Wealth gap between whites, minorities widens

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The reality is, at the end of the day, 1+1=2 and 1-1=0. Everything we do is either a +1 or -1 behavior.

The key is behavior. What we do. How much money we have or how much we start with is not the issue.

If we want to grow our money, we have to do +1 behavior. Whether that is moving from poverty to middle class, from middle class to wealthy or from wealthy to super-wealthy. The reverse is also true. -1 behavior causes money to leave us. That's how we end up with Mike Tyson and Toni Braxton.

I've seen poor people move to the middle class and even to wealthy status by consistently doing things that build money like consistently working hard, living beneath their means, saving, investing, being properly insured, avoiding debt and so forth. It didn't happen overnight, but the consistent application of principles that build money paid off. Again, the reverse is also true.

As noted before, it's about choice and behavior. Make positive decisions and your money will grow. This is true even for poor people who are struggling. Make no decisions like living day to day and money will leave you. Make negative decisions like buying Escalades with rims but not insuring it while living at momma's house and money will leave you quicker.

That's reality.
You said all that to say nothing. Now that is reality. Nice on paper, and bull shyt in life.
The reality is, at the end of the day, 1+1=2 and 1-1=0. Everything we do is either a +1 or -1 behavior.

The key is behavior. What we do. How much money we have or how much we start with is not the issue.

If we want to grow our money, we have to do +1 behavior. Whether that is moving from poverty to middle class, from middle class to wealthy or from wealthy to super-wealthy. The reverse is also true. -1 behavior causes money to leave us. That's how we end up with Mike Tyson and Toni Braxton.

I've seen poor people move to the middle class and even to wealthy status by consistently doing things that build money like consistently working hard, living beneath their means, saving, investing, being properly insured, avoiding debt and so forth. It didn't happen overnight, but the consistent application of principles that build money paid off. Again, the reverse is also true.

As noted before, it's about choice and behavior. Make positive decisions and your money will grow. This is true even for poor people who are struggling. Make no decisions like living day to day and money will leave you. Make negative decisions like buying Escalades with rims but not insuring it while living at momma's house and money will leave you quicker.

That's reality.

You have no reality of everyday life. When you are striving to make it day by day, you give a fuk about the next day. The reality of life is that poor folks can not fathom the next day, because they spend all the have trying to get their kids to the next day for a future. They put their own lives on hold. It is reality, not in a dam text book.
Whoa! Ok let me translate what you just said:

If you're poor, then you'll always be poor. If you're living paycheck to paycheck, then you'll always be that way. If you have kids and you strugglin now, then you can expect more of the same from now on, no hope, no dreams, etc.

That's crazyignantnottrue.com

Google how many people go from homeless to millionaires. Look up how many rich people (example tyler perry) used to live in their cars. Read about how many immigrants come here with 5 kids and no money then build a rich business.

You saying blacks folks "can't" do that? The reality is that people do it everyday in this country. Not all poor families stay poor. BTW, there are black families struggling babrely making it and don't care about a book (as you say) but the kids where Jordans to school, mamma got hair done, etc.

U say "poor kids cannot fathom the next day" Man you could not be a motivational speaker!
Do you realize how ignorant you sound text book school boy? Look, who in the heck doesn't know poor folks can't make something out themselves? Who doesn't understand that there will be folk who make it from the ghetto? The reality of it is that most folks are living day to day because they are surviving, trying to make it. Go sit your tale down school boy, your text book knowledge on life doesn't impress me. The folks you and SUJAGFAN are talking about spending money are folks who are making illegal money and hustling. The poor folks who work 9 to 5 ain't spending it because they don't have it. Everyone in the hood don't wear Jordans or try to wear polo. That is reality.
Whoa! Ok let me translate what you just said:

If you're poor, then you'll always be poor. If you're living paycheck to paycheck, then you'll always be that way. If you have kids and you strugglin now, then you can expect more of the same from now on, no hope, no dreams, etc.

