Would terrorists carry out an attack on an HBCU venue?


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Nope. While I was at the ASU vs JCSmith game the other day looking around,,,, I just couldn't see why terrorists would carry out an attack on a venue full of black folk. Just don't see it happening. Now an Auburn or Alabama game,,,,, maybe, but i doubt it. There's no reason for all the security hysteria at least not at HBCU related events. What do you think?
Now to that...

I don't think they would come for us black folk first. If they wanted to mess up an event of entertainment, they would definitely go to a predominantly white one...such as the big white football games (Superbowl), Mardi Gras, a pro basketball game, ice skating arena, or something else of the sort. I truly believe that they really hate the white people in America moreso than the minorities here. Granted, they hate Americans period, but it's just something about the white faces that represent our country that tick them off.

Again, I think that our events would be the last on the list to get hit. But I can definitely see them flying six planes into a huge stadium or dome during an NFL or NBA game. I wouldn't put it past them.

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Yuuup,,,, dey don't like white peepus too much.

No love lost there AT ALL. There were black folk on the planes and in the WTC, but i'm guessing they were considered "colateral damage". Then again,,,, many of these countries that "identify" with the plight of black America ain't too hospitable to negroes. Take the India indians for example; these folks are probably more bitterly racists than we profess southern white folk are! Hell,,, southern white folk are just simple, good ole down home country folk who (many back in the day) were birthed and raised by black folk and grew up playing wit black folk! yes, many have been indoctrinated that they are better than negroes, but really and truely, i'd have to say Japaneese and India Indians are WAAAAY more racists than your typical Johny-Reb. I would venture to guess that the taliban would hate seeing a brotha laying pipe to one of their women just as much as some of Hitler's SS boys back during WWII. All that said though,,, if you had to rank them,,, I do believe they "hate" whites simply because that's the face you see most associated with the U.S. and the face that has been associated with world domination of every part of the globe the last 300-500 years.
I would venture to guess that the taliban would hate seeing a brotha laying pipe to one of their women just as much as some of Hitler's SS boys back during WWII.

lol lol lol Fa sho!! Us black men are hated on by all races to the highest degree for that kind of stuff.

But yeah, those Indians and Asians are really racist. With the Asians, I don't think they view us as an animal or etc... They just look at all blacks as untrustworthy (like thieves), and not very intelligent at times. Indians just kinda look at us as a dumb group of people. Now, I think that the David Duke whites look at us a bunch of caged animals, as well as untrustworthy and dumb. I really worked in close-knit relationships with many white students while growing up and if you only knew some of things they say and wonder about........you'd probably wanna kill them.
yeah, I grew up with them too.

I too grew up with southern whites. Back then (in elementary/Jr/High school) I didn't understand them too much, but as I look back now, I don' t see it as them really being truely dedicated in their hate/prejudice. That I know of,,, I didn't have any white associates who were directly associated with the KKK and such, so much of their antics back then I see today as pretty much status quo, run-o-the-mill acts for the period and the society that we lived in. Things like watermelon jokes, "where are you, I can't see you" jokes on the band bus at night coming back from games, the wearing of rebel flag gear,,,,, all while hanging out with you, getting drunk, playing sports together, going fishing/hunting together,,, blah, blah, blah. That was pretty traumatic stuff back then and led to some good fist fights,,,, and then we'd be right back playing speed box (or whatever you call that game where you have a guy acting like a baseball runner caught between bases) or picking on some reclusive misfit.

I think the COUNTRIES of Japan, India, Russia, Iran, Iraq, etc,, really want no parts of black immigrants. What's the population of Black African immigrants in these countries????? In that sense, the U.S. has done the best job of being a melting pot,,, other than maybe some south Amercian countries like Brazil, Argentina, Venezuala, the carribean,, etc.
I encountered alot of silly comments/questions back then like...."Do black people wash their hair?" --- "Do you put grease in your hair?" --- "I wouldn't dare date a black person, would you date a white person?"---"How did you get so smart, because your grades weren't worth anything back in the day (even though I made A's & B's)?"---"Why do blacks fight so much?"

