Bishop Paul Morton Message to Bishop Eddie Long

This is thePrayer Board. It was certainly appropriate for this forum. Sometimes it seems like you approach this as the Science Forum.

It's a forum for education on subjects pertaining to religion. It helps to have an objective mind giving his two cents worth rather than just folks "preaching to the choir" and telling each other what they want to hear instead of what they might need to be hearing.
I don't demand anything of you. I ask you questions, but you are not obligated to me at all.

If you have been succinct, then I missed it entirely. A succinct answer to a binary question has but one syllable. So, I am going to go out on a limb and say that neither of us know of any finding that says homosexuals have any diminished capacity to choose their behavior.

I'd rather you speak for dacon and not for JayRob. Like I've stated before, the information I've posted presents far more evidence to show that a person can be born homosexual. Up to now, you're still struggling to prove that a person can't. Even nature's not on your side when it comes to this.

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dacon QUOTE
I'm totally at a loss as to why I should need anything extra-biblical in order to walk in obedience to the Bible. That would be absolutely stupid OF ME.

It would also be ignorant of you to continue to believe that the earth was flat and that it was the center of our galaxy too. Those religious folks didn't need any proof, all they needed was what was in the bible, which is quite similar to what you're doing. They say the apple don't fall far from the tree and it surely applies here.

dacon quote:
You are still talking about tendencies when I asked about behaviors. Have I been unclear? Do homosexuals have the capability to think past their instincts and make a decision to not engage in homosexual behavior? I don't know how to ask any more directly.

Didn't I clearly state that behavior begins in the mind? Isn't that what the Jesus figure stated when he said, "For from within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly (Mark 7:21-22).
Why do you insist on ignoring the brain part, but you have no problem focusing on the act itself?

dacon quote:
You are incorrect, sir. What I have said that is it is a sin to PRACTICE homosexuality. As for the extent of it being tied to one's biological makeup, you already don't believe that of all homosexuals.

Why isn't it a sin to THINK homosexual thoughts, yet it's a sin to "practice" homosexuaity? There's no consistency. Either both are sin or both aren't.....according to the bible.

Nevermind the fact that animals all over the world are known to engage in homosexual acts, yet they were created by the same god who wrote the bible.
As far as homosexuality being a choice, for some it is. For some, it isn't.

dacon quote:
They would need to change in order to be obedient to the Word of God. What they choose to do in the privacy of their own homes is ENTIRELY up to them. I will fight for them to have those rights where such behavior is legal. Their ability to express or promote acceptance of such behavior IN THE CHURCH is prohibited by the Word of God. So, that is where I have the most concern.

So, your god, whom you claim to be the creator of all animals can create homosexual animals and allow folks to be born homosexuals, yet condemn them for something they have no control over? How unjust and tyrannical can one be?

In case you didn't know, all vertebrate embryos are inherently female. We all start life as females. It takes some kind of added effect—such as a hormone at the right moment during development—to transform the growing embryo into a male. But, left to its own devices, the embryo will naturally become female.
What if that embryo doesn't get the right amount of male/female hormones at the right time, then what? Who do you blame then?
In short, there's more to being homosexual than religious folks want to know or admit. Some just naively blame the actual victims and seem to have no problem with it. Thank goodness for science, or there would probably be mass killings of homosexuals by some just because a book says it's wrong.

dacon quote:
Make no mistake about it: I do believe the Scriptures. There will be no apologies for doing so. How I wish you would receive Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Ghost so the fact that Christ came to save sinners (1 Tim 1:15) - including those who practice homosexuality - would not be lost on you; the succombing to our tendencies (Romans 7:5) leads us to reap the wages of sin (Romans 6:23); that to be Spiritually-minded (and not spiritually-minded - Romans 8:3-9) brings life and peace while being carnally-minded produces death. Then, you might understand that the benefit of walking with Christ extends to those who have practiced homosexuality and want to be delivered. But, since you don't have the indwelling Spirit of God, that understanding eludes you.

Like I stated earlier, you can extend those verses to a hundred plus sins, but not one of those verses specifically mentions anything about homosexuality. In short, there's no record of one homosexual having ever been healed in the bible.

What's the big deal anyhow? You've already claimed that "works" are not important or necessary for salvation, so what's the big deal if one is a homosexual? According to you, all they need is faith for salvation.

And you keep making excuses about a holy spirit and "understanding". Your thoughts are just that, YOUR thoughts. You can accuse/credit a holy spirit of giving you thoughts until the cows come home, but fact of the matter is that your thoughts are your thoughts or else you can label yourself a medium. Mediums receive word from spirits just in case you forgot, and it's condemned in the bible.
You are a medium if spirits talk to you, no matter the kind of spirit.

dacon quote:
Somehow you continue to want to demand that the Bible be a science book. It is not and was never intended to be. It is a spiritual book.