That's crazyignantnottrue.com

Google how many people go from homeless to millionaires. Look up how many rich people (example tyler perry) used to live in their cars. Read about how many immigrants come here with 5 kids and no money then build a rich business.

You saying blacks folks "can't" do that? The reality is that people do it everyday in this country. Not all poor families stay poor. BTW, there are black families struggling babrely making it and don't care about a book (as you say) but the kids where Jordans to school, mamma got hair done, etc.

U say "poor kids cannot fathom the next day" Man you could not be a motivational speaker!
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You said all that to say nothing. Now that is reality. Nice on paper, and bull shyt in life.

Yeah, I left out belief. Which is what you lack. In addition to insight.

As long as people don't believe they can do better, they won't. That doesn't mean that they can't. This mindset that it's impossible or overly difficult for poor people to make good life decisions and good decisions with money is a hindrance to people actually taking the actions necessary to make money.
Man you always sound foolish when you talk. Take your pea brain, wanna have something, trying to impress, lil shawt self down. Dude you don't impress me with lies.
QUOTE=SUJagFan;1897118]Yeah, I left out belief. Which is what you lack. In addition to insight.

As long as people don't believe they can do better, they won't. That doesn't mean that they can't. This mindset that it's impossible or overly difficult for poor people to make good life decisions and good decisions with money is a hindrance to people actually taking the actions necessary to make money.[/QUOTE]
Man you always sound foolish when you talk. Take your pea brain, wanna have something, trying to impress, lil shawt self down.
QUOTE=SUJagFan;1897118]Yeah, I left out belief. Which is what you lack. In addition to insight.

As long as people don't believe they can do better, they won't. That doesn't mean that they can't. This mindset that it's impossible or overly difficult for poor people to make good life decisions and good decisions with money is a hindrance to people actually taking the actions necessary to make money.


I will not.

And it's very amusing you have no clue what I'm talking about yet feel qualified to dismiss it.
Yes, they do but not in the volume or percentage in which we have to get them. Financial Aid is the easiest barometer. We as a people have a much higher percentage of need when it comes to financial aid (student loans) than others. Even with buying cars or homes, they put more down and get better percentage rates for various reason that you have alluded.

And, everything in life comes down to choices, generational wealth helps ease those choices. While I do agree, that it is not the only factor or even an overwhelming factor. It does play a role. Most of us are exceptions to the norm in our communities. There is a reason why. Habits are learned.

Also, generational wealth does not mean "wealthy."

Working in a university, I've found that those with the greatest need...have the greatest assistance available. Meaning, come from a low income household and you don't have to pay a cent...unless you want that loan for "extras".
Well, y'all can sing and side with the poor for life folks, but I'm gonna work it from the "kick in the butt" and hope they see the light angle. :tup: One thing I've learned in life is: EXCUSES SERVE THOSE WHO USE THEM. So, if you live from paycheck to paycheck year after year...you must like it barrng any handicap, of course. I find it very interesting how some folks get very "touchy" when we are discussing AAs lack of financial planning/preparation. The truth is the truth.

Found this article and thought it appropriate:

10 Reasons Why You’re Broke
Here are a few of the reasons why people find themselves without money.

1. Their problems are never their fault: Broke people don’t like to take responsibility for their problems, they will often shift blame and say it’s someone else’s fault. They blame their friends, family and the government. They believe the old saying, “the little guy just can’t get ahead“.

2. What’s a budget?: A lot of people who are broke find themselves that way because they have no idea where there money is going. They’ve never done a budget. Their money quickly disappears every month into an endless black hole of large and small expenses.

3. They don’t plan for the future. Today is all that matters: Money doesn’t stick around for future uses because it is all spent today. Saving and planning for the future are foreign concepts.

4. Money gets spent on things that aren’t needed: We’ve all got those friends who just can’t help themselves – they already have a couch, but they find a design they like better and buy it – even though they can’t afford it. They have a phone, but decide to buy the newest greatest Iphone.

