Swac Basketball 2/13 & 2/15/09

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treasure is using and abusing Jefferson...we're steady shooting 3's and missing and this kid Treasure is shooting high percentage shots while we stand around & watch him! I haven't seen our offense this lackadaisical in awhile...we're sleep walking...right now we don't deserve to win...

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treasure is using and abusing Jefferson...we're steady shooting 3's and missing and this kid Treasure is shooting high percentage shots while we stand around & watch him! I haven't seen our offense this lackadaisical in awhile...we're sleep walking...right now we don't deserve to win...

iAgree... they're playing horrible right now.
You mad!!! Just admit it... You're high school gymatorium and your sorry azz basketball team is sitting how many spots below the Mighty JSU?

Its sad when COUNTRY folk lead the conference in Academics and Athletics. :lecture:
City folk DUMB az HELL!

mad at what?... at Get to the Money? You kill me with this "high school" ish... you aint neva been to Elmore and you aint seen no high school gym that seats 6000...damn sure aint in Mississippi. Sorry ass basketball team? Hell are you watchin the same game as me... If these are the best two teams in the conference then the entire conference is sorry. Whats your out of conference record?

How many people is JSU averaging in the "Staples Center"? with its First Place team?
Yes, thank God for the 3...momentum is changing...Phil is tough...he just has a horrible assists to turnover ratio...thats the only thing that is keeping him on the bench...Rod is too conservative! But he's plays ok defense and handles the rock well...he gives us that 6 assists, 2 to's and 4/5 rebounds and maybe 2 steals a game while maybe attempting 2 shots
JSU aint playin in the Staples Center themselves.... Those Rainbow bright seats aint had an ass in them all season. I would take Elmore's atmosphere...

but GET TO THE MONEY on your warm ups is still COUNTRY. You know it, I know, hell all of you know it..... maybe on a t shirt... but on a WARM UP..... Im sure this has been discussed in your private forum lol... SOMEBODY had to say something.

It's Cowboy Stadium compared to Elmore. When that's all you have you have to love the atmosphere. I don't recall anyone discussing it in the forum. I honest don't care whet they put on the backs as long as Jackson State is on the front. I'm watching the game here in Orlando and all they keep showing is Jackson State.

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It's Cowboy Stadium compared to Elmore. When that's all you have you have to love the atmosphere. I don't recall anyone discussing it in the forum. I honest don't care whet they put on the backs as long as Jackson State is on the front. I'm watching the game here in Orlando and all they keep showing is Jackson State.

that may be true J-State... but you have to admit, there's something to be said for a school with a "good atmosphere" who's team is one game away from not even making it to the conference tournament.... i'm just sayin. lol.
1. Why do they keep saying this is a rivalry game... This should not be a part of rivalry week coverage. lol. (i'll bet someone from sTu told them we were their rival) LOL

2. Play consistent JSU. We are in a good position right now. sTu is about to be in some foul trouble.
that may be true J-State... but you have to admit, there's something to be said for a school with a "good atmosphere" who's team is one game away from not even making it to the conference tournament.... i'm just sayin. lol.

one game away from not making the tournament? U must be talkin about Grambling, SU, or Alcorn or Valley... or Denise Taylor.
yeah your right...i don't liek the fact we don't have Raymon gregory or Blake on the floor...I like their presence but the swac goes small in the waning moments and their callin everything on us...
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