There's a reason why the bible was never intended to be and scientific book. If it was, no one would be a Christian, due to it's many scientific statements that have been found to be untrue. Nevermind the fact that the bible tries to speak on scientific matters.
Fact of the matter is that the bible is a book based on nothing. Just "believing" is being very naive.
The average person has no idea who wrote the words of the bible, but have been talked into believing that the words are actually TRUE. What other field of thinking could get away with such nonsense other than the field of fiction and religion? It's incredible what religion does to people, without them even realizing it. There's no need for evidence.....JUST "believe".

dacon quote:
Science and logic will never conclude that the death of One perfect sacrifice would be sufficient recompense for all the sin that has been or ever will be committed. I dare say that is understood by every believer who posts on this board.

The followers of Horus said the same thing. The followers of Dionysius said the same thing. The followers of Kristna said virtually the same thing. What do all of the above names have in common with Christianity? They were considered to be perfect "saviors" who died and came back to life for humanity just like the Jesus character.
The followers of those religions believed in their savior hundreds, if not thousands of years, before the Europeans decided to form their own god-man savior in the Jesus character. In short, Jesus is not different in his description than Horus, Dionysius or Kristna.

dacon quote:
You are not among those persons.

You're right, because I chose to take an objective step back and look at the actual history of religion and the history of religious "saviors" who supposedly died and came back to life.

dacon quote:
So, you continue to find the suggestions of scientists more palatable. That is your prerogative. It won't change the Scriptures, and it won't change my believing in what they teach us about God, believers, the world, and evil.

Suggestions?! Religion is more related to "suggestion" than science ever will be. Science requires actual evidence for the most part. Religion requires a mere "belief", supported by nothing. Faith is substance of things HOPED for, the evidence of things NOT SEEN.

As far as changing the scriptures, the very history of the scriptures you read were taken from previous religions that existed hundreds and thousands of years before the Jesus figure or Christianity came on the scene. Only difference is that the names, characters, times and places were changed to accomodate the Christian audience, which is primarily European.

Note: Continue to believe in religion if that helps you get through the daily rigors of life. If it gives you hope for the future, hang on to it with all your might. Just be honest enough to admit when it's inaccurate.
It's a forum for education on subjects pertaining to religion. It helps to have an objective mind giving his two cents worth rather than just folks "preaching to the choir" and telling each other what they want to hear instead of what they might need to be hearing.
Fine. I offered a link to something that pertained to religion that you needed to hear and didn't want to. Thanks for validating the post.
I'd rather you speak for dacon and not for JayRob. Like I've stated before, the information I've posted presents far more evidence to show that a person can be born homosexual. Up to now, you're still struggling to prove that a person can't. Even nature's not on your side when it comes to this.
I really would rather you speak for yourself. I asked you...
Is there any evidence that says homosexuals do not have the ability to choose whether to engage in homosexual behavior?
...and you have refused to answer it. Why? I don't know. It is not a scientific nor a religious question. It is just a "do you know" question.

I have made no attempt to prove or disprove that a person can be born homosexual. It is not a struggle for me at all.
Please post where I stated that having female tendencies causes homosexuality. I know my posts are a bit long at times, but they can't be that difficult to comprehend. Now post where I made such a statement.

Do you know what sexist means? It's obvious that you don't. Do men have different tendencies than females? Yes. Do women have tendencies that men don't? Yes. Now explain how that's sexist.

Did you come up with this on your own? Where does sex begin? According to researchers, it begins in the brain. Even your Jesus figure claims that "sin" begins where? With the act? No. It begins in the heart/mind. Seems like you have a different opinion than your Jesus god.

Now post where I stated that putting on a dress makes one a homosexual. My words just can't be THAT difficult to comprehend.

Not one time did you mention perhaps the most important ingredient that determines one's sex. What's that ingredient? It's hormones.
Not one time did you mention how hormones effect the human brain while the fetus is still developing in the womb.
Not one time did you mention how in nature, animals practice homosexuality and some males can be born with female organs.
Not one time did you mention how every human embryo starts out female UNTIL hormones come into play.
Not one time did you mention how some males receive the proper amount of male hormones in his/her brain, while some don't. The same with females. This has been shown to be fact in scientific research.
Not one time did you explain why some homosexual males tend to have female tendencies, while some lesbian females have male tendencies. Instead, you wrongly explained it as being "sexist".

Again, you totally ignored the crucial hormonal ingredient which is vitally important in helping to shape the mental and physical makeup of humans before they're born.
As for your claim that organs were predesigned to procreate ONLY, you're agreeing with evolutionists. WOW!!

Prove that your god is the god of all religions.
A religious stance is usually backed by a religious book and nothing else, so I don't put much stock in them.

