
That dumpster fire got more swac titles and still owns y’all ass in the series... you even said you were lucky this year don’t get new in front SUcks... I’ll quote your ass in a heart beat...
How many scg titles jstank got since A&M been in the SWAC? 😭😂😂😂😂😂
1-5 vs A&M in the last 6 years just shut up with that loser talk..yall garbage and your whole coaching staff some certified LOSERS🤣😭
How many scg titles jstank got since A&M been in the SWAC? 😭😂😂😂😂😂
1-5 vs A&M in the last 6 years just shut up with that loser talk..yall garbage and your whole coaching staff some certified LOSERS🤣😭

Losers have to shorten history to fit their sorry programs narrative... enjoy your fluke win and your seat right on the same couch with JSU... you sound dumb as hell... but then again y’all comfortable with being above average in normal so I’m not surprised.
We beat jstank 52-6..if they didn't call a running clock in the 2nd half we would've scored 100..this loser wants to talk history though? What history? STFU lol

When was the last time aamu appeared in a swac championship ? Remind me again wasn’t Bush in office still? 🤔 ahhhh hell if I know that’s mediocre shit...

J slump I know you just learned how to use memes this season and all..., but the game over and flounders called you out... go navigate your antennas up over there...
LuluWanda: "J slump I know you just learned how to use memes this season and all..., but the game over and flounders called you out... go navigate your antennas up over there..."
Damn special teams I blame this shit on y’all....


I see you are still holding down the fort and those other cowards ran from the Board like a crack head running from a bath. It is obvious that you are the new leader of the Mafia....since the following are doing other things....

Get Ready - Retired an owner of a flip flop factory in Mexico
Tigerpride - Some where not being honest and the hype man for Bagdad Bob
JRob - Recovering in an undisclosed location from being slapped by Comegy (from about 5-10 years ago)

So now it falls on you.....

I see you are still holding down the fort and those other cowards ran from the Board like a crack head running from a bath. It is obvious that you are the new leader of the Mafia....since the following are doing other things....

Get Ready - Retired an owner of a flip flop factory in Mexico
Tigerpride - Some where not being honest and the hype man for Bagdad Bob
JRob - Recovering in an undisclosed location from being slapped by Comegy (from about 5-10 years ago)

So now it falls on you.....

Well those were hbcu board greats before me.... I’m gone be with my team man... it’s embarrassing now and I always stay optimistic about things because I know the record is ugly but JSU has improved against elites we will never be given a chance in a pick em ... we got to get our coordinators straightened out in the offseason and I think we can have a winning season next year. I was expecting 6-6 / 7-5 this year, but given Hendricks was only given 2 years . The clock is ticking. I’ll be patient because when we get there those mentioned people will try to come back but I’ll always stand by my team and smack with anyone win, lose, or draw... I love my school. I hope our fortune changes in the new decade. We were competitive this season following the Alabama state game... that’s all I can ask from a young team.
LOL...1-5 vs A&M in the last 6 years😭😭😭...how many SCG titles jstank got btw?
We have 16 swac titles, we appeared multiple times in the swac championship, and we’ve been unlucky. Again shortening history doesn’t help your schools cause... bottom line your on the same couch as we are so that would mean you had losses that reflected a deficiency in your program in y’all’s case yalls defense, same as us... I don’t believe we suck ... Jags are going to say what they say cause it’s cold love with SU and JSU and you better hope you on the winning side cause it’s cold days in hell for the losers. After Alabama State , we only lost games by 6-7 points against quality teams. One of those being y’all who we were leading until jones made a momentum changing mistake on a fumble that y’all scooped for a score. He is a freshman and so are many others in pivotal roles. Coaching particularly in the coordinators has been piss poor. We are 4-7 playing against Alcorn for in state pride and I hope we can get a win and end positively. AAMU has a ways to go before you can say y’all have pass JSU ... you can shorten, manipulate history to fit your narrative, or focus on the previous 6 years all you want. Even at our schools lowest times AAMU will never pass those who paved the way in JSU history and that’s facts. These last two years aamu have won but they have been JSU beating JSU not aamu besting JSU, and you can’t tell me anything otherwise idc if you read this or not.