My younger brother even heard a white girl in his class say to another black girl that made A's even higher than she did: "How did you get so smart? Do you have white people in your family?"

So, we really grew up in the midst of biggots. And I have also had tussels with whites as well. Now, that I'm in professional school with some of these ASIANS and INDIANS.....I know they look at us suspiciously all the time. I was working in a nutrition group with this Vietamese girl and we all had to work on the same questions independently. We'd come together and discuss our answers to compile the final answer. Well, one particular time, she didn't complete hers, but the rest of us BLACKS and thw white girl did. This girl actually thought she was smarter than us and said to the the white person..."Do you really trust their answers?" This Indian girl turn to a classmate that is black (but she thought she was white or something) and said "Look at those black people (referring to a couple loud ungroomed black guys). Do you see how they are?

As far as blacks immigrating to the countries you've named...what you said is true. They really don't want blacks in their lands (as if their countries really had something to offer). We're just a bunch of thieves in their eyes. But on the contrary, blacks usually don't wanna go to their countries to live anyway. Most of them are too underdeveloped (except Japan) and the culture is waaaayy off. The only way we go is if it's military affiliated. Africans like to immigrate to places where there is opportunity (e.g. USA, Canada, some northern European countries, and maybe Brazil). African immigrants just come over this way to the northern North American countries for education and opportunity. The other countries just can't measure up.
If it served their purpose, they would blow our black arses away just as quick as they would anyone else. I mean, look at how man black Africans were killed as opposed to Americans when they blew up the embassy in Nairobi, Kenya. They had to have known, that many Africans would be killed and injured. But did that stop them? NOOOOO!!!!

Bartram, I think you are absolutely correct about India Indians. They are VERY racist. (That was one of the reasons that Idi Amin kicked their arses out of Uganda back in the 70's.)
It's all a tight situation, but ultimately,,,

,, what does it all boil down to?????? It's tight. We despise what has been perpetrated here in America,,, but I doubt if the foes of America are "down" with black decendants of Africans who live in America. When you are under attack, you react. many blacks were killed in the attacks, so what do you do and how does the black intelect of the U.S. react to these events??? Tough call. I see know why all the usual operatives like Jackson, Sharpton, Toney Brown and your local black activists are pretty much silent on this one or either what they are saying is a bunch of straddle the fence tap dancing. :confused:
Actually, Rev. Jackson, former Mayor Andrew Young, Rev. Sharpton have not been silent. They have condemned the attacks but have also said that U.S. policy needs some serious re-thing. They have also said that they are glad that Colin Powell is the secretary of state and that Bush should listen to Powell and not the military hawks around him.

In a sense they and some others have said that as far as trade is concerned, the U.S. should look towards Africa for trade as oppose to the Middle East. Then again that would make the Africans richer. I can't quite envision the U.S. helping nations of Black folks get rich.
Ok, granted,,,

Sharpton has not been completely silent. Jessie was talking about being a mediator, but I hear he's not going. Sharpton was not his usual firery self. He's not exactly blasting the establishment/administration as he usually does. Infact, in that interview with the guy (I forget his name; be trying to get the most radical views on his show and post them up pro/con? The O'Riley Factor is it?), dang Sharpton sounded almost presidential! ",,,,, well,,, uuuuuuuuuuuuuh,,,, yes, we did take in the orphaned boy,,, uuuuuuuuh,,, yes, we must be deliberated in justice in this case,,,, yet we must not stoop to singling out the muslim religion and innocent people,,, we must work to find the perpetrators,,," (i'm paraphrasing),,, i mean,,,, is this the Sharpton over the years???????????????????

I haven't heard the black hawks here in Montgomery/in Alabama weigh in on this thing at all. Mugz quiet as church mouses.