Facts have shown that the biblical god is man-made, therefore the bible is man-made and merely OPINIONS of men of old who had no knowledge of the biological makeup of the human body. They used what little knowledge they had when the bible was written over time.
Not one writer had a shred of knowledge about the hormonal makeup in males and females. They knew nothing about estrogen, testosterone and other hormones in humans, and animals for that matter.
As a matter of fact, biblical writers thought that babies came ONLY from the male sperm, and that the woman was merely an incubator. They knew NOTHING about the female egg. This shows one how ignorant and backwards they were.
I choose not to put my confidence in such ignorance.

Hormones!!!! Hormones!!!! You come back with hormones!?!?!? Jay hormones do little or nothing when it comes to homosexuality! Lol! Do you know how many lesbians and straight women have had menopause? Women who have had menopause can have either very high levels of estrogen in there bodies (rare) or very low levels of estrogen (common). This same hormone (estrogen), according to science, is what drives a womans sexual desire and "need" for sex. How then Jay, does a woman maintain her sexual identity if hormones are what made her that way in the 1st place?

Really, don't try to answer that. You'll only come back with misinterpeted "facts" that exclude a mans or womans will to want or not want what they want. See your science can never measure the hearts of men, only the behavior and even that's a stretch at times...

And stuff ALL the other stuff you try to refute me and other folks about with the bible, give it up. Many of us will be wrong about a lot of things and still be in heaven. You'll probably be right on very few and still end up in hell (the real one), if you yourself don't get saved from it.

It's funny that you hate God so much in every thread and every post and stand so firm science, knowing how limited science is....
It would also be ignorant of you to continue to believe that the earth was flat and that it was the center of our galaxy too. Those religious folks didn't need any proof, all they needed was what was in the bible, which is quite similar to what you're doing. They say the apple don't fall far from the tree and it surely applies here.
I have never believed the earth to be flat or that I live in a geocentric galaxy, so I don't have it to continue. Religious folks like you have shunned faith in the name of logic, not understanding that more faith is required to believe the logic that you claim to follow.

Didn't I clearly state that behavior begins in the mind? Isn't that what the Jesus figure stated when he said, "For from within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly (Mark 7:21-22).
Why do you insist on ignoring the brain part, but you have no problem focusing on the act itself?
You have correctly stated that behavior begins in the mind. What I have tried to assert further is that the brain has control of the behavior that is homosexuality.

As far as homosexuality being a choice, for some it is. For some, it isn't.
It is my guess that this is your succinct response. Ironically, you offer no science; only religion.

Why isn't it a sin to THINK homosexual thoughts, yet it's a sin to "practice" homosexuaity? There's no consistency. Either both are sin or both aren't.....according to the bible.

Nevermind the fact that animals all over the world are known to engage in homosexual acts, yet they were created by the same god who wrote the bible.

You have presented findings from a study that says that men who claimed to be homosexual respond to pheremones of men in the same manner that heterosexual women did. That is attraction, not sexual thought. I look at, touch, hear, and smell both men and women and find some attractive and others not without thinking of them sexually at all. We all do, and no sin occurs. When we start thinking sexual thoughts about anyone to whom we are not married, sin occurs. When we engage in sexual behaviors toward others to whom we are not married, sin also occurs...according to the Bible.

So, your god, whom you claim to be the creator of all animals can create homosexual animals and allow folks to be born homosexuals, yet condemn them for something they have no control over? How unjust and tyrannical can one be?
Where is the scientific evidence that homosexuals have no ability to control homosexuality?

In case you didn't know, all vertebrate embryos are inherently female. We all start life as females. It takes some kind of added effect—such as a hormone at the right moment during development—to transform the growing embryo into a male. But, left to its own devices, the embryo will naturally become female.
What if that embryo doesn't get the right amount of male/female hormones at the right time, then what? Who do you blame then?
In short, there's more to being homosexual than religious folks want to know or admit. Some just naively blame the actual victims and seem to have no problem with it. Thank goodness for science, or there would probably be mass killings of homosexuals by some just because a book says it's wrong.
Science has never stopped killing. Scientific quests fostered killing of millions of Africans and Jews, for two examples.

There is a LOT more to being homosexual than religious folks want to admit. You and I are proving that in this discussion.

Like I stated earlier, you can extend those verses to a hundred plus sins, but not one of those verses specifically mentions anything about homosexuality. In short, there's no record of one homosexual having ever been healed in the bible.
Here is another of what I consider to be simple questions: Do those verses not apply to homosexuality just like they do to lying, cheating, stealing, murder, rape, and gluttony?

What's the big deal anyhow? You've already claimed that "works" are not important or necessary for salvation, so what's the big deal if one is a homosexual? According to you, all they need is faith for salvation.
According to the Scriptures, homosexuals (and liars, cheaters, thieves, etc.) need to repent AND confess faith in the life of Jesus Christ. The works of homosexuality will not save them nor will denying such works.

