What if some of our premier athletes stood up to the PWI establishment like Simmons?

I had the opportunity for the first time to actually cover NSD on Wednesday.

And to see a father crying tears of joy because his son has achieved the goal of earning a college scholarship to a Division I school, or a mother doing the same after her son signed with a Division 2 school, was cool.

To talk to a kid who is going to be the first one in his family to attend college was pretty neat.

To talk to another kid who spent most of his senior year tending to his mom who is battling stage four breast cancer all while excelling at football and making the honor roll was great, too. He was just happy that his mom was around to experience him declaring.

And then I turn on the radio while driving to a NSD ceremony and hear two gas bag radio hosts lamenting why a kid didn't sign with an in-state school. On social media, I read folks complaining about the same thing. And then I come across this thread.

It is upsetting. Look, we all want HBCUs to thrive in all facets. Do I wish the best athletes suited up for HBCUs? Sure. But man, I can't get discouraged because the top black prep athletes aren't going to HBCUs. I can't. Not after what I experienced the other day. I can't do that. Not after hearing those kids' stories and describing how much it means to everyone associated with them that they're going to college somewhere. It's way bigger than sports for a lot of these kids.

Most of us don't care about what's best for the kids. Most only care about those kids being tools for their selfish hopes and dreams. To make money off them. To gain whatever benefits comes from their successes in athletics. That's why national signing day is valued so much. We get so possessive and entitled over the destinies over kids we don't even know. We don't value them as human beings.

We don't even describe them as such. They're a "haul," a "crop" or "star." Their only value lies in how much they validate us and the universities they sign with.

And I don't like that we put all of that on the shoulders a bunch of teenagers.

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I had the opportunity for the first time to actually cover NSD on Wednesday.

And to see a father crying tears of joy because his son has achieved the goal of earning a college scholarship to a Division I school, or a mother doing the same after her son signed with a Division 2 school, was cool.

To talk to a kid who is going to be the first one in his family to attend college was pretty neat.

To talk to another kid who spent most of his senior year tending to his mom who is battling stage four breast cancer all while excelling at football and making the honor roll was great, too. He was just happy that his mom was around to experience him declaring.

And then I turn on the radio while driving to a NSD ceremony and hear two gas bag radio hosts lamenting why a kid didn't sign with an in-state school. On social media, I read folks complaining about the same thing. And then I come across this thread.

It is upsetting. Look, we all want HBCUs to thrive in all facets. Do I wish the best athletes suited up for HBCUs? Sure. But man, I can't get discouraged because the top black prep athletes aren't going to HBCUs. I can't. Not after what I experienced the other day. I can't do that. Not after hearing those kids' stories and describing how much it means to everyone associated with them that they're going to college somewhere. It's way bigger than sports for a lot of these kids.

Most of us don't care about what's best for the kids. Most only care about those kids being tools for their selfish hopes and dreams. To make money off them. To gain whatever benefits comes from their successes in athletics. That's why national signing day is valued so much. We get so possessive and entitled over the destinies over kids we don't even know. We don't value them as human beings.

We don't even describe them as such. They're a "haul," a "crop" or "star." Their only value lies in how much they validate us and the universities they sign with.

And I don't like that we put all of that on the shoulders a bunch of teenagers.

I agree. Well said.
I know this has nothing to do with this topic but it was pretty cool seeing Alcorn on the end of the year video on college gameday lol
I don't understand why they go there anyway, still beats me

Going some place where you're not wanted Lol shat is ass backwards
I can give you the run down when lSU got into our community. In the late 90's/ early 2000's we controlled all BR black radio as they were owned by SU grads. Everything was about SU. Mr. Moncrief and Mr Tucker sold their company for 30 million to a national company. After that the message changed. Around that time also, Lsu started to win in football with Saban. We haven't gotten the same recruits since. SU and Gram were beating Lsu out for some recruits in Louisiana until that point.
I can give you the run down when lSU got into our community. In the late 90's/ early 2000's we controlled all BR black radio as they were owned by SU grads. Everything was about SU. Mr. Moncrief and Mr Tucker sold their company for 30 million to a national company. After that the message changed. Around that time also, Lsu started to win in football with Saban. We haven't gotten the same recruits since. SU and Gram were beating Lsu out for some recruits in Louisiana until that point.

Which station was that? Q106.5 or Max94.1?
Would this start making a difference in the disrespect our HBCU conferences receive? We have cream of the crop athletes who would rather go to a PWI and ride the bench and not actually get a degree than play for an HBCU. What would happen if those athletes drew a line in the sand and decided to patronize our institutions and we start winning against these big schools like your VCU's and Loyola Marymount back in the day. Also being feared by those larger schools like NDSU is in football. They make millions of dollars off our stellar athletes and a lot of them don't even get a free education out of it, if we ever woke up it would really be powerful, instead of beating our chests about pnly beating each other up we could start beating them too.Thoughts???

Then they would do like they did in the 70's, not play us!
Coach Simmons is smart. PV is paying him 190000 a year. This is while a majority of their games were played in a small home stadium. If Coach Simmons continues to win and they are averaging over 12000 on campus, along with the addl. monies from more sponsorships they could triple his salary.

Texas Southern has the same opportunity.
SMH... same folk that probably just knew he was gone for the call of the FBS now want to pretend it wasn't a big deal. So scared that a light is shining elsewhere smh. It was just an analogy. Maybe second fiddle at USM wasn't a better choice than HC at aPVm. Neither is riding the bench at a bottom feeder FBS over starting at an HBCU. Whoa... sensible analogy makes sense.


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Coach Simmons is smart. PV is paying him 190000 a year. This is while a majority of their games were played in a small home stadium. If Coach Simmons continues to win and they are averaging over 12000 on campus, along with the addl. monies from more sponsorships they could triple his salary.

Texas Southern has the same opportunity.

Trust me it's not about that for him. It's about the opportunity to prove himself and make it on his own merit. I applaud him
Yep....at that time it was no problem for LSU guys who were kicked out or didn't play to head over SU without a problem as it was almost encouraged for them to come..once Michael hayes did it and then Saban got over there it all stopped

even then, props in Baton Rouge who were going to sign with LSU had no problem attending SU or GSU to sit out a year

and SU us also right about controlling the media...yall just dont know...when you OWN and CONTROL the message, you have power.....all we have now is hacks who work for someone whose bottom line is the almighty dollar and chasing behind the big schools