Thursday Night Lights: Third Coast Tigers vs. Jaguar Nation

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I understand that the Southern vs Texas Southern football game has been moved to Thursday night.
Why Why Why Why

Prue Stupidity

Yall about to lose your largest homegate.

:tdown: :tdown: :tdown: :tdown: :tdown:

You know how the Jaguar Nation Likes to roll TO H-Town

This is the wrong game. :tdown: :tdown: :tdown:

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well tsu doesnt have its own stadium so technically every game is a 'classic'. You still have to pay rent.
The Nation ain't gonna like this :mad: :mad: .
Families have to work, kids have to go to school, people have taken vacation time, like myself for that weekend. TSU needs to do something to get out of this.
SUjagTILLiDIE said:
The Nation ain't gonna like this :mad: :mad: .
Families have to work, kids have to go to school, people have taken vacation time, like myself for that weekend. TSU needs to do something to get out of this.

If this is true it may be due to our supposed TV contract with ESPN U. They may have dictated the schedule. The SWAC signed the deal so it may be nothing TxSU can do about it.

Some of us posted this type of concern when the ESPN U contract first came to light. :nod2:
SUjagTILLiDIE said:
Why Why Why Why

Prue Stupidity

Yall about to lose your largest homegate.

:tdown: :tdown: :tdown: :tdown: :tdown:

You know how the Jaguar Nation Likes to roll TO H-Town

This is the wrong game. :tdown: :tdown: :tdown:

Slow down rookie.

Think about it and I want you to put some serious thought into it. JR already spelled it out for you. Why would we move that game from a Saturday to a Thursday and miss that gate? Of course ESPN is the reason why. I didn't initially mention it because I wanted to see what type of reaction would be and I got exactly what I thought I would get.

And no the game would not be at Robertson, it will be at Reliant Stadium.
personally, I think that game will be better served at a smaller stadium for television purposes. 15-20k would look better in a smaller stadium. UH played Miami on a thursday night and the crowd didn't look all that great in reliant. Anyway...good for tsu getting a game on TV. I tried to watch the tsu/alcorn game on Fox this past season but they only showed one half due to another sporting event. what channel is this in the houston area?
Storm96 said:
personally, I think that game will be better served at a smaller stadium for television purposes. 15-20k would look better in a smaller stadium. UH played Miami on a thursday night and the crowd didn't look all that great in reliant.

We all would like that.... trust me.

I tried to watch the tsu/alcorn game on Fox this past season but they only showed one half due to another sporting event. what channel is this in the houston area?

Ch. 37 for those with Time Warner Cable.
I already knew if the game was being played on Thursday Espn had to have something to do with it. Like I said in the thread months ago, Espn would mess up some rivialry games and kill the crowds with this Thursday night crap. ITs alright to move certain games(games with no interest, i.e. everyone else TSU plays at home except PVU, and SU) to Thursday but certain games you don't mess with.
This will still draw a lot of Jags...a lot of people take off on that Friday before making the trip to Houston, anyway. People might just have to work a half day on Thursday in addition. I know I will be there.
SUjagTILLiDIE said:
I already knew if the game was being played on Thursday Espn had to have something to do with it. Like I said in the thread months ago, Espn would mess up some rivialry games and kill the crowds with this Thursday night crap. ITs alright to move certain games(games with no interest, i.e. everyone else TSU plays at home except PVU, and SU) to Thursday but certain games you don't mess with.

We can't keep thinking like that. The PWCs are doing it. Why can't we? Besides the SWAC probably tried to make sure every SWAC team got televised. So it was just the luck of the draw. There are still alot of SU folks in H-town and like some have said, some of the Jag Nation plan that trip every year to Houston so for many of them they may take off to make it. If not they will stay home. I am hoping the TV money will off set any gate loss TxSU may have. I am trying to stay positive about it. I don't like a Thursday game either. But I guess we will have to wait and see how it works out. I do agree we shouldn't be playing in Reliant for this game.
JR said:
We can't keep thinking like that. The PWCs are doing it. Why can't we?
JR, the day we become TRUE football fans, it won't matter what day the game is played on. True fans make it happen and get their butts to the games.

When you sign major network deals, the network makes you accomodate them.

