FL Pastor Flees Scene Naked After Man Who Attends His Church Finds Him Having Sex With His Wife in T

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This nikka is good!

He rocked their azz back to sleep!

His hustle is strong!!!
Okay....after having said all of that what does he have to do? Go to counseling? Go to therapy? What? Does he perform his pastoral duties for 6 months with no pay? What?

Or does he just say God has forgiven him because he asked for it?
Folks must be living in a bubble if they think @Tiger1 is the only one that can find ratchet stuff. They better open their eyes, because ratchet stuff is all around us. Like CT said, same ole shit, just a new day.
Okay....after having said all of that what does he have to do? Go to counseling? Go to therapy? What? Does he perform his pastoral duties for 6 months with no pay? What?

Or does he just say God has forgiven him because he asked for it?

Do you really have to ask all those questions to know what he's really going to do??? I think your last question hits the nail on the head.
Nahhhh, the questions were rhetorical. I'm not like Kendrick............LOL

Oh okay!!!I Because some folks do act surprised by some of the mess that happens in Black churches/communities. I'm beginning to believe that a few folks might approve of this mess. LOL!!!
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Under Pastor Simmons' leadership, Jacob Chapel has literally fed the hungry, clothed the naked, ministered to those in prisons, and built houses for those without shelter. It is the message of the Cross, the death, the burial, and the resurrection of Christ from the grave which continues to fuel the fire that burns within this passionate preacher and teacher.


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Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They would hve to roll my ass out that day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHURCH OVA!

I would have dared anybody to say something. I would have been like this:

Old Church Lady: You should not have said that.
Me: Didn't he fuck a mother...hence a motherfucker.
Old Church Lady: Immo lay hands on you in the holy spirit.
Me: Oh no you not...get that little young sexy thing over there to do it.


Better yet....

Pastor: Who said that.
Me: Pastor don't shoot I'm not the one who called you a motherfucker. I'm not even sitting next to the man who called you a mother fucker....I'm not even sitting next to the man sitting next to the got damn man who called you a mother fucker. All I wanna know is who called you a Paster cause you damn shole is a motherfucker!!!

Under Pastor Simmons' leadership, Jacob Chapel has literally fed the hungry, clothed the naked, ministered to those in prisons, and built houses for those without shelter. It is the message of the Cross, the death, the burial, and the resurrection of Christ from the grave which continues to fuel the fire that burns within this passionate preacher and teacher.


They forgot this one under his leadership. "And love those when their love ones are away." LMAO!!!
Not the cell number also!!!! LMAO!!!

Yep!!! I think it is long overdue that Black folks should put these fools on blast. I saw the same crap happen in my hometown (Alexandria, LA), where one preacher caught another preacher sleeping with his wife. These fools just might move to Jackson, MS and run for mayor.
This would be a good time if another man could go by his house and share a little loving with his wife. LMAO!!!

Home address:
165 Wisteria Lane
Havana, Florida 32333