Rapper Young Dolph killed in Memphis

Honestly, I see the man was doing a lot of good in Memphis. But, when you have black people that secretly work for white supremacists. You better watch your back.
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Honestly, I see the man was doing a lot of good in Memphis. But, when you black people that secretly work for white supremacists. You better watch your back.
Let's stop the ignorance. This has nothing to do with Fox news narrative you pushing. White males kill each other just as much. Especially poor white people. The average black person doesn't even dibble and dab in the streets. The average black person in the ghetto works everyday to raise their families. You know as well as me this is some street shyt. Nothing more nothing less. You gang bang, sell dope, hustle the street, robbing crew and you know that it's just a matter of time.
I definitely knew the name but not necessarily the music. In fact, I could tell you more about Makeda’s Cookie joint where he was gunned down (real good & down to earth peeps).

So I spent time checking him out on interviews. From my observation, he seemed genuine. I’ve also seen so many former students and youngsters that I know in the city showing him nothing but respect and love. I’m still learning about the beefs he may have had (or more so, what someone may have had with him).

The only thing I can conclude is that he was a victim of some typical hating. He was in the city briefly to continue what he was already doing for years which was to share his resources. My life’s work is for ish like this to never happen, so to say this disturbs me even more now that I’ve learned about him more is an understatement.
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And always remember, everything that smiles in your face is not your friend.

This has been a very hard 2 weeks for me personally. 2 Sundays ago in my former 27+ year outreach program, and for the first time ever, a knucklehead brought a gun to the gym. He literally cocked it, slipped, re-cocked it after it misfired, and then fired it at the young man who was running away. The 20 yr old running away literally crossed me and an 8 y/o I was speaking with sitting next to me on one side and a 15 y/o HS soph on my other side. As they both ran, all I could do in that instant was stand up in disbelief, as it seemed as though time stood still. I initially thought he was about to unload the entire clip on the whole gym (~ 45-47 young men and boys) as I was shouting "don't do it! don't do it!!" I was semi-speechless when the cops arrived. I was even more speechless as the entire gym cleared and no one remained there except me to shoulder the 12 guns pointed at me on center court to respond to the shooting 911 call. Everyone left, even the guy who was being shot at. No one stayed to give information on that new guy which I'm 1000% certain too many knew him because they kept interacting with him before his 2nd game where he got pissed off and decided to shoot.

After the almost 28 year successful run of my outreach program fully funded by me w/out corporate assistance, I terminated it wholly 2 Sundays ago. No more basketball/outreach to help young guys become employed, direct their path for post-HS community college entrance, mentoring, tutoring, ... nothing.

I hooped in 49 of 51 states excepting Nevada and Puerto Rico, all sorts of "hoods" and 'burbs, and not ONCE did I EVER have to deal w/ gun play at a basketball court. That includes being near gangs and the whole nine. Not once, until it hit me in my home area where I'm about to retire to. I visited the same court since 1975 and never had an incident like that (our personal Rucker-park w/ inside and outside court).

I'm done w/ it.
@Bewildered I am speechless. Good to know you got through that ok (well physically, because emotionally that will probably last a long time), That could have gotten really ugly.
Just senseless. smh Even more senseless how that new guy's "boys" hid his sorry ass. I called the detective twice already and he has nothing. No one, including the guy who was being shot at, has stepped forward with information about the shooter. Some idiot even removed the bullet casing from the court. I don't want any of them near me anymore. Covering up a potential murder attempt????? smh
Just senseless. smh Even more senseless how that new guy's "boys" hid his sorry ass. I called the detective twice already and he has nothing. No one, including the guy who was being shot at, has stepped forward with information about the shooter. Some idiot even removed the bullet casing from the court. I don't want any of them near me anymore. Covering up a potential murder attempt????? smh
Sometimes we can be our own worse enemy SMH


This has been a very hard 2 weeks for me personally. 2 Sundays ago in my former 27+ year outreach program, and for the first time ever, a knucklehead brought a gun to the gym. He literally cocked it, slipped, re-cocked it after it misfired, and then fired it at the young man who was running away. The 20 yr old running away literally crossed me and an 8 y/o I was speaking with sitting next to me on one side and a 15 y/o HS soph on my other side. As they both ran, all I could do in that instant was stand up in disbelief, as it seemed as though time stood still. I initially thought he was about to unload the entire clip on the whole gym (~ 45-47 young men and boys) as I was shouting "don't do it! don't do it!!" I was semi-speechless when the cops arrived. I was even more speechless as the entire gym cleared and no one remained there except me to shoulder the 12 guns pointed at me on center court to respond to the shooting 911 call. Everyone left, even the guy who was being shot at. No one stayed to give information on that new guy which I'm 1000% certain too many knew him because they kept interacting with him before his 2nd game where he got pissed off and decided to shoot.

After the almost 28 year successful run of my outreach program fully funded by me w/out corporate assistance, I terminated it wholly 2 Sundays ago. No more basketball/outreach to help young guys become employed, direct their path for post-HS community college entrance, mentoring, tutoring, ... nothing.