5. Keeping up with the neighbors: Far too often people will buy a house in a neighborhood they can’t afford, and then they end up spending even more money on the other lifestyle accessories to keep up with the Joneses. They end up buying a nicer car, a boat, expensive landscaping, etc. One bad spending decision begets another.

6. You paid what?: Broke people far too often don’t know how to find a good deal and even more often don’t negotiate to get a better deal. Why pay more than you have to?

7. Credit is their best friend: They don’t practice delayed gratification, and they would never save for something they want. Just put it on the credit card until it’s maxed! We’ll figure out how to pay it some other time!

8. They rely on others to get them out of trouble : We’ve probably all know someone who always ends up going to their parents, family or friends to help them pay for one of their debts. They get in debt up to their ears, and then when they can’t pay for it, it’s back to mommy and daddy’s house to beg for money.

9. Why budget for the future when I can have fun today: They don’t like to plan ahead for tomorrow because it seems so far away. Instead, let’s eat drink and be merry today!

10. They are all about appearances: Broke people often are broke because they would rather have others think they are doing well, or are wealthy, than actually do the hard work of actually finding a way to be wealthy. The result? They spend a bunch of money on things they don’t need in order to appear like they’ve got power and influence.

Obviously this list of things that broke people do isn’t exhaustive, but it is more of a way to get people thinking about how and why they’re making the decisions about their money that they are. If you can catch nip some of these behaviors in the bud, you’ll be much better off for it.

Now tell me you don't see lots of folks you know on that list.
Do you realize how ignorant you sound text book school boy? Look, who in the heck doesn't know poor folks can't make something out themselves? Who doesn't understand that there will be folk who make it from the ghetto? The reality of it is that most folks are living day to day because they are surviving, trying to make it. Go sit your tale down school boy, your text book knowledge on life doesn't impress me. The folks you and SUJAGFAN are talking about spending money are folks who are making illegal money and hustling. The poor folks who work 9 to 5 ain't spending it because they don't have it. Everyone in the hood don't wear Jordans or try to wear polo. That is reality.

CeeDog, I'm just saying there's not 1 person in the hood that "can't" make it to financial success. Not 1 person or family in the hood "has" to struggle their whole life w/o other options. If they think they can't do better they need to go talk to others who started where they are but now doing better.

In my line of work, I've talked to 100s of them in bad financial situations (struggling) and a lot of times unfortunately the black people CAN do better, but DON'T. Regardless of income. Bible says it can be done and even motivational speakers who maybe don't believe in God still say anyone can do better if they want to.
Well, y'all can sing and side with the poor for life folks, but I'm gonna work it from the "kick in the butt" and hope they see the light angle. :tup: One thing I've learned in life is: EXCUSES SERVE THOSE WHO USE THEM. So, if you live from paycheck to paycheck year after year...you must like it barrng any handicap, of course. I find it very interesting how some folks get very "touchy" when we are discussing AAs lack of financial planning/preparation. The truth is the truth.

Found this article and thought it appropriate:

10 Reasons Why You’re Broke
Here are a few of the reasons why people find themselves without money.

1. Their problems are never their fault: Broke people don’t like to take responsibility for their problems, they will often shift blame and say it’s someone else’s fault. They blame their friends, family and the government. They believe the old saying, “the little guy just can’t get ahead“.

2. What’s a budget?: A lot of people who are broke find themselves that way because they have no idea where there money is going. They’ve never done a budget. Their money quickly disappears every month into an endless black hole of large and small expenses.

3. They don’t plan for the future. Today is all that matters: Money doesn’t stick around for future uses because it is all spent today. Saving and planning for the future are foreign concepts.

4. Money gets spent on things that aren’t needed: We’ve all got those friends who just can’t help themselves – they already have a couch, but they find a design they like better and buy it – even though they can’t afford it. They have a phone, but decide to buy the newest greatest Iphone.

