Oral Sex Linked to Rise in Men's Throat Cancer


Active Member
For years now, doctors have urged young women to be vaccinated against the human papilloma virus (HPV), which is believed to cause cervical cancer.

But now, growing research in Europe and the United States is implicating HPV in a rising number of cases of head and neck cancers in men, and many doctors are recommending that all boys be vaccinated as well.

Doctors say that changing sexual behaviors -- earlier sex, more partners and especially oral sex -- are contributing to a new epidemic of orpharyngeal squamous cell cancers, those of the throat, tonsils and base of the tongue.


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one could use a
dental dam.

Not only is pussies killing nigs via insertion but now females mouths are killin' us menfolk?! :what:

I'm done. Damn man. HPV of the mouth... :smh:
Yeah Ole Ken must have not had to many good things going his way. :lol: Any man that has never had to big beautiful legs wrapped over his shoulders, moaning, groaning, calling you names that you didn't know exist, will moving rapidly side to side, round and round, moving faster and faster, then shaking moving their head side to side, screaming louder and louder then calling your name louder and louder while moving faster and faster don't know what he has missed.

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Now a brotha has to ask for clean Pap Smear test result papers before he has breakfast, lunch, and dinner. :goof:
Kendrick, just put your mouth down there once. It won't hurt bruh.

Also, Kendrick played Baseball at JSU, Kendrick ain't no dayum virgin :lol:, I know how them cats got down.