My next phone

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Surprised no one posted it yet but specwise nothing on the market right now even comes close.


Sprint HTC Evo 4G


4.3 WVGA HD Multi-touch screen

480x800 Display

Android 2.1

Updated HTC Sense & Vanilla Android Home (Live wallpapers Included)

1Ghz SnapDragon Processor

1,500 mAH Battery

Wi-Fi Capable

3G/4G Mifi Capability (Serve as a 4G hotspot for up to 8 devices)

Dual Cameras (8 Megapixel real and 1.3 megapixel front for video conferencing)

GPS Navigation

Stereo Bluetooth

Dual LED Flash

Digital Compass

Kickstand for media viewing

Mobile HDTV

Download, view, share and record HD Content from the phone

Output pictures, slides and movies in HD (720p output HDMI Jack included)

Social Networking

Live video chat


Flash ready

Google Integration

1 Gig of internal memory and 512 mb of ram

Also this phone will more than likely be the first CDMA device capable of simultaneous data/voice without having to use wifi due to integrated 4G wimax chip (in 4g areas obviously).

Atlanta is in 4G so this will without a doubt be my next phone.


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Hell yeah! :clap: When is it due out?

.....checking to see when my upgrade from my HTC Tilt 2 will come up.
If they price it right it'll sell like hotcakes... was best of show at the CTIA this past month. It's dropping in June (maybe sooner) but they start taking pre-orders next month. I signed up to get an email for when they start taking orders. Rumors around the office are they're going to price it at $199 w/ contract or upgrade for aggressive sales.
If they price it right it'll sell like hotcakes... was best of show at the CTIA this past month. It's dropping in June (maybe sooner) but they start taking pre-orders next month. I signed up to get an email for when they start taking orders. Rumors around the office are they're going to price it at $199 w/ contract or upgrade for aggressive sales.

$199 is not a bad price. The 4.3â€￾ display and the HDMI out is what I love about it. I just wish HTC will have a GSM version coming soon. I just sign with T-Mobile and they got me for the next 2 years. I was a free agent for two years waiting on a gadget just like this. If I could go back 2 months I might have signed up with Sprint knowing what I know about Android.
Update after the meeting... the EVO will be the first Android phone out with the new Android Froyo 2.2 software.
$199 is not a bad price. The 4.3” display and the HDMI out is what I love about it. I just wish HTC will have a GSM version coming soon. I just sign with T-Mobile and they got me for the next 2 years. I was a free agent for two years waiting on a gadget just like this. If I could go back 2 months I might have signed up with Sprint knowing what I know about Android.

You and me both. Even if they did T-Mo USA probably wouldn't get it. Their European operations get all the phones. In the US it would end up going to AT&T. You do have the Nexus One though.

Android 2.2 huh? I thought Google said they were going to slow down on the releases to stop the fragmentation. Motorola and Sony have not been able to get passed 1.6 yet and Google is 3 versions down the road already.
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You and me both. Even if they did T-Mo USA probably wouldn't get it. Their European operations get all the phones. In the US it would end up going to AT&T.

Android 2.2 huh? I thought Google said they were going to slow down on the releases to stop the fragmentation. Motorola and Sony have not been able to get passed 1.6 yet and Google is 3 versions down the road already.

I hope so. I want this phone, but I do not want to go to Sprint. I'd rather get the soon to be released iPhone than go to Sprint.
There's no way i'd go to AT&T just for the iphone.. especially on their already bandwidth extended network. Folks always complain about Sprint but as I always say i'm yet to have any issues with my service no matter where I go... and I travel a lot. Now my t-mobile line on the other hand (I have a nexus one now) is a joke. I barely even get service in my house with it and drop calls like hell...and constantly drop out of 3G into edge for no reason at all.

This will be a Sprint flagship phone so dont count on seeing it anywhere else... at least not for a year considering no one else has their version of 4G (LTE) live yet. Tmobile claims they have their HSPA speeds live but I damn sure dont see it on my nexus. When the evo drops ill be selling my nexus a tech freak so I always have to have the best phone out....iphone? HA

Let me fill u in on some facts about the iphone vs android.

1) If you have an iphone you will never own it even after you pay for it. Apple constantly pushes out bogus updates (3.1.3) to block people from jailbreaking/unlocking the phone. You have to go through apple to do EVERYTHING to the phone...even simple things like transfer pics/music you have to do it through itunes unless you jailbreak it. If you have to restore the phone they MAKE you restore to the newest version (which they purposely put out just to block the phone from being unlocked).

