Weigh Your Health Decisions -- Try HealthQuotient Today!


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I received this from Medical at the job:

Everyday, we all make many decisions?some big, some small. Most of our day-to-day decisions, such as deciding what to eat for lunch, may not seem very significant. However, when added all together, they can have a big impact.

For example, deciding to have a burger and fries at lunch may seem like a small treat, but what if you also decided to have bacon and eggs for breakfast and meet friends for a soft drink and pizza at dinner? At the end of the day, these small, seemingly insignificant decisions would have added up to about 3,000 calories?up to 1,000 more calories than the average adult male needs each day. And if you continued this trend over the course of a year, you?d add over 182,500 extra calories, or 52 pounds!

So you can see that even these small, everyday decisions can have a big impact on your health. Even people who look and feel perfectly healthy could be at risk for developing serious conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes based on the decisions they make, as well as other health risk factors. How can you learn how your decisions are affecting your health and what your health risk factors are? By using HealthQuotient.

HealthQuotient is an advanced health assessment tool, available online via WebMD Health Manager at https://www.webmdhealth.com/raytheon. When you visit this secure, easy-to-use website and answer a few questions*, you will receive a confidential report that identifies your personal health risks?along with a customized plan to reduce or eliminate them. HealthQuotient also offers you an ?at-a-glance? health summary and calculators that show you the impact of changes in your lifestyle.

Check out HealthQuotient today, and start getting a better picture of your overall health. Remember, your health is important and making smart decisions is the first step toward managing your health!

*Before starting HealthQuotient, you will need to have your most up-to-date blood pressure reading, cholesterol count (total, LDL (bad), HDL (good), triglycerides), blood sugar and waist circumference.