5. Keeping up with the neighbors: Far too often people will buy a house in a neighborhood they can’t afford, and then they end up spending even more money on the other lifestyle accessories to keep up with the Joneses. They end up buying a nicer car, a boat, expensive landscaping, etc. One bad spending decision begets another.

6. You paid what?: Broke people far too often don’t know how to find a good deal and even more often don’t negotiate to get a better deal. Why pay more than you have to?

7. Credit is their best friend: They don’t practice delayed gratification, and they would never save for something they want. Just put it on the credit card until it’s maxed! We’ll figure out how to pay it some other time!

8. They rely on others to get them out of trouble : We’ve probably all know someone who always ends up going to their parents, family or friends to help them pay for one of their debts. They get in debt up to their ears, and then when they can’t pay for it, it’s back to mommy and daddy’s house to beg for money.

9. Why budget for the future when I can have fun today: They don’t like to plan ahead for tomorrow because it seems so far away. Instead, let’s eat drink and be merry today!

10. They are all about appearances: Broke people often are broke because they would rather have others think they are doing well, or are wealthy, than actually do the hard work of actually finding a way to be wealthy. The result? They spend a bunch of money on things they don’t need in order to appear like they’ve got power and influence.

Obviously this list of things that broke people do isn’t exhaustive, but it is more of a way to get people thinking about how and why they’re making the decisions about their money that they are. If you can catch nip some of these behaviors in the bud, you’ll be much better off for it.

Now tell me you don't see lots of folks you know on that list.
That's actually perfectly said...
Well, y'all can sing and side with the poor for life folks, but I'm gonna work it from the "kick in the butt" and hope they see the light angle. :tup: One thing I've learned in life is: EXCUSES SERVE THOSE WHO USE THEM. So, if you live from paycheck to paycheck year after year...you must like it barrng any handicap, of course. I find it very interesting how some folks get very "touchy" when we are discussing AAs lack of financial planning/preparation. The truth is the truth.

Found this article and thought it appropriate:

10 Reasons Why You’re Broke
Here are a few of the reasons why people find themselves without money.

1. Their problems are never their fault: Broke people don’t like to take responsibility for their problems, they will often shift blame and say it’s someone else’s fault. They blame their friends, family and the government. They believe the old saying, “the little guy just can’t get ahead“.

2. What’s a budget?: A lot of people who are broke find themselves that way because they have no idea where there money is going. They’ve never done a budget. Their money quickly disappears every month into an endless black hole of large and small expenses.

3. They don’t plan for the future. Today is all that matters: Money doesn’t stick around for future uses because it is all spent today. Saving and planning for the future are foreign concepts.

4. Money gets spent on things that aren’t needed: We’ve all got those friends who just can’t help themselves – they already have a couch, but they find a design they like better and buy it – even though they can’t afford it. They have a phone, but decide to buy the newest greatest Iphone.

5. Keeping up with the neighbors: Far too often people will buy a house in a neighborhood they can’t afford, and then they end up spending even more money on the other lifestyle accessories to keep up with the Joneses. They end up buying a nicer car, a boat, expensive landscaping, etc. One bad spending decision begets another.

6. You paid what?: Broke people far too often don’t know how to find a good deal and even more often don’t negotiate to get a better deal. Why pay more than you have to?

7. Credit is their best friend: They don’t practice delayed gratification, and they would never save for something they want. Just put it on the credit card until it’s maxed! We’ll figure out how to pay it some other time!

8. They rely on others to get them out of trouble : We’ve probably all know someone who always ends up going to their parents, family or friends to help them pay for one of their debts. They get in debt up to their ears, and then when they can’t pay for it, it’s back to mommy and daddy’s house to beg for money.

9. Why budget for the future when I can have fun today: They don’t like to plan ahead for tomorrow because it seems so far away. Instead, let’s eat drink and be merry today!

10. They are all about appearances: Broke people often are broke because they would rather have others think they are doing well, or are wealthy, than actually do the hard work of actually finding a way to be wealthy. The result? They spend a bunch of money on things they don’t need in order to appear like they’ve got power and influence.

