Zimbabwe's White Farmers Start Anew in Zambia

Jam Piper Jam

Truth Seeker

Zimbabwe's White Farmers Start Anew in Zambia

Published: March 21, 2004

CHISAMBA, Zambia ? Douglas Watt is part of a most curious diaspora in Southern Africa: prosperous white farmers, vilified as greedy racists and driven out of Zimbabwe, looking for a home.

Mr. Watt left the country of his birth about a year ago after what has become a common sort of encounter there. The husband of a worker in the office of President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe politely told Mr. Watt that he was taking over his farm and that Mr. Watt had 90 days to get out.

Today Mr. Watt is one of about 140 white Zimbabwean farmers who have relocated to neighboring Zambia hoping, many say, for a mix of racial harmony and political stability that will enable them to prosper and contribute to black Africa.
Jam Piper Jam said:

Zimbabwe's White Farmers Start Anew in Zambia

Published: March 21, 2004

CHISAMBA, Zambia ? Douglas Watt is part of a most curious diaspora in Southern Africa: prosperous white farmers, vilified as greedy racists and driven out of Zimbabwe, looking for a home.

Mr. Watt left the country of his birth about a year ago after what has become a common sort of encounter there. The husband of a worker in the office of President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe politely told Mr. Watt that he was taking over his farm and that Mr. Watt had 90 days to get out.

Today Mr. Watt is one of about 140 white Zimbabwean farmers who have relocated to neighboring Zambia hoping, many say, for a mix of racial harmony and political stability that will enable them to prosper and contribute to black Africa.

Classic quagmire. What if the native American Indians some how got United Nation's sympathy and world law (,,,, which will probably happen if dems/liberals have any say) to give them authority to come back to their native lands (especially across the southern united states) all over the U.S. and take this land back? Many would cheer,, but some of the land they would take back would be land owned by black folks gained under the system put in place by this country. How would that play out? :confused:

The Native Americans deserve reparations.

The African Americans deserve reparations.

The Africans deserve reparations.
Bartram said:
Classic quagmire. What if the native American Indians some how got United Nation's sympathy and world law (,,,, which will probably happen if dems/liberals have any say) to give them authority to come back to their native lands (especially across the southern united states) all over the U.S. and take this land back? Many would cheer,, but some of the land they would take back would be land owned by black folks gained under the system put in place by this country. How would that play out? :confused:

I'd get at least 50 acres. Cherokee (daddy's 1/8) AND Seminole blood. (daddy's 1/4 and I'm 1/8) If I told you what else was in there you'd prolly laugh.

Anyhew, I doubt that would happen here. History has PROVEN that while white's aren't always necessarily consiously racist, they sure can't necessarily be expected or trusted to not be either. I find it ironic in Africa that "natives" are removed from their land like chattel though.