2) 70% of iphone app developers are now developing for Android also so that whole "there's an app for that" thing will be a moot point by the end of this year.

3) It's a known fact that iphones drop almost 20% of their calls

4) This "4G" iphone is going to be 4G in name only to basically sham the apple fanboys into buying it without asking questions...which most will.

I could go on... I actually tried a 3gs for about a week and I dont even consider iphones to be smartphones. They cant even do simple things like multitask that even winmo has been doing since the early 2000's. If it wasnt for the apps it'd just be another razor with a touchscreen... but for some reason people are drawn to that thing like hotcakes. Didnt really do anything for me.. *shrug*
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You and me both. Even if they did T-Mo USA probably wouldn't get it. Their European operations get all the phones. In the US it would end up going to AT&T. You do have the Nexus One though.

Android 2.2 huh? I thought Google said they were going to slow down on the releases to stop the fragmentation. Motorola and Sony have not been able to get passed 1.6 yet and Google is 3 versions down the road already.

I was hype about the Nexus One, but you are right with all the different flavors of Android the Nexus One is fast becoming yesterday’s news and I have yet to see one in person. However, this is the one thing I like about Android. This is one time capitalism is working. We have so many choices we are getting the best device at the lowest price. HTC EVO is really the HTC HD2. It’s just the HTC HD2 runs WinMo 6.5. I went to T-mobile because I wanted a HTC HD and they only wanted $269.00 upfront. I thought that was a bargain. I was not the only one because they were sold out and I got a G1 by pure chance. So paying $199 upfront for arguably the one of the best phones on the market is not a bad deal. You know every time Apple comes out with a new iPhone they want at least two or three hundred dollars. Apple and Microsoft proprietary, post WWII eastern bloc mentality of everybody having the same thing is not working anymore. Android market share is growing as I type.
There's no way i'd go to AT&T just for the iphone.. especially on their already bandwidth extended network. Folks always complain about Sprint but as I always say i'm yet to have any issues with my service no matter where I go... and I travel a lot. Now my t-mobile line on the other hand (I have a nexus one now) is a joke. I barely even get service in my house with it and drop calls like hell...and constantly drop out of 3G into edge for no reason at all.

This will be a Sprint flagship phone so dont count on seeing it anywhere else... at least not for a year considering no one else has their version of 4G (LTE) live yet. Tmobile claims they have their HSPA speeds live but I damn sure dont see it on my nexus. When the evo drops ill be selling my nexus a tech freak so I always have to have the best phone out....iphone? HA

Let me fill u in on some facts about the iphone vs android.

1) If you have an iphone you will never own it even after you pay for it. Apple constantly pushes out bogus updates (3.1.3) to block people from jailbreaking/unlocking the phone. You have to go through apple to do EVERYTHING to the phone...even simple things like transfer pics/music you have to do it through itunes unless you jailbreak it. If you have to restore the phone they MAKE you restore to the newest version (which they purposely put out just to block the phone from being unlocked).

2) 70% of iphone app developers are now developing for Android also so that whole "there's an app for that" thing will be a moot point by the end of this year.

3) It's a known fact that iphones drop almost 20% of their calls

4) This "4G" iphone is going to be 4G in name only to basically sham the apple fanboys into buying it without asking questions...which most will.

I could go on... I actually tried a 3gs for about a week and I dont even consider iphones to be smartphones. They cant even do simple things like multitask that even winmo has been doing since the early 2000's. If it wasnt for the apps it'd just be another razor with a touchscreen... but for some reason people are drawn to that thing like hotcakes. Didnt really do anything for me.. *shrug*

I like GSM phones because of the portability and more choices. I can use AT&T, T-mobile and even cheap knock offs from China. With that said, CDMA phone like Sprint and Verizon give you better coverage and reception. However, I can’t use a Sprint phone on a Verizon network. If I had a HTC EVO, I could keep it for about 10 years the way they keep updating and changing Android. I saw on YouTube a Nexus One interface on a G1. So I might not need portability or choices after all.
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I like GSM phones because of the portability and more choices. I can use AT&T, T-mobile and even cheap knock offs from China. With that said, CDMA phone like Sprint and Verizon give you better coverage and reception. However, I can’t use a Sprint phone on a Verizon network. If I had a HTC EVO, I could keep it for about 10 years the way they keep updating and changing Android. I saw on YouTube a Nexus One interface on a G1. So I might not need portability or choices after all.