And you keep making excuses about a holy spirit and "understanding". Your thoughts are just that, YOUR thoughts. You can accuse/credit a holy spirit of giving you thoughts until the cows come home, but fact of the matter is that your thoughts are your thoughts or else you can label yourself a medium. Mediums receive word from spirits just in case you forgot, and it's condemned in the bible.
You are a medium if spirits talk to you, no matter the kind of spirit.
According to your definition, all humans are mediums.

There's a reason why the bible was never intended to be and scientific book. If it was, no one would be a Christian, due to it's many scientific statements that have been found to be untrue. Nevermind the fact that the bible tries to speak on scientific matters.
Fact of the matter is that the bible is a book based on nothing. Just "believing" is being very naive.
The average person has no idea who wrote the words of the bible, but have been talked into believing that the words are actually TRUE. What other field of thinking could get away with such nonsense other than the field of fiction and religion? It's incredible what religion does to people, without them even realizing it. There's no need for evidence.....JUST "believe".
What other field? Uh...SCIENCE! Go ahead and give us an analysis of what the average person knows of science vs. what they know of religion. That ought to be really good reading.

The followers of Horus said the same thing. The followers of Dionysius said the same thing. The followers of Kristna said virtually the same thing. What do all of the above names have in common with Christianity? They were considered to be perfect "saviors" who died and came back to life for humanity just like the Jesus character.
The followers of those religions believed in their savior hundreds, if not thousands of years, before the Europeans decided to form their own god-man savior in the Jesus character. In short, Jesus is not different in his description than Horus, Dionysius or Kristna.
If short was the extent of what we know of Dionysius, Kristna, Horus, and Jesus Christ, then you might be right. Since we do know a lot more, then we know that the actual conclusion is quite the contrary.

You're right, because I chose to take an objective step back and look at the actual history of religion and the history of religious "saviors" who supposedly died and came back to life.

Suggestions?! Religion is more related to "suggestion" than science ever will be. Science requires actual evidence for the most part. Religion requires a mere "belief", supported by nothing. Faith is substance of things HOPED for, the evidence of things NOT SEEN.

As far as changing the scriptures, the very history of the scriptures you read were taken from previous religions that existed hundreds and thousands of years before the Jesus figure or Christianity came on the scene. Only difference is that the names, characters, times and places were changed to accomodate the Christian audience, which is primarily European.

Note: Continue to believe in religion if that helps you get through the daily rigors of life. If it gives you hope for the future, hang on to it with all your might. Just be honest enough to admit when it's inaccurate.
One problem that we often see in science is that it runs into things that its research cannot explain. Faith enters often when scientists try to isolate from their equations those things that they cannot explain. When one understands that, they come face to face with the truth that science is a religion unto itself. It transcends race, creed, color, geography, and predisposition. So, to borrow a quote from you...
Continue to believe in science if that helps you get through the daily rigors of life. If it gives you hope for the future, hang on to it with all your might. Just be honest enough to admit when it's inaccurate.​
dacontinent [QUOTE said:
...and you have refused to answer it. Why? I don't know. It is not a scientific nor a religious question. It is just a "do you know" question.

I have made no attempt to prove or disprove that a person can be born homosexual. It is not a struggle for me at all.

No, it's not that simple as you seem to want it to be. I like dealing in facts, not faith. Facts is associated with truth. Faith is associated with "maybe's", "perhaps", "I hope so", "fabrication". Faith is merely a belief because it can't be proven. It's abstract.
Hormones!!!! Hormones!!!! You come back with hormones!?!?!? Jay hormones do little or nothing when it comes to homosexuality! Lol!

Did you take biology courses? If you did, you must've been sleep on parts of it. When an embryo is in the womb, the hormonal makeup of that embryo determines a person's sex, thought patterns, mental makeup, sex, and much more. For you, a supposed educated person, to sit here and say that it doesn't have to do with a person's way of thinking, is shocking.
Before you make comments on a subject, it would help if you'd get more information on it.

Do you know how many lesbians and straight women have had menopause? Women who have had menopause can have either very high levels of estrogen in there bodies (rare) or very low levels of estrogen (common). This same hormone (estrogen), according to science, is what drives a womans sexual desire and "need" for sex. How then Jay, does a woman maintain her sexual identity if hormones are what made her that way in the 1st place?

Out of dozens of hormones in the body that regulate a person's mood, thought patterns, sex drive, etc., you only list two and stop there? You need to go back and do some more homework, a lot more.
As for now, all you have is a religious book that you fall back on. Western religions have never proved much about biology and science, yet folks believe what's in them as if they're proven facts when they're not..

Really, don't try to answer that. You'll only come back with misinterpeted "facts" that exclude a mans or womans will to want or not want what they want. See your science can never measure the hearts of men, only the behavior and even that's a stretch at times...

Your precious Jesus stated that behavior begins in the heart, so where am I supposed to start? It seems that you're disagreeing with him. Where do behaviors begin? In a person's mind and heart. I even listed a verse that says that. Is that verse wrong?