Obviously this list of things that broke people do isn’t exhaustive, but it is more of a way to get people thinking about how and why they’re making the decisions about their money that they are. If you can catch nip some of these behaviors in the bud, you’ll be much better off for it.

Now tell me you don't see lots of folks you know on that list.

That article hits hard. The absolute truth from point number one: Their problems are never their fault.

Where have we heard that before ....
Working in a university, I've found that those with the greatest need...have the greatest assistance available. Meaning, come from a low income household and you don't have to pay a cent...unless you want that loan for "extras".

True in regards to low income equals more assistance but the amount of that assistance will not get you to not paying a cent for the average low income person. For example, grants for higher education are not fully funded by the federal government and even if they were they still would not cover total educational cost for the average four year institution. With the rise of tuition cost and modernization of room and board at most schools, you would be lucky to get all of just your tuition paid. Let alone all the new fees being enacted by most institutions. Each student would have to have a high number of scholarship dollars to cover the remaining cost in order to not have to get a student loan these days. That is very rare. Even kids with full scholarships still get loans to cover the additional costs that are not included in the cost of attendance such as books, fees, etc.
I nderstand where you are coming from, I was just messing with you, but I also understand the other said of the factor. It is not possible for all, the American dream is a pipe dream for some. It is not easy for folks to live that dream when the odds are against the from birth.
CeeDog, I'm just saying there's not 1 person in the hood that "can't" make it to financial success. Not 1 person or family in the hood "has" to struggle their whole life w/o other options. If they think they can't do better they need to go talk to others who started where they are but now doing better.

In my line of work, I've talked to 100s of them in bad financial situations (struggling) and a lot of times unfortunately the black people CAN do better, but DON'T. Regardless of income. Bible says it can be done and even motivational speakers who maybe don't believe in God still say anyone can do better if they want to.
Right now 43 million Americans live below the poverty line. It's tough for there for many.

As far as blacks go, 16 percent of us are unemployed, while 30 percent live in poverty. So 46 percent of blacks are struggling in some form or fashion. That has to be fixed.
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Now Gram, they still have those "cheaper" rooms. The reality is those kids don't want to stay in those "cheaper rooms because the "newer" rooms are more modern, have better conveniences, etc. LIike they said abve, "keeping up with the campus Joneses" and thus taking out loans , aka balling, that they will later be bytching about.
Cee, can you tell me what you mean by "odds against them sfrom birth?" You type that a lot and I just want to understand...with my mean self.
Cee, can you tell me what you mean by "odds against them sfrom birth?" You type that a lot and I just want to understand...with my mean self.

CT, you have never lived in the projects or ghetto. Neither of your parents were alcoholics or drug addicts. You come from an educated family. You have never had to choose between rent, light bills or feeding your child. You have never had to worry about drug dealers in front of your door controlling your front entrance to your house. You have never had to worry about your parents making you do this drug drop, picking up the money numbers, never had to worry about folks coming to your door looking to kill either one of your parents for something you had no business with. You never had to deal with your parents telling you that you are stupid, you will never be nothing in life, seeing your momma smoke crack in front of you, your daddy taking a needle sticking it in his arm in front of you. Folks who grow up in this stuff has psychological problems. They never get help, so they drown themselves in things like buying material objects to make themselves feel better. If you have never had to deal with that stuff as a child, it has a dramatic outcome on you. Having to wear the same under wear to school because you only own three pair, having only three tee shirts, two pair of pants, the same shoes for three years. These things are the reality of being born into a situation you had nothing to with. It is hard when these kids become the grown ups of the house at 9 years old raising their brothers and sisters, all while trying to get a education. Making a dollar out of 15 cents.
CT, you have never lived in the projects or ghetto. Neither of your parents were alcoholics or drug addicts. You come from an educated family. You have never had to choose between rent, light bills or feeding your child. You have never had to worry about drug dealers in front of your door controlling your front entrance to your house. You have never had to worry about your parents making you do this drug drop, picking up the money numbers, