2008 Honda Battle of the Bands SUCKED!

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I been trying to tell y'all for years that it's not that difficult for a new band to come in and steal the show. The hardest part is repeating it the next year. I said that last year about Norfolk, and I'll say it again about TSU.

Glad the SWAC was represented well though.

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A nice group of alumni and students came up from Houston to support the Ocean.

I had folks INSIDE the dome wanting to buy my letterman jacket off my back at the end of the night!

And another thing...
I'm not even a band head but I know back when Prof. Butler was Band Director he had the Ocean coming out the hole and Mr. Lee has the Ocean still do it from time to time.
I been trying to tell y'all for years that it's not that difficult for a new band to come in and steal the show. The hardest part is repeating it the next year. I said that last year about Norfolk, and I'll say it again about TSU.

Glad the SWAC was represented well though.

I dont think thats the case... UAPB was new and didnt get any house.... I have seen plenty of new bands who didnt get any house. Texas SO just put on one of the best shows I have seen from the "new era" Texas SO. Like I said earlier... IMO they had the second best show there behind NCCU. UAPB would have had a solid show if they werent trying to do too much. I still didnt understand the dance routine. Who was that performing with you guys? Now the concert selection was nice.... but thats all I really remember besides some rappers hollain on the field.

Congrats Kev!

Had to keep my status a secret for awhile......

I had been watched for awhile after 2006 Honda BTOB's.......
Plus i may be doing this for the next few years....LONG TERM

It has great meeting all of those kids .........................
The greatest part was meeting my Sonic Boom Family again..

Norfolk Spartans..............Paul Adams, Stephanie Sanders, and William Beathea
Winston-Salem...............Dr. Michael McGruder

and of course seeing my friends and directors of my SWAC FAMILY..

Texas Southern and UAPB...............................................

So despite what bulldog fever stated.......
You have to find the positive over the negative and stop downing this event.
Who was that performing with you guys? Now the concert selection was nice.... but thats all I really remember besides some rappers hollain on the field.

Now I remember. That was Dem Franchise Boys. I think having that rap group hollering on the field killed the mood.
I dont think thats the case... UAPB was new and didnt get any house.... I have seen plenty of new bands who didnt get any house. Texas SO just put on one of the best shows I have seen from the "new era" Texas SO. Like I said earlier... IMO they had the second best show there behind NCCU. UAPB would have had a solid show if they werent trying to do too much. I still didnt understand the dance routine. Who was that performing with you guys? Now the concert selection was nice.... but thats all I really remember besides some rappers hollain on the field.

I'm not saying EVERY new band comes in there and shows out. But if you notice over the last several years, the band most people leave talking about is a new band. I knew TxSU had it in them, but I was worried for a while, because they aren't necessarily a field band. Glad to know they pulled out the stops.

My point is, when a band comes in and wrecks their first year, it is REALLY hard to come back and do it again. It has already happened to PV, NCCU, VSU, and Norfolk. The question now is, can TSU do it again?

I remember our first year at the Honda, folks was wanting to snatch up anything with PV on it. They wanted the sweaty band shirts offf our backs if we would have parted with them. It was an awesome experience.

Congradulations. Hopefully more success will come your way.

It's good to hear that Macgruder and WSSU put on a good show. I think when he first got there, that band had a lot to be desired.....including members.

It's good to hear that Macgruder and WSSU put on a good show. I think when he first got there, that band had a lot to be desired.....including members.

that band still garbage.... better garbage than they use to be but still garbage. They remind you of a high school band that duplicated Jackson State.
1SGT Robinson, first of all, congratulations on your contract with the Honda BOTB. However, I mentioned in my post that it was only my opinion, and I still think that this years BOTB was boring. I have been to the Honda Battle of the Bands for the past 5 years, and I really enjoyed the other years. I think it is an excellent event and a good way to introduce youth to historically black colleges. But the show this year in my opinion was not good compared to the other years.

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1SGT Robinson, first of all, congratulations on your contract with the Honda BOTB. However, I mentioned in my post that it was only my opinion, and I still think that this years BOTB was boring. I have been to the Honda Battle of the Bands for the past 5 years, and I really enjoyed the other years. I think it is an excellent event and a good way to introduce youth to historically black colleges. But the show this year in my opinion was not good compared to the other years.


I was messing with you................

Cause I was looking at everyone reaction to every show.......................

I pretty much viewed all the practices like I said before but Shaw and Virginia State cause of a Honda staff meeting I had to make....

NCCU was the only show that made me...:confused: the whole 1 hour of their practice................

FYI......Jackson State recruitment.........I have 2 future students for you....
NO ONE from JSU SHOWED up at the Honda recruitment fair......

When they saw my Sonic Boom T-Shirt.........I gave them my card and told their parents that I would direct them to the proper JSU rep for further assistance............

You're welcome.........................................

that band still garbage.... better garbage than they use to be but still garbage. They remind you of a high school band that duplicated Jackson State.

So you are basically saying that you could care less for the program or the people from their school that I had invited to this site to READ....

Same the lack of respect for another HBCU program........................