It's obvious that you're lacking in knowledge about the dozens and dozens of ways a person's hormonal balance influences a person's thoughts and behaviors. You didn't seem to know that there are more than two hormones for crying out loud, so it's quite obvious that you're nowhere near being qualified to speak knowledgeably on the subject.

And stuff ALL the other stuff you try to refute me and other folks about with the bible, give it up.

Why do you want me to give up facts and the truth about religion and it's history? Simply because you don't agree with it? You don't have to agree with anything I post, but I would expect you to present facts to support your beliefs. That's all that can be expected. So far, I've not heard many facts or truths to support your beliefs, but you're free to believe whatever you want to, no matter if it's right or wrong.

Many of us will be wrong about a lot of things and still be in heaven. You'll probably be right on very few and still end up in hell (the real one), if you yourself don't get saved from it.

If you can show me where hell is, then maybe I'll believe you. Have you ever seen hell? As a matter of fact, hell fire is never mentioned in the Old Testament. Not one time did Moses, Elijah, Joseph, Daniel, Isaiah or Ezekiel mention a hell fire. If hell is SO real, why didn't either of these so-called great men of the bible mention it to their followers?
I highly doubt if you know which religion invented the fictional story of a hell fire, but if you need help on it, I'll be more than happy to enlighten you as to which religion invented hell fire.

It's funny that you hate God so much in every thread and every post and stand so firm science, knowing how limited science is....

You keep saying "god". Which god are you referring to and how do you know THAT particular god is the one true? I've asked you this question before and you keep dodging it for some odd reason. It's an honest question.
dacontinent [QUOTE said:
I have never believed the earth to be flat or that I live in a geocentric galaxy, so I don't have it to continue. Religious folks like you have shunned faith in the name of logic, not understanding that more faith is required to believe the logic that you claim to follow.

The very folks who translated books of the bible hundreds of years ago did. Who were they? The religious leaders of the day, the great men who could quote the bible backwards and forwards. Those same religious men were dead wrong to believe and teach that the earth was flat and that it was the center of the universe. They based their belief on the bible until when? Until a scientist proved them to be wrong by using scientific evidence.
The religious leaders ONLY had was faith in the bible as evidence. My point is that you have the same kind of faith that they did, and if it wasn't for science, you'd still be believing things such as a male sperm being the sole giver of human life instead of both the sperm and egg combined and you'd still believe that evil spirits as being the cause of diseases instead of viruses and bacteria.

You have correctly stated that behavior begins in the mind. What I have tried to assert further is that the brain has control of the behavior that is homosexuality.

Finally, we're getting somewhere. It's good that you admit this. Now please tell it to Apaquelypse, so he can get it.
My point is that BEFORE birth, the human brain is shaped and dictated to a large extent by several hormones that regulate mood, one's mental state, one's biological makeup, one's health, etc.

I'm simply stating that there's strong reason to believe that one's hormonal makeup can determine HOW a person thinks and behaves before birth. It's real simple once one understands the subject of hormones within the human body.
The biblical authors didn't have a clue about hormones just like they didn't have a clue about earth's location in our galaxy or how diseases like cancer are formed. Evil spirits don't cause cancer.

It is my guess that this is your succinct response. Ironically, you offer no science; only religion.

You can continue to ignore scientific evidence that's been around for years as an excuse to continue believing the bible. That's your right. It's ironic that your bible mentions nothing about bacteria and viruses, but it does show that spirits cause diseases. Now how much more reliable is that verses the information I've posted? That alone should serve to discredit the book.

You have presented findings from a study that says that men who claimed to be homosexual respond to pheremones of men in the same manner that heterosexual women did. That is attraction, not sexual thought. I look at, touch, hear, and smell both men and women and find some attractive and others not without thinking of them sexually at all. We all do, and no sin occurs. When we start thinking sexual thoughts about anyone to whom we are not married, sin occurs. When we engage in sexual behaviors toward others to whom we are not married, sin also occurs...according to the Bible.

The study further proves that a person's hormonal makeup has a tremendous bearing on his/her thoughts.

It all goes back to the mind. Can a homosexual STOP himself from thinking about sexually acting out anymore than a heterosexual man can stop himself from thinking about having sex with a woman?
Ask most heterosexual males whose sexually active with women how difficult it is to stop himself from thinking about sex throughout the day. If we're honest, we'd tell you it's almost impossible not to think about it.

According to your bible, the mere thought of having sex is sin, even if the person doesn't act it out. So, what's the point? According to the bible, sin is sin, whether it's in the mind or whether one acts it out.
It's like you're trying to distance or separate thoughts from actions. Jesus didn't teach this, so why are you suddenly finding it appealing?

Where is the scientific evidence that homosexuals have no ability to control homosexuality?