Yea you can... but for one AT&T and T-Mobile have different bands in their phones. Just like people that use Iphones on tmobile.. the phone works but they can only get edge data.. no 3g. And vice versa with tmobile phones on at&t. And you're somewhat right about the evo and the hd2 but they arent the same phone.. the processor is different as well as the memory.. the evo has a different radio and chipset as well. Really the only things that are the same are the screensize and the overall size of the phone is different also.

I know a lot of folks like gsm just to be able to switch phones but its no secret that CDMA gives better service here in the US..(Verizon & Sprint are without a question better than AT&T and T-Mobile). And just for the record there are ways to get phones across CDMA networks that I wont discuss here but its more than possible. I'd personally never go to AT&T because their service sucks and their rates are too high for what they offer... and luckily I got the flex pay with tmobile and just paid retail for my nexus rather than signing a contract with them.

I get yearly upgrades so I can upgrade every year (all sprint premier customers get the same). And you can also swap phones out without a problem just by doing an ESN swap on sprints site. I.E. I swapped my touch pro 2 out for a moment and then that for a hero without ever even going to a sprint store.

I dont really knock iphone owners but the way they hype that phone up youd think you could at least run more than one application at a time. IMO its basically just an ipod touch you can make calls on. And apple restricts the hell out of it and people just take it. Thats one reason I loved winmo and now android so much... OPEN systems to do what I want with it. And as far the G1 running the nexus one interface, yes its possible.. but it will eventually get slow as hell and laggy because the G1 is running an old slow processor as compared to the snapdragon in the N1. You have to keep in mind going forward that new OS are going to be made to run on faster processors. I know firsthand because I did the same thing when they ripped the interface from the HD2 and put it on the touch pro 2. Eventually it'll get so buggy and laggy itll be worthless and youll have to go back to stock.
Last edited by a moderator: are hittin the nail on the head about iPhones. They are worthless. They day Google announced Android I said it was the end of the road for the iPhone. The day Google added widgets to Android iPhone had no chance to recover. Their game is over hence the lawsuit against HTC.

Yes the Nexus One does seem like yesterday's news now. I'd still like to get one (unknown how much would it take for you to part with yours....) and maybe that would keep me on T-Mo. But the wife really wants to go back to Verizon again and with them getting the hot Android phones and their Skype deal I'm just about gone come October when the contracts are up. I just hate the price I'm gonna have for 4 lines. If T-Mo doesn't come with one of the upcoming HTC phones like the Desire or Incredible or get the Samsung Galaxy S I'm gone.

bigmanofds - If you are into rooting your phone try out the Cyanogen ROM. I had it on my G1 for a while but the build back then became unstable. Theres a definite performance improvement, complete skin switching to themes from the community, tethering and a ton of other stuff on top of a rooted phone.

Man I love open source.
I received an email from sprint about that phone last week. Shole hate that Baton Rouge is not a 4G market yet. Still will get the phone because we are 3G.

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Yea you can... but for one AT&T and T-Mobile have different bands in their phones. Just like people that use Iphones on tmobile.. the phone works but they can only get edge data.. no 3g. And vice versa with tmobile phones on at&t. And you're somewhat right about the evo and the hd2 but they arent the same phone.. the processor is different as well as the memory.. the evo has a different radio and chipset as well. Really the only things that are the same are the screensize and the overall size of the phone is different also.

I know a lot of folks like gsm just to be able to switch phones but its no secret that CDMA gives better service here in the US..(Verizon & Sprint are without a question better than AT&T and T-Mobile). And just for the record there are ways to get phones across CDMA networks that I wont discuss here but its more than possible. I'd personally never go to AT&T because their service sucks and their rates are too high for what they offer... and luckily I got the flex pay with tmobile and just paid retail for my nexus rather than signing a contract with them.

I get yearly upgrades so I can upgrade every year (all sprint premier customers get the same). And you can also swap phones out without a problem just by doing an ESN swap on sprints site. I.E. I swapped my touch pro 2 out for a moment and then that for a hero without ever even going to a sprint store.

I dont really knock iphone owners but the way they hype that phone up youd think you could at least run more than one application at a time. IMO its basically just an ipod touch you can make calls on. And apple restricts the hell out of it and people just take it. Thats one reason I loved winmo and now android so much... OPEN systems to do what I want with it. And as far the G1 running the nexus one interface, yes its possible.. but it will eventually get slow as hell and laggy because the G1 is running an old slow processor as compared to the snapdragon in the N1. You have to keep in mind going forward that new OS are going to be made to run on faster processors. I know firsthand because I did the same thing when they ripped the interface from the HD2 and put it on the touch pro 2. Eventually it'll get so buggy and laggy itll be worthless and youll have to go back to stock.

