Razors or Clippers?

I used to see my father shaving with a razor, brush and a soap dish, he never had razor bumps.

I use Wahl's T-Pro Corded T-Blade clippers for black men to shave, they cut just as well as the T-Outliners for half the cost.

I can't use razors because I have very sensitive skin and my skin would itch like I had crab lice on my face.
Edgers increase razor bumps. LEt me give you some advice:

Razors: I rarely knick myself. Shaving my head I go with the grave first...then slowly against the grain.

Now after I shave my head I mostoirize(sp) it with regular lotion. Don't use aftershave because you are burning your head and creating irritation.

Now I use the same razors above for my face but I after I shave my face I use rubbing alcohol. Again that aftershave stuff has perfumes which increase the fungus that causes razorbumps. After the alcohol cools down I shower. Don't scrub your face because shaving removes a layer of skin giving you a facial.

After the shower I use this:

Rugby Acne Cream 10....the stuff they sell in stores aren't worth a shit. Go to amazon.com and I usually pay around $8 which includes shipping.


Now this will dry your face out but the key is not to moisterize(sp) becuase you want the pimples and hairbumps to dry out. If you don't like the drying out during the day, take a shower at night and use it. I swear by this stuff!!!

Now on your face shave with the grain.

I use razors and they cause me to have bumps. I have the T-liner but it doesn't seem to get close enough for me when I do try to shave with it.
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Now THIS is what gave me bumps. I tried to shave with this thing twice and it had my face looking like potted meat.

Me too mane... I tried the Norelco as a high school graduation gift... I felt great for a few hours.... Then my face begin looking and feeling like a Graveled road w/ Potholes!!!.. NEVER will I subject myself to such pain...

Depilatories discolors your skin after continued use.. so that ended as well.....

Andis T-Liners are the ONLY things that work for me....

Now that I have gone Bald.. I am able to use the 5 Blade razor for my head.... No Bumps since my hair on my head is straight not curly...

My face.. A different story..
I bought majic shave cream this morning. Has anyone tried the cream?


This is the one I tried on my head. To tell you the truth I got a better shave with the t-outliners than I got with this stuff. Even when I used it and left it on there for like 10 minutes I could still feel the hair when I washed it off. It stinks too, all of that magic shave stuff does.:lol:
This is the one I tried on my head. To tell you the truth I got a better shave with the t-outliners than I got with this stuff. Even when I used it and left it on there for like 10 minutes I could still feel the hair when I washed it off. It stinks too, all of that magic shave stuff does.:lol:

Cool, I will give it a try.
I use the Gilette proglide razors. I use the Nivea aftershave balm on my head and face. Never had to deal with razor bumps. Been shaving my head bald for 16 years.

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Didn't know they even had a cream.

Fiyah, man I bought this cream and didn't realize it was for bald heads. Didn't notice that until I started to use the cream and read the instructions. I tried it on my face anyway. :lol:
A year later, I am still scared to switch to razors. My college experience still haunts me. :scared:
Im never using razors. No matter what I try the razors break my skin out and leave it sore. I use t-outliners and my face is smooth and never bumps up....