I didn't say "homosexuals", I said SOME homosexuals. All homosexuals are not the same anymore than all heterosexuals are. Can all heterosexuals control the fact that they're heterosexuals?

Science has never stopped killing. Scientific quests fostered killing of millions of Africans and Jews, for two examples.

So you're now comparing science to religion? Most folks don't worship science like folks worship religion. Science requires actual evidence before something can be validated. Religion requires the exact opposite.

Science doesn't claim to have all knowledge and all answers. Science doesn't claim to foster love, forgiveness, meekness, so their standards are completely different than a religion that claims to foster love, joy, peace, gentleness, etc. There's a difference between what science claims and what Western religions claim.

Any how, none of the above can negate the fact that a person's hormonal makeup in the womb effects his/her thought patterns and behavior.

There is a LOT more to being homosexual than religious folks want to admit. You and I are proving that in this discussion.

Producing facts is what it's all about. Up until now, religious folks want nothing more than to persecute, judge and alienate homosexuals. Eventhough I'm not one, I totally disagree with this form of judging.

Here is another of what I consider to be simple questions: Do those verses not apply to homosexuality just like they do to lying, cheating, stealing, murder, rape, and gluttony?

No, because lying, cheating, stealing, rape and gluttony are learned behaviors. There's no evidence to show that ALL homosexuals learn how to become homosexuals anymore than heterosexuals learn how to become heterosexuals.
Are babies born lying, cheating, stealing, raping and gluttonous? I don't think so.

According to the Scriptures, homosexuals (and liars, cheaters, thieves, etc.) need to repent AND confess faith in the life of Jesus Christ. The works of homosexuality will not save them nor will denying such works.

So what's the use of them having to repent? This just shows how confusing this faith-only theory is. I keep telling you that the bible teaches that both faith AND works are required for salvation. If being a homosexual has nothing to do with salvation, then why can't the homosexual just "believe", yet still practice homosexuality?

According to your definition, all humans are mediums.

Yes, we are. Most of us lose this ability at a young age, however some don't and they carry it on throughout life.
Now, please explain how you're not a medium, eventhough you claim that your biblical god talks to you through his spirit. Keep in mind that the bible forbids conferring with spirits.

What other field? Uh...SCIENCE! Go ahead and give us an analysis of what the average person knows of science vs. what they know of religion. That ought to be really good reading.

The average person knows from science that the earth is not flat. They know from science that the earth is not the center of our galaxy, but the sun is. They know from science that bacteria and viruses cause diseases, not evil spirits. What many don't know about Western religion is their religion taught this once upon a time UNTIL science corrected them.

If short was the extent of what we know of Dionysius, Kristna, Horus, and Jesus Christ, then you might be right. Since we do know a lot more, then we know that the actual conclusion is quite the contrary.

What conclusion? The conclusion that the Jesus story wasn't copied from previous religions using a different name, but the same characteristics? Is that the conclusion you're talking about? If so, then provide evidence.


Thanks for cheering me on because I chose to take an objective step back and look at the actual history of religion and the history of religious "saviors" who supposedly died and came back to life. I wish all folks would take the time to do the same. They'd be mighty surprised and even stunned at their findings.

One problem that we often see in science is that it runs into things that its research cannot explain. Faith enters often when scientists try to isolate from their equations those things that they cannot explain. When one understands that, they come face to face with the truth that science is a religion unto itself. It transcends race, creed, color, geography, and predisposition. So, to borrow a quote from you...

At least when science runs into things that it cannot explain, for the most part, it puts forth effort to try and prove it. That's what's required of the field....EVIDENCE. If they don't know, they say they don't know. Some scientists do it publicly, some do it privately and some not at all.

On the other hand, Western religion requires one to believe stuff that's not even there, solely based on faith. The sad part about it is the followers of these religions refuse to admit that it's not there. They still believe it.
There's a huge difference between science and religion.

Continue to believe in science if that helps you get through the daily rigors of life. If it gives you hope for the future, hang on to it with all your might. Just be honest enough to admit when it's inaccurate.

I don't believe in science like you believe in a faith-based religion. I don't pray to science, I don't refuse to question science. I DO doubt parts of science, but you seem to doubt no parts of your bible. I don't get up in the morning thinking about science or praying to it, but you do to your religion. I don't look at scientists as being saviors, but you look at the leader of your religion as being your savior.
Like I stated before, there's a vast difference between science and religion.
To Apaquelypse and dacon:

Can hormones affect sexual orientation?