I did not know you can swop phones CDMA networks. Now as for 3G, edge, and GPRS I don’t live in a big metropolis like Atlanta. There are not many spots you are going to get 3G in my area of Northwest Louisiana. I only get 3G about 30% of the time. Most of the time, I am on edge or GPRS regardless of the phone I use. That is why I am slow about getting new tech in a cell phone. In my part of the country it’s either you get a signal or you don’t. With a phone with 4G capability it would almost be like killing a roach with a shot gun. In my area for as signal and coverage goes, it’s Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, and now I see T-mobile is last. But T-mobile is the cheapest of the big four. are hittin the nail on the head about iPhones. They are worthless. They day Google announced Android I said it was the end of the road for the iPhone. The day Google added widgets to Android iPhone had no chance to recover. Their game is over hence the lawsuit against HTC.

Yes the Nexus One does seem like yesterday's news now. I'd still like to get one (unknown how much would it take for you to part with yours....) and maybe that would keep me on T-Mo. But the wife really wants to go back to Verizon again and with them getting the hot Android phones and their Skype deal I'm just about gone come October when the contracts are up. I just hate the price I'm gonna have for 4 lines. If T-Mo doesn't come with one of the upcoming HTC phones like the Desire or Incredible or get the Samsung Galaxy S I'm gone.

bigmanofds - If you are into rooting your phone try out the Cyanogen ROM. I had it on my G1 for a while but the build back then became unstable. Theres a definite performance improvement, complete skin switching to themes from the community, tethering and a ton of other stuff on top of a rooted phone.

Man I love open source.

That rooting thing is what I want to get into. I have been reading a little but I am not comfortable yet trying it. I don’t want to brick a two month old phone and two months is all my experience with Android. I am interested in buying his Nexus One also. If I had another Android phone I would be more adventurous.
That rooting thing is what I want to get into. I have been reading a little but I am not comfortable yet trying it. I don’t want to brick a two month old phone and two months is all my experience with Android. I am interested in buying his Nexus One also. If I had another Android phone I would be more adventurous.

The guide to rooting the G1 on the Cyanogen site is not too hard. I found a couple of other helpul things that let me do it even faster when I had to do it again. You basically just have to be careful and follow all the steps. The process itself doesn't normally pose much of a threat to the phone...its just doing something out of order or skipping a step. It took me a while to build up the nerve and I'm a developer and use Linux lmao. It definitely does help if its not your only phone. did see my Nexus One inquiry first right? :lol:
The guide to rooting the G1 on the Cyanogen site is not too hard. I found a couple of other helpul things that let me do it even faster when I had to do it again. You basically just have to be careful and follow all the steps. The process itself doesn't normally pose much of a threat to the phone...its just doing something out of order or skipping a step. It took me a while to build up the nerve and I'm a developer and use Linux lmao. It definitely does help if its not your only phone. did see my Nexus One inquiry first right? :lol:

I am not going to get in a bidding war. You first, then me. :)
The guide to rooting the G1 on the Cyanogen site is not too hard. I found a couple of other helpul things that let me do it even faster when I had to do it again. You basically just have to be careful and follow all the steps. The process itself doesn't normally pose much of a threat to the phone...its just doing something out of order or skipping a step. It took me a while to build up the nerve and I'm a developer and use Linux lmao. It definitely does help if its not your only phone. did see my Nexus One inquiry first right? :lol:

lol.... well I cant get rid of it until the Evo comes. I only have a hero on my sprint line right now just to hold me over in the meantime but I rarely use it. Both of them are rooted though and im running the fresh 2.0 rom on the hero. It's actually the rom that came off of the nexus and it has the live animated wallpapers and all.
Oh BTW the CDMA version of the N1 will be dropping on sprint in the next few weeks also... im thinking theyre gonna wait until after the evo comes out to release it though.
Being in the business... Ive easily learned whats new today is old news in 2 weeks... luckily I can upgrade any time i want to so I get a different phone every month.
I don't get hype over phones. I got the Blackberry Tour in December. As long as I keep it updated, I am happy. In two years, I will see what's out there or stick with the Tour. :lecture: I kept the Palm Centro for about 3 years...maybe 4. The only complaint I have right now is that my internet will only go 3 or 4 pages deep on a website sometimes but I am good friends with a Tech geek and I am sure he will show me what's wrong.
I heard today that Verizon is coming out with a new version of the black berry storm. It want be the same as a storm, but similar.
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