Black Foxes Or J-settes

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ALL MAN these AFLACS are SAD!!!!



LMAO @ this entire thread.

To the JSU'ers who insist on keeping this going:

None of the people who have stated their opinion evenattend PV, much less are they affiliated with the band. Some are even arch rivals but that doesn't matter. They like the Foxes. What can you do about it? Not a dayum thing. I actually kinda like the J-Settes. But the styles are just so different, they are nearly impossible to compare. The Settes do what they d well and so do the Foxes. I seriousl doubt that the J-Settes could do what PV does and make it look the same. You have your opinion and everyone else has theirs. That really makes me question the integrity of what you are trying to prove if you have to convince somebody of what you are saying.

And I still haven't figured out what travelling has to do with being the best? I thought we went through this with GSU already. Like I say be careful what you wish for.

Originally posted by 1995mobb




And you continue to show your stupidity...:rolleyes:


Friggin Forest Brook HS in H town does a show to Scream. So you're proud the Jsettes can run with Forest Brook High huh. Scream and Coming to America....does it really take a brain surgeon to dance to that...I could see if you were saying they performed some kinda ballet or point(sp) routine or laid down a floor and tapped on the field but all they did was shake their rump to a different tempo. So what patna???? Man move on with that ghettoness!!!
Originally posted by BLAQUE PRINCE

And you continue to show your stupidity...:rolleyes:

Friggin Forest Brook HS in H town does a show to Scream. So you're proud the Jsettes can run with Forest Brook High huh. Scream and Coming to America....does it really take a brain surgeon to dance to that...I could see if you were saying they performed some kinda ballet or point(sp) routine or laid down a floor and tapped on the field but all they did was shake their rump to a different tempo. So what patna???? Man move on with that ghettoness!!!

First of all, Don't come at me talking smack about ghetto, Thats where you just step on my Toe.:mad:

I can make my opinion as well as you can make yours. Doing a real and an actual show takes your band and Dancing girls Far in the swac and in the US.
And I still haven't figured out what travelling has to do with being the best? I thought we went through this with GSU already. Like I say be careful what you wish for. [/B][/QUOTE]

If you never leave out the state then how can someone see you perform LIVE. You are not able to judge others that you can't see perform.

9 out of 10 people see or have seen the jsettes and other colleges compared to maybe 3 out of 10 people have seen the black foxes.:D

hell, maybe not even 3 out of 10, I would give you 2 at least. :lmao: :lmao:

Go Back and read it very SLOW......................................
No YOU read it slow. Don't get mad cuz everybody outside the 'Sipp does't think the J-Settes are the best ting since sliced bread.

First of all, you have no clue wat you are talkin about. How many times has te Boom been to TX in the last 20 years?? If I recall correcty (which I am almost certain that I am), JSU has not returned PV's visit from the 80's. W can say the same thing about ya'll. I would rather not leave the state and let our name and reputation of excellence travel fo us than be all over the place sucking (i.e. GSU). Your logic doesn't make sense. You don't travel so you aren't good. Give me a break. Smacking about travel and have come into the state of TX once in 20 years.:rolleyes:

I'm going to give you and JSU the benefit of the doubt. I thought........naw dayum that.....I know the rest of the JSU posters have more sense than you. How can you tell people what to lke and not like. Apparntly the Black Foxes have more fans than even I thought they did and I am in the band at PV. Apparently somebody likes them.

Why do you have so muh hate for the Foxes? Did one of them turn you down?? Are you bitter?
The point is, The Black Foxes are not better than the Jsettes, No they didn't turn me down and Not everyone or nearly everyone thinks they are more competitive than the Famous Jsettes.

Just because you guys made the entire band sign up and vote all in one day to make those girls, THINK, notice I said THINK they are better than any of the other DANCERS| on here, That shhh is not Correct and We know. The rest of the SWAC doesn't Care but I do.
Originally posted by s phi s
No YOU read it slow. Don't get mad cuz everybody outside the 'Sipp does't think the J-Settes are the best ting since sliced bread.

First of all, you have no clue wat you are talkin about. How many times has te Boom been to TX in the last 20 years?? If I recall correcty (which I am almost certain that I am), JSU has not returned PV's visit from the 80's. W can say the same thing about ya'll. I would rather not leave the state and let our name and reputation of excellence travel fo us than be all over the place sucking (i.e. GSU). Your logic doesn't make sense. You don't travel so you aren't good. Give me a break. Smacking about travel and have come into the state of TX once in 20 years.:rolleyes:

for the record, We come to Texas when we play a Real Texas Team, Have not missed a TSU game Away Yet. I recall 95 and 99. Do You.
Originally posted by 1995mobb
Obladerunner, My bad, i thought You were a Dude all this time. My bad I treat all ladies with the up most respect.

You do attend Prarie View right or Wrong.

Man, you've got to be...check are the dummess in the SWAC. You couldn't have used context clues when reading my post. How did you come up with me being a female?

No sir...I don't/didn't attend PV.

I attended Southern A&M University. You know...the band with the dance group that cleans out the JSettes on the regular....using more class and less arse.

lol @ this ignoramous trying to be funny. Boy, your more damp behind the ears than I thought.
Originally posted by TBS965
Get it right, TBS965
Year was spring 96 and Line number 5.
Are you mad because you not TBS. I care what kind of license plate number you're puting up as a screen name. If I did, I would've put more effort into looking up your name. But, I guess that just flew right over your head, huh?

LOL @ you, trying to use the "Im in it (TBS), and you're not" card. You are the lamess. Im thru with you ducks.

Go sit down next to the 5th duck (mobb1995 = Dummess)over there-------------------------->>>>>
Originally posted by O'Bladerunner

Man, you've got to be...check are the dummess in the SWAC. You couldn't have used context clues when reading my post. How did you come up with me being a female?