I hooped in 49 of 51 states excepting Nevada and Puerto Rico, all sorts of "hoods" and 'burbs, and not ONCE did I EVER have to deal w/ gun play at a basketball court. That includes being near gangs and the whole nine. Not once, until it hit me in my home area where I'm about to retire to. I visited the same court since 1975 and never had an incident like that (our personal Rucker-park w/ inside and outside court).

I'm done w/ it.
DAMN Rick!!! Man, thank God you and those kids wasn't hurt. We HAVE to reach our people before it's too late.
A certain rapper that he *allegedly* had some beef with *allegedly* went on Instagram live and *allegedly* put a $100k hit on Dolph.

My guess would be that one of these young knuckleheads accepted the bounty and did the hit.

It's messed up.
Bewildered, don't know you, but man, I'm glad you are ok,,, it could have went south with the cops pointing guns at you,,,take care.
Hands up, right foot on top of a basketball. I knew they would enter guns drawn. The court is near a tennis court and "you know who" were there doing their thing when this popped off.

If I left, I guaranteeeeeeeeeee you I would've been stopped after they gave a description of that loud looking car and then said "black male." *POW!* *POW!* *POW!!!!!* "I saw him reaching for something as he exited the car so I had to put him down." smh
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This has been a very hard 2 weeks for me personally. 2 Sundays ago in my former 27+ year outreach program, and for the first time ever, a knucklehead brought a gun to the gym. He literally cocked it, slipped, re-cocked it after it misfired, and then fired it at the young man who was running away. The 20 yr old running away literally crossed me and an 8 y/o I was speaking with sitting next to me on one side and a 15 y/o HS soph on my other side. As they both ran, all I could do in that instant was stand up in disbelief, as it seemed as though time stood still. I initially thought he was about to unload the entire clip on the whole gym (~ 45-47 young men and boys) as I was shouting "don't do it! don't do it!!" I was semi-speechless when the cops arrived. I was even more speechless as the entire gym cleared and no one remained there except me to shoulder the 12 guns pointed at me on center court to respond to the shooting 911 call. Everyone left, even the guy who was being shot at. No one stayed to give information on that new guy which I'm 1000% certain too many knew him because they kept interacting with him before his 2nd game where he got pissed off and decided to shoot.

After the almost 28 year successful run of my outreach program fully funded by me w/out corporate assistance, I terminated it wholly 2 Sundays ago. No more basketball/outreach to help young guys become employed, direct their path for post-HS community college entrance, mentoring, tutoring, ... nothing.

I hooped in 49 of 51 states excepting Nevada and Puerto Rico, all sorts of "hoods" and 'burbs, and not ONCE did I EVER have to deal w/ gun play at a basketball court. That includes being near gangs and the whole nine. Not once, until it hit me in my home area where I'm about to retire to. I visited the same court since 1975 and never had an incident like that (our personal Rucker-park w/ inside and outside court).

I'm done w/ it.


I thank God for you being here to share this with us. I can’t even begin to imagine what that was like.

For almost 30 years, you mentored and tutored our young Black sons, cousins, nephews, simply because you CARE and know the struggles of our Black men and tried to help others with theirs. You didn’t just “talk about” what needs to be done, you “were about” solutions and outreach. If you were just a mere increment of the man I met back in 2009, I KNOW you reached and helped hundreds and hundreds of our brothers . For 3 decades, I have no doubt that SOMEBODY is doing better, SOMEBODY is off the streets now, SOMEBODY went on to finish school, SOMEBODY went from being a statistic to a student because of your program.

I pray that the Lord will let your mind rest on all the young men you were able reach, and not on the one who did this. I hope you don’t allow one person to block your blessings and cast a shadow on your light.

Again, I’m so thankful you didn’t......🥺

This has been a very hard 2 weeks for me personally. 2 Sundays ago in my former 27+ year outreach program, and for the first time ever, a knucklehead brought a gun to the gym. He literally cocked it, slipped, re-cocked it after it misfired, and then fired it at the young man who was running away. The 20 yr old running away literally crossed me and an 8 y/o I was speaking with sitting next to me on one side and a 15 y/o HS soph on my other side. As they both ran, all I could do in that instant was stand up in disbelief, as it seemed as though time stood still. I initially thought he was about to unload the entire clip on the whole gym (~ 45-47 young men and boys) as I was shouting "don't do it! don't do it!!" I was semi-speechless when the cops arrived. I was even more speechless as the entire gym cleared and no one remained there except me to shoulder the 12 guns pointed at me on center court to respond to the shooting 911 call. Everyone left, even the guy who was being shot at. No one stayed to give information on that new guy which I'm 1000% certain too many knew him because they kept interacting with him before his 2nd game where he got pissed off and decided to shoot.

After the almost 28 year successful run of my outreach program fully funded by me w/out corporate assistance, I terminated it wholly 2 Sundays ago. No more basketball/outreach to help young guys become employed, direct their path for post-HS community college entrance, mentoring, tutoring, ... nothing.

I hooped in 49 of 51 states excepting Nevada and Puerto Rico, all sorts of "hoods" and 'burbs, and not ONCE did I EVER have to deal w/ gun play at a basketball court. That includes being near gangs and the whole nine. Not once, until it hit me in my home area where I'm about to retire to. I visited the same court since 1975 and never had an incident like that (our personal Rucker-park w/ inside and outside court).

I'm done w/ it.
Damn, sorry to hear that.