Why I think Biden should let his dog stay although he bit those people!


Well-Known Member
Why I think Biden should let his dog stay although he bit those people! Dogs are highly intelligent. Your dog especially when you treat them good becomes in tune with you many times better than your own kids or spouse. Dogs pick up on your vibes and especially bad vibes when people come around that mean you no good. I guarantee you the people that dog bit felt bad vibes around him and went into protection mode. If you have ever had a dog that really love you I bet you understand what I'm saying. My lil dog bless his soul in doggie heaven could pick up on people vies around me. Certain people he would never bark or blink an eye at and others he would growl and act a fool when they were around me. I'd trust a dog especially my dog before I trust any human being. Everyone with a bit of sense knows the FBI, Secret Service, CIA and most law enforcements are the most conservative folks on earth......

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