Janelle Monae endorses a sex strike until men stand up for Women's Rights

If Janelle Monae was having sex with men, she might have some credibility. Her opinion might mean something. As it stands, she's just talking.

lol @ women taking advice from a woman that doesnt even deal with men

That is what makes this funny. Why would I take advice from a closet lesbian a la Queen Latifah on heterosexual sex?

And the sad thing is that many of these BBWs (bitter black women aka black feminists) would subscribe to this if it means giving them power.

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She's just trying to improve her chances to lickety more splits. She figures if she is successful in pulling off a coochie boycott, she and other lesbians would have EXPONENTIALLY more coochies to lick cool, which is somewhat clever on her part. LMAO!!!
If her strike is successful, I bet she envisions that women would be standing in line for blocks at her house waiting their turn to get their thangs cooled off. But what she doesn't realize, it's hard to successfully strike against nature.
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Her thinking is just as bad as the booty warrior when he said booty was more important than food and water. Getting a man's booty is not natural ,but eating and drinking water is. LOL!!!

BoonDocks should have a skit on Janelle's nussy strike. I can't wait to see how they show that warp mentality. Totally unnatural........
I know, but I just wasn't mentally ready for that. LOL

I guess you don't watch BoonDocks. They love picking up on mentally twisted crap like Janelle's strike and do some funny skit on it, especially when it is some sick crap that goes against nature.

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Why is it only black women making these statements?

It's a bullying and shaming tacit to make men "support" them in whatever it is.

I don't have to march to support you
I don't have to cuss out folks to support you nor do flame wars on forums.
But you will not bully me into support.

Janelle is misinform that men don't support women. Maybe if some women made better choices in selection of men-we wouldn't have this issue.

Don't cry that all black men o is get women knocked up if all you do is chase after them nonstop.