--Gerianne M. Alexander, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Texas A&M University, in the 2003 Archives of Sexual Behavior article "An Evolutionary Perspective of Sex-Typed Toy Preferences: Pink, Blue, and the Brain," wrote:

"Girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia, for example, are exposed to high levels of adrenal androgens [hormones] prenatally. Some research indicates that postnatally they show greater aggression, enhance (i.e. masculine) visuospatial abilities, more masculine occupational preferences, and an increased rate of bisexual or homosexual sexual orientation in fantasy and/or behavior."
2003 - Gerianne M. Alexander, PhD

--Qazi Rahman, PhD, Lecturer in Psychobiology at the University of East London, UK, noted in a Mar. 25, 2003 Irish Examiner interview:
"Because we know that performance on these cognitive tests depends on the integrity of specific brain regions, the differences implicate robust differences between the brains of homosexual and heterosexual men and women and suggest that hormonal factors early in development (probably during the 1st trimester of pregnancy) produce these differences."
Mar. 25, 2003 - Qazi Rahman, PhD

--The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) News, reported in a June 30, 2003 article by Martin Hutchinson, "Hormone Link to Lesbianism":
"The latest research, presented at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology conference in Madrid on Monday, came from a clinic which is one of only two in the UK to offer fertility treatment to lesbian women.

Doctors there noticed a 'staggering' number of lesbian women, who, on investigation, were found to be suffering either from polycystic ovary syndrome, or a less serious but related condition in which their ovaries showed many of the same features, but without the external symptoms.

The researchers found that prevalence of this symptomless condition was 80% in the lesbian women they saw, compared with just 32% of their heterosexual patients.

Full-blown polycystic ovarian syndrome was present in 38% of lesbians, and 14% of the heterosexual women.

Lead researcher Dr Rina Agrawal said that the results suggested 'significantly greater' rates of hormone imbalance in the lesbian women.

She said that while there was no evidence that polycystic ovaries could be implicated as a cause of lesbianism, it was possible that this hormone imbalance could be linked to both the medical condition and sexuality.

She said: 'We do hypothesize that hyperandrogenism, which is associated with polycystic ovary syndrome, may be one of the factors contributing to the sexual orientation of women.'"

June 30, 2003 - British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) News

Comments are welcomed......
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No, it's not that simple as you seem to want it to be. I like dealing in facts, not faith. Facts is associated with truth. Faith is associated with "maybe's", "perhaps", "I hope so", "fabrication". Faith is merely a belief because it can't be proven. It's abstract.

Not that simple???!!! Let's try the question one more time:

JayRob, DO YOU KNOW OF ANY EVIDENCE that indicates that indicates whether homosexuals have the ability to choose their behavior. One more time: DO YOU KNOW OF...

Now where I am from, the possible truthful answers are: "Yes, I have learned of studies that show whether homosexuals have to the ability to choose whether or not to behave in a homosexual manner"; or "No, have not learned of any research where it has been determined whether homosexuals have the ability to choose whether or not to behave in a homosexual manner". How complicated is that?
Yes, we are. Most of us lose this ability at a young age, however some don't and they carry it on throughout life.
Now, please explain how you're not a medium, eventhough you claim that your biblical god talks to you through his spirit. Keep in mind that the bible forbids conferring with spirits.
Where is the science on losing the ability to hear spirits in one's youth?

The Bible that forbids conferring with spirits abolutely insists on us conferring with the Holy Spirit because He is God. It's akin to the obedience to " can eat of all the trees of the garden except for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." If you just keep conferring with God, you will have the Comforter that you need.

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Well, I spoke with a current gay male and former lesbian in the last 24 hours. The guy said he doesn't believe all people are born gay, that many of them make a choice to be that way. The woman said she doesn't believe a person could be born gay either, that some people are born with a predisposition for sexual perversion.
dacontinent; [QUOTE said:
Where is the science on losing the ability to hear spirits in one's youth?

Note: It's amazing that you would ask me for any kind of scientific evidence, when 99 percent of the time I ask you for it, you don't have any.

Intuitive ability is due to the development of the temporal lobes in the brain. From approximately age two through six, the temporal lobes take in and sort different forms, shapes, colors, and sounds so children can build neural libraries that let them know what is expected of them on earth. As this part of brain development nears completion, the child tends to interact less with the spirit realm and adheres to society norms.

The Bible that forbids conferring with spirits abolutely insists on us conferring with the Holy Spirit because He is God. It's akin to the obedience to " can eat of all the trees of the garden except for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." If you just keep conferring with God, you will have the Comforter that you need.

Whether you call it holy or not, it's STILL a spirit. Mediums confer with spirits. That's what they do.
You can call it "holy ghost", "sanctified spirit" or whatever you please. It's still a spirit. It amazes me to no end that some bible translations even call the holy spirit a holy GHOST. Wow!!!
Well, I spoke with a current gay male and former lesbian in the last 24 hours. The guy said he doesn't believe all people are born gay, that many of them make a choice to be that way. The woman said she doesn't believe a person could be born gay either, that some people are born with a predisposition for sexual perversion.

What does this have to do with anything scientific?
Just for clarification, I never stated that all homosexuals or lesbians are the same.
Not that simple???!!! Let's try the question one more time:

JayRob, DO YOU KNOW OF ANY EVIDENCE that indicates that indicates whether homosexuals have the ability to choose their behavior. One more time: DO YOU KNOW OF...

