and lodge meeting then I shouldn’t be there. When I’m not working I’m spending time with my sons or her.

My advice to you is simple: take your wife out on a date once a week. It can be a movie, ice cream, dinner, or just a moment for you two. Put your cell on do not disturb so that it won’t ring unless it’s someone on your favorites.

Also, white marriages and black marriages are very much so different. My wife told a white coworker once (they were discussing some subject I can’t remember) who was married “My husband don’t play that.” The white lady asked was my wife being abused. My wife was like “hell naw you notice OJ’s first wife never complained about abuse...we just know it’s certain that ain’t going downa certain way.”

Last thing: you will never be able to figure out women so don’t worry about it. This includes my mother, sister, female cousins, aunts, and grandmothers. LOL

Thanks. It will be four years in October. Here's the dilemma, I been gone for ten weeks, and only been home, once. Yeah, I know, it's crazy. But, the money I make weekly out here is nice.
I love black women, but when it comes to relationships they live in a closed world. Just keeping it real. One of the few things I will give white women credit for (yes not all white women) is there open views to relationships.
Sometimes, I will never understand black women to save my life. First, they want a provider. But, they also want you at home, too . I mean, you can't have both at the same time. My wife doesn't have to pay the mortgage, or any bills. But, all she is worried about is me coming home.

I told her, instead of listening to those sistas at your jobs. ( All her co-workers have deadbeat for significant others) Go ask, the white women at your job, and I bet they tell you different.

Try to listen first, second and third without being critical as much as you're capable of. Your wife is no different than any wife that loves her husband, she wants time with her husband. We use to call it "quality time" years ago, and it is just as important now as it was back then. Wives need reassurance no matter how well you're providing and no matter how long you've been together. She's a woman first, so a big part of her make-up is her emotions which will always tug at her one way or another.

Have you ever heard a woman say she is lonely in her marriage? Maybe you haven't, but it is a real sentiment for them if they love their husband and he isn't around enough for them. No matter how often you tell her you love her during the day continuously tell her. If you're away from home quite a bit send a surprise gift every now then. When you get home, no matter what, spend that "quality time" with her. Sometimes she'll just be happy to finally sit down and talk to her husband without feeling like she is on the clock and at other times it will mean fine dining, but again with no clock.
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They also take advice from the wrong women. I mean, you are sidechick, and you trying to give relationship advice.

Now that shot I can’t stand. I got my wife straight on that prior to us being engaged. My wife was antsy about getting married and I had not asked her yet. Well one of her cousins who was not married at the time was giving her advice. The sad thing is the cousin’s then boyfriend has a baby by a stripper. The cousin got married on a weekend her husband dictated so that my wife could not attend.

I told my wife don’t ever tell me some relationship shit from her and left it at that.

Bruh that’s TOO long. If you not in the military make time for the wife my man....if not Jodie will.
Man we had a project in Russia where they were on 9 weeks and off 2 then back on. The hazard pay plus per diem was nice and those cats were loving that. Making damn near double their salaries and the company would fly them wherever they wanted on those 2 week off stints. I know dudes who would just buy their wives/women a ticket to a different worldwide vacation spot every time to meet them there and the women loved it. LOL

They'd come home a couple times a year at most.
Man we had a project in Russia where they were on 9 weeks and off 2 then back on. The hazard pay plus per diem was nice and those cats were loving that. Making damn near double their salaries and the company would fly them wherever they wanted on those 2 week off stints. I know dudes who would just buy their wives/women a ticket to a different worldwide vacation spot every time to meet them there and the women loved it. LOL

They'd come home a couple times a year at most.

Smart men if you ask me.

Happy wife happy life.
The amount of travel and overseas assignments I see my white male coworkers taking would not fly with most sisters. The white women are content with staying home and spending the money,
That was a problem in my Marriage early on. I had a good job in DC where I had different sites throughout the U.S. that I had to go to for weeks at a time. The money was good, but my wife didn't like me being gone that often. I ended up taking another job where I didn't have to travel at all. She now has a position with her company where she travels several times throughout the year and I don't complain.
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That was a problem in my Marriage early on. I had a good job in DC where I had different sites throughout the U.S. that I had to go to for weeks at a time. The money was good, but my wife didn't like me being gone that often. I ended up taking another job where I didn't have to travel at all. She now has a position with her company where she travels several times throughout the year and I don't complain.

I wouldn't complain neither.
It wasn’t so much me being gone that concerned my wife it, was the shift hours. I was working a 10-hour shift that had me getting home at 1 am. Then, when I got promoted last year, I had the luxury of getting off at 9 pm.

When I came home, she was either sleeping or getting ready for bed. Neither of us really liked not spending quality time with each other.

A few months ago, I got a raise and an enhanced role. During the discussion of that change with my boss, he asked how could my productivity be made more impactful. I told him my hours hindered all that. So the boss changed them.

My wife and I both love it. We’re spending time together like we want and still advancing in our careers, too.
Now that shot I can’t stand. I got my wife straight on that prior to us being engaged. My wife was antsy about getting married and I had not asked her yet. Well one of her cousins who was not married at the time was giving her advice. The sad thing is the cousin’s then boyfriend has a baby by a stripper. The cousin got married on a weekend her husband dictated so that my wife could not attend.

I told my wife don’t ever tell me some relationship shit from her and left it at that.

What's funny. She only have one friend with a positive relationship. What's sad, the girl at work is in her ear about my job.

She's always asking: When is Wiregrass coming home? But, hold up! This is the same grown-ass woman that took a PROMISE RING from her boyfriend. What's ever more sad. My wife know the woman, her old man is creeping with in my area.