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I think this is a good "test" game for Thursday night to see how we react... of course, it's no inconvenience for me since I live here

But why gigantic Reliant Stadium. I just hate when we go on TV and play in empty stadiums :mad: Hopefully ESPNU does a better job than BET/MBS when it comes to limiting wide camera shots.
I have to say that this is not good at ALL!!!!! I think that TSU will lose out on a lot of money.....(just my opinion)........ It makes no sense to me because a majority of that crowd are Southern fans and not TSU...... It's not about making it happen but a lot of people do work and taking days off for this is just silly to me..... TRUE FANS WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN BUT PUTTING PEOPLE BACK UP AGAINST THE WAL MAY SET US UP FOR A DOWNFALL!!! I KNOW THAT SU HAS A BIG FAN BASE IN HOUSTON BUT BATON ROUGE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO BE NOT SO HAPPY BEHIND THIS!!!!

It takes time to get from br to houston and it just seem to be killing the spirit by playing on a thursday....... no smack intended but why go the extra mile to make this game when TSU really is not a team to go out of your way and go watch play against your school.... ths kind of game is a given W unless some serious mistakes occur..... i just hate it because saturday seems to be the time to have this game so that crowd can be there for sure......

just my 2 cents and I know that my degree is from Grambling so please no REMINDING!!! :tup:
Jag Voice said:
I think this is a good "test" game for Thursday night to see how we react... of course, it's no inconvenience for me since I live here

But why gigantic Reliant Stadium. I just hate when we go on TV and play in empty stadiums :mad: Hopefully ESPNU does a better job than BET/MBS when it comes to limiting wide camera shots.

True I think that it should be played at Robertson at least it will appear to be a big crowd... Besides having this game on thursday in that stadium will porbably fill it to capacity ...... It will be interesting to see how this will go when it happens......
gramuntildeath said:
no smack intended but why go the extra mile to make this game when TSU really is not a team to go out of your way and go watch play against your school....

Because the Jag Nation loves to come to Houston. Just think if this were the SU-JSU game that was moved to Thursday. You think it still wouldn't sell out?
jag4life said:
Because the Jag Nation loves to come to Houston. Just think if this were the SU-JSU game that was moved to Thursday. You think it still wouldn't sell out?

How far is Jackson from BR before I aswer that question..... But thinking for a minute that game probably wuld be sold out.... I think that it wld t sell out bt come very close to it!!!! just my thought
It's no big deal to me. Houston's essentially the same distance away from me as Baton Rouge.

It's the best game for SU to do this since we have an open date the week before.

The one negative is that it takes the kids out of class for two days (instead of the usual one) just a couple of weeks before finals.
jag4life said:
Because the Jag Nation loves to come to Houston. Just think if this were the SU-JSU game that was moved to Thursday. You think it still wouldn't sell out?
I don't think a JSU game in Jackson on a Thursday would be close to a sell out. First of all the MAJORITY of SU's Fans are working class folks that didn't attend the University. A lot of those folks won't be able to get off from work. Secondly the tailgaiting wouldn't be the same on a Thursday as compared to a Saturday. Have you noticed how empty some of those PWC games are on a Thursday night. I hope the TV(payout) is worth the loss in revenue.
SUjagTILLiDIE said:
I already knew if the game was being played on Thursday Espn had to have something to do with it. Like I said in the thread months ago, Espn would mess up some rivialry games and kill the crowds with this Thursday night crap.

You act as if the world revolves around you and Southern? If the ACC, SEC, Big East and other BCS conference schools can play on a Thursday night then you fill in the rest of the sentence.

SUjagTILLiDIE said:
The Nation ain't gonna like this.
Families have to work, kids have to go to school, people have taken vacation time, like myself for that weekend. TSU needs to do something to get out of this.

Well, the Nation is gonna have to accept it. You think our AD can go before the SWAC and ESPN and say "No, we not gonna move this game. We'd rather play this game on Saturday and draw 30K in the stands as opposed to millions on television... on a national Sports channel..... with only one other game going on that entire night in all of AMERICA..... we don't want the marketability of our program and university........" :rolleyes:

Dude, get a grip of yourself. Skip class/work on Thursday; possibly Friday and make the game in Houston. Or you can sit in Baton Rouge and watch it from the comfort of your living room. If you can't do either, then watch Sportscenter at 11pm.
SUjagTILLiDIE said:
I don't think a JSU game in Jackson on a Thursday would be close to a sell out. First of all the MAJORITY of SU's Fans are working class folks that didn't attend the University. A lot of those folks won't be able to get off from work. Secondly the tailgaiting wouldn't be the same on a Thursday as compared to a Saturday. Have you noticed how empty some of those PWC games are on a Thursday night. I hope the TV(payout) is worth the loss in revenue.

SU fans take off to go to Vegas, Indy, Chicago, and whereever else SU plays.

By the way...PWC games are empty on Saturday nights too.
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