Now where I am from, the possible truthful answers are: "Yes, I have learned of studies that show whether homosexuals have to the ability to choose whether or not to behave in a homosexual manner"; or "No, have not learned of any research where it has been determined whether homosexuals have the ability to choose whether or not to behave in a homosexual manner". How complicated is that?

Refer back to post #64 and other posts. You're so busy trying to separate a person's "thoughts" from "actions" and it won't work. A person can THINK homosexual thoughts and not "act" on them, but according to the bible, that's still sin because they thought to do it.
You already know this, but for some odd reason, you've chosen to ignore it and focus on merely a person's action.

I've shown several articles that provide scientific evidence that a person's biological makeup can drastically effect a person's thoughts, which in turn effects their actions....if they allow it. Just because a person doesn't ACT on his homosexual thoughts doesn't negate him from being one.
Refer back to post #64 and other posts. You're so busy trying to separate a person's "thoughts" from "actions" and it won't work. A person can THINK homosexual thoughts and not "act" on them, but according to the bible, that's still sin because they thought to do it.
You already know this, but for some odd reason, you've chosen to ignore it and focus on merely a person's action.

I've shown several articles that provide scientific evidence that a person's biological makeup can drastically effect a person's thoughts, which in turn effects their actions....if they allow it. Just because a person doesn't ACT on his homosexual thoughts doesn't negate him from being one.
There is a significant difference between lust and thought. The scripture says that lust (not thought) brings forth sin. Because a person has a homosexual thought does not make him a homosexual.

You say that while a person's biological make-up can have a drasting effect on their thoughts, they have choices about allowing it to affect their actions. This time you spoke for yourself.
Note: It's amazing that you would ask me for any kind of scientific evidence, when 99 percent of the time I ask you for it, you don't have any.

Intuitive ability is due to the development of the temporal lobes in the brain. From approximately age two through six, the temporal lobes take in and sort different forms, shapes, colors, and sounds so children can build neural libraries that let them know what is expected of them on earth. As this part of brain development nears completion, the child tends to interact less with the spirit realm and adheres to society norms.
That is a very nice religious statement, but offers no scientific evidence.

Whether you call it holy or not, it's STILL a spirit. Mediums confer with spirits. That's what they do.
You can call it "holy ghost", "sanctified spirit" or whatever you please. It's still a spirit. It amazes me to end that some bible translations even call the holy spirit a holy GHOST. Wow!!!
They? Does that mean that you just excluded yourself?

I am amazed that you are amazed about language translation; that you would be wowed at why the term Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit are used interchangeably; that you do not understand why God would want you to confer with Him and not other spirits. Perhaps these concepts are to simple for you.
Can hormones affect sexual orientation?

--Gerianne M. Alexander..."...Some research indicates ... an increased rate of bisexual or homosexual sexual orientation in fantasy and/or behavior."...
--Qazi Rahman... the differences implicate ... and suggest ..."[/B]
Lead researcher Dr Rina Agrawal said that the results suggested 'significantly greater' rates of hormone imbalance in the lesbian women.

She said that while there was no evidence that polycystic ovaries could be implicated as a cause of lesbianism...

She said: 'We do hypothesize ...'"

Comments are welcomed......
Good scientific stuff. I hope that they have continued to research and reached more formidable conclusions. Hopefully, they will eventually get to answer the question of whether these homosexual men and women who were not linked to their sexual orientation through some sort of abuse possess the capacity to choose a different behavior.
There is a significant difference between lust and thought. The scripture says that lust (not thought) brings forth sin. Because a person has a homosexual thought does not make him a homosexual.

You say that while a person's biological make-up can have a drasting effect on their thoughts, they have choices about allowing it to affect their actions. This time you spoke for yourself.

And you still refuse to understand that a person's brain makeup can effect his thought processes.
And how is there a significant difference between lust and thought. From my perspective, lusts ARE thoughts. If I'm correct, lusts are thoughts that begin in the mind.
dacontinent; [QUOTE said:
That is a very nice religious statement, but offers no scientific evidence.

Now you know how I feel when I ask you to present scientific evidence. Until you begin supporting your statements with scientific evidence, don't expect me to do so. I'll post them when I feel like it.

They? Does that mean that you just excluded yourself?

What I do know is that I don't imagine that a "god" is talking to me. I give credit to my own thought processes.

I am amazed that you are amazed about language translation; that you would be wowed at why the term Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit are used interchangeably;

When the average person, including religious person, hears the term "ghost", they think of something evil or demonic. I'm surprised Christians call their "god" a ghost.

that you do not understand why God would want you to confer with Him and not other spirits. Perhaps these concepts are to simple for you.

It doesn't matter if it's another spirit or a "holy" spirit, it's still a spirit. This means you have to be a medium.