No sir...I don't/didn't attend PV.

I attended Southern A&M University. You know...the band with the dance group that cleans out the JSettes on the regular....using more class and less arse.

lol @ this ignoramous trying to be funny. Boy, your more damp behind the ears than I thought.

I hope we not talking about cleaning the Jsettes out in your dream, I don't recall your stiff azz dancing dolls performing for the last 2 years against the Jsettes, dam but it wouldn't matter because no one pays attention to those Girls.

I should have known you were from southern because everytime one post the other one does also. Its looks like you are the duck following up behind every post we make.

Quack Quack deez N.U.T.S .:lmao: :lmao:
Originally posted by O'Bladerunner I care what kind of license plate number you're puting up as a screen name. If I did, I would've put more effort into looking up your name. But, I guess that just flew right over your head, huh?

LOL @ you, trying to use the "Im in it (TBS), and you're not" card. You are the lamess. Im thru with you ducks.

Go sit down next to the 5th duck (mobb1995 = Dummess)over there-------------------------->>>>>

Lean How to spell, Through and not thru in that sentence.

Why would you keep posting after everyone from Jackson and post when there is something said about Southern Girls.
Originally posted by O'Bladerunner

Man, you've got to be...check are the dummess in the SWAC. You couldn't have used context clues when reading my post. How did you come up with me being a female?

No sir...I don't/didn't attend PV.

I attended Southern A&M University. You know...the band with the dance group that cleans out the JSettes on the regular....using more class and less arse.

I will give Southern Dancing dolls the looks and thats about it.
When it comes to routine, The Jsettes murder you guys almost, dam every Year.

The best routine the Dancing Dolls ever perform to was Give it to me baby.

Back to the The Black Foxes............................ To be continued
First of all, Im not a smalltime, who was posting on the Swacpage First.

You May want to do your research bruh......................

Originally posted by 1995mobb
First of all, Im not a smalltime, who was posting on the Swacpage First.
Who cares!?! As of now, I have almost 1500 more post than you. Does that make your stupidity relevant? Your opinions and views are still dumb as "L", 10 watt.
Tell me this, How come you always come to every post that I reply on and then quote what I say and then reply negative. I don't know you and you dont know me. Im not trying to get in a decussion over anything that did not involve my School.

This thread was started by a J'sette. It's like everytime someone from Jstate Post you Post why.

Have you not thought about not wasting your time on someone else school or post that did not involve the Dancing Dolls or the Southern U Band.

My views are my opinions and Vice Verse.


But for the members of myself....that travels, can pretty much give an "unbiased" opinion..... ;)

The Black Foxes are first and foremost....CLASSY

No abundant booty shaking
No clear sexual implications to the ground they dance on
And no living off their legendary name

The J-Settes haven't pranced since I don't know when.
And it seems like they recruit a gang of dog-faced women in the past 3-5 years (Of course I'm not counting any TBSigmas in this statement.) And traditional the Old Head J-Settes at JSU's Homecoming really show up the young bucks.......

Y'all just gotta stay tru.......or the Black Foxes shall prevail!!!!!

Please don't let me get on those Dancing dolls!!!!!
My thing is that after the Swacpage decide to email everyone and tell them to vote in this best dancers troupe, The black Foxes must have created new user names before the deadline and VOTED. That shhh was smart but not Far and they know that the Jsettes will destroy. Classy is not for the SWAC. Maybe the Meac but not the Swac, What Guys you see want to watch dam girls that look silly on the field Vs getting your Camera ready for some action and a real routine.

Even ladies can judge that and say, There girls look like Tenneesee State Girls and we know how sorry they are.
Originally posted by 1995mobb
My thing is that after the Swacpage decide to email everyone and tell them to vote in this best dancers troupe, The black Foxes must have created new user names before the deadline and VOTED. That shhh was smart but not Far and they know that the Jsettes will destroy. Classy is not for the SWAC. Maybe the Meac but not the Swac, What Guys you see want to watch dam girls that look silly on the field Vs getting your Camera ready for some action and a real routine.

Even ladies can judge that and say, There girls look like Tenneesee State Girls and we know how sorry they are.

Oh AFLAC!!! it that serious....

Originally posted by 1995mobb
Classy is not for the SWAC.

Ummm... excuse me? :o

If classy is NOT for the SWAC, please tell me what IS for the SWAC?

SBInc. send help! :smh:
I was asking <b>YOU</b> a question, that you failed to answer.

And I was not asking for help. &ldquo;SEND HELP&rdquo; is a phrase that only <b>seasoned</b> posters would know about.

s _ _ ! :( &nbsp;I guess you don't know what that means either ... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Tara
I was asking <b>YOU</b> a question, that you failed to answer.

And I was not asking for help. &ldquo;SEND HELP&rdquo; is a phrase that only <b>seasoned</b> posters would know about.

s _ _ ! :( &nbsp;I guess you don't know what that means either ... :rolleyes:

Tara don't work your self wiff this NUT of the 8 AFLACS.. I believe this DUCK just came out of his shell yesterday.
In my opinion, the Swac is More favored towards Black dancers who gets the job done in a versal way such as doing Production and producing shows to entertain the Black Society. Being Versatile and able to adapt to every Game provides the ability to survive in the HBCU (in this case.) The Jsettes are far more Versatile and adjust to each game on a weekly basis. It depends on who you play is what you do. Do you think that what the Black foxes do weekly will let them prevail against the Prancing J's. In my opinion again, NO. (hell no)

Have you witness any of the jsettes Halftime Performances. Why do you think so many ladies try out. They hold 3 and sometimes four tryouts a Year.

Not only they try out for each Game and not just make the line and say you will dance the entire season, There have been times that ladies try out and make it and never perform an entire game.

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