What you have said is something you say in private............................
Where The Pictures at?
Fugg all this other stuff....:upset:

I see that your reading comprehension skills slipped...

I stated that I am under contract by Flowers Communication and the Honda..

When they are DONE then I can put on my website...........

You will have to wait till other post theirs and the Honda was theirs on their site...
....I boo'd and boo'd and boo'd! LOL

First of all, let me say that TxSU made me proud to be in the SWAC. PB represented as well, so congrads to them too.

Lets See:

WSSU- I got to the event late so I missed their show; but I dont think I missed nuthin cause nobody was talkin about them.

Shaw- boring as h ell. Why were they even at the Honda in the first place. They did nuthin to move the crowd.

Tuskegee- Skegee woke the Dome up a "lil bit". KKY & TBS got into their show because of the fact of members in their band that are bruhs & sorors stepped in front of the band during their dance routine; shole got me out my seat :tup: But why in the world did they play "I Believe I Can Fly"? :retard: Skegee was typical "Skegee"; if you seen them before, then you know what I mean. They wasnt bad, but they'n rock the house.

Albany State- Boring!!!! They did a SU drill with know energy whatsoever and it seemed like they were marching in slow motion. They did that L drill, ya know when the band start their show in a L shape in the endzone and along the sideline. They even marched backwards like Bama State; just stoled State isht LOL! Their music sounds good but they play like wimps. Again, the dome was sleep when this band marched off the field.

Virginia State- Boring!! This band pissed me off too. Mannn I saw members literally walking -yes walk, not march- during their drill; just check the show out when it get on themarchingnetwork, you'll see. Oh their dancers wore flourescent orange suits...WTF????? :xeye: The only good thing about VSU show was that proposal; yes a dude proposed to his girl on the field during their concert selection. Other than that, the dome was sleep when this band marched off the field.

NCCU- This band had me in "WTFaretheydoin" mode their entire show. This aint DCI. I thought I was watchin a DCI band at times; then they'll flip it to show style, then right d@mn back to DCI mode. WTF is NCCU?a show style band or corp(DCI)?You caint be both. Needless to say, tha isht was wack and VERY boring. Again, the dome was sleep when this band marched off the field.

Norfolk State- This band sounded d@mn good, know lie; but their show sucked! They didnt do anything new. What they did, they had been doing it the whole year. Know entertainment whatsoever :smh: Their dance girls? I think they did a Beyounce melody; all I remember was "Crazy", and then I was like, "thats old as h ell and bands wore that isht out when it was hot"! It seemed to me that NSU thought that they would woo the crowd with their sound again and it didnt happen this year like last. They were new last year and it didnt take much to get the crowd on your side. A different story this year Norfolk. ATL know how you sound, it takes more than that. Again, the dome was sleep when this band marched off the field.

BCC- Nice intro! Them DM's second to Jackson State DM's, as far as best IMO. I like this band and was expecting for them to turn the Georgia Dome out. Oh they sound good as h ell and the precision was tight; but they let me down sort of. Their show was kind of bland for some reason. They did someof the same isht that they had been doing the whole season; and with todays technology and the internet, folks see what you do; you caint be doing the same thing at an event like Honda. But BCC did aight; they just didnt show out -this time- like they say they do.

PB- they did a clean show with nice sound. The only thing was the show was kinda bland to me; something was missing and I couldn figure it out, but I think it was the emptiness of the announcer during the show and letting folks know whats going on. But good intro and nice drill.

TxSU- you can tell they prepared for Honda. New show (Dr. King tribute) and everything. They sounded like the typical TxSU...very loud, but ain mad, that you split my wig with that sound lol! The dance girls did they thing and that band dance routine rocked the house. Thanks for entertaining the Dome and making folks get up outta their seats; they were the best band last night.

Overall, this was the worst Honda of all. If you didnt attend, yeen miss nuthin; straight up. The majority of the bands that participated were not the better HBCU bands, and it showed.

My .19


It's good to hear that Macgruder and WSSU put on a good show. I think when he first got there, that band had a lot to be desired.....including members.

Yeah that is true..........

Callystar said that McGruder cleaned house........
And they be be smaller.....

But stronger.......

So you are basically saying that you could care less for the program or the people from their school that I had invited to this site to READ....

....I boo'd and boo'd and boo'd! LOL

NCCU- This band had me in "WTFaretheydoin" mode their entire show. This aint DCI. I thought I was watchin a DCI band at times; then they'll flip it to show style, then right d@mn back to DCI mode. WTF is NCCU?a show style band or corp(DCI)?You caint be both. Needless to say, tha isht was wack and VERY boring. Again, the dome was sleep when this band marched off the field.


Thank you....I was waiting for someone to say it....

It's official!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

During the practice some outsider tried to defend them about some of the instruments being stolen thing.....

I stated to them............Yeah right........

I found out that Duke university donated some instruments to them...

They could have ALL of them if the wanted....


Basically you need therapy.....
But heaven forbid if they come back and trash your precious little MMW :smh::smh::smh::smh:

You statement about Winston-Salem puts you at a all time low.............
May your burn in Hades FOREVER
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