Thank you!


Master, I thank you for the THOUGHTFULNESS and ENCOURAGEMENT of a newfound friend. May the Lord Bless her and her family in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Folks to care for you in a geniune fashion are precious

Amen to that!!!

That's a blessing

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Thank you God for life, health, strength, love, happiness, peace, joy, good will, helpfullness, lessons, and the will to PRESS on. Amen.
Soooooo Good!

I wanna thank the Lord for making me stronger as a person. I wanna thank him for the blessings i encounter on a daily basis. I know I am not the person I wanna b, but I am growing into the person I should be. Thank you for a heart that feels.

"Thank you Lord for all you've done for me"
"Every day, Every hour"
Thank you Father for such wonderful and beatiful new day. I will forever be mindful that you are the beginning, the middle, and the end. Thank you for being my God. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be acceptable unto thy sight. Bless everyone that is standing in need of prayer today.
I smile...

this morning and thank you Lord for allowing me to see another day. I humble my heart, mind, body and soul to you this morning asking for your forgiveness of my sins, praying that you guide me in the direction that you have designated for me. I'm touched by your grace and in awe of your blessings. Thank you God for carrying me, walking beside me, staying a step ahead of me and behind me. Thank you again for blessing me, family and friends.
IN Jesus' name..amen.
I'm still here...

Thank you Heavenly Father for allowing me to always have a way out when I place myself negatives situations.
In the midst of the storm I still stand on the Word of God and believe that He (U) will never leave me nor forsake me...that is what keeps me going and waking up to see a NEW DAY...

..Please help me to love your people as much I have come to love you.

Thank you for teaching me patience and kindness and the ability to love and forgive in spite of...

Thank YOU Father for LIFE (and life MORE abundantly)
Another Day

Thank you Father for yet, another day on this great earth. I thank you for my health, strength, sound mind, body, and spirit. I thank you for my son and his health and strength along with sound mind, body, and spirit. Thanking you for friends oh so dear and family. I thank you for food, clothing, and shelter. I thank you for my job. And most of all I thank you for your darling son Jesus.

Thank U Lord

For bestowing on me so many blessings. Thank u Lord for the many opportunities that others could only imagine. Lord thank for a wonderful family and friends whom I love very much. Thank u for guiding my feet on the right path.I just want to thank u for everything; for I am w/out a doubt bless.
Lord, you are wonderful, marvelous, and there is no one like you. I thank you for your mercy and grace. I don't deserve many of the blessings you bestowed upon me I know. But you look beyond my faults and short comings and bless me and love me anyway. I praise you Lord, I praise you, I praise you. I want to serve you forever. If it were not for you I would not be here. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.....
Thank you for my Love. Thank you for my old friends. Thank you for forgiveness. Thank you for being YOU did Lord and not a judgemental human! Thank you for blessing me IN SPITE of myself. Thank you for food, shelter, clothing. Thank you for my siblings, my parents, my relatives and their love. Thank you for peace, happiness, and joy. In Jesus Name. Amen!

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I thank you for loved ones. I thank you for peace in the valley. I thank you for understanding and forgiveness. I thank you for not being human. I thank you for sanity, food, healthy & strength. Thank you! In Jesus Name. Amen.
Master, while humans judge and point a harsh finger, you forgive us. You love us in spite of ourselves. Lord, I know if it were not for YOUR grace and mercy so freely given, our lives would be in utter turmoil like so many others. Thank you Lord! You're an alright God if you ask me! In Jesus' Name. Amen.
God, you are wonderful and awsome. Lately when I have had needs, you provided for me right on time!!!! Thank You!!! I don't deserve it but thank you!!!!!!
Thanking you once again

Thank you Lord for your peace and serenity.

Thank you Lord for your humility.

Thank you Lord for your strength that you bestow upon me.

Thank you Lord for another day.

Thank you Lord for family and (true)friends.

Thank you Lord for good health.

Thank you Lord for my job.

Thank you Lord for my earthly possessions.

And most of all, thank you for your son Jesus.

In my own humilty


I thank you for not keeping record of my misdeeds.

I thank you for correcting me in my errors ...ever so gently.

I thank you for my fiance'.

I thank you for his kindness, meekness, gentleness, and respect for me.

I thank you for true friends and the restoration of an old friendship that was ever so dear to me.

I thank you for the rain because it watered my grass free.

Thank you for the grass and our home.

I thank you for simply waking me up today.

I thank you for giving me courage to thank you openly without shame of fear of judgement! Thank you!

Thank you for the opportunity to work with children at my church, the opportunity has humbled me.

Thank you for focus!

Thank you for the dismissal of drama from my life. Praise the Lord!
Dear God...

You know my heart's desires. Forgive me for my sins and strengthen me this day for I am weak. In Jesus' name I pray and ask this blessing...Amen.
Thank you for a successful meeting. Thank you for all the wonderful cooperation. Thank you for the 2 messages we received in regards to "From the plantation to the palace"... Lord you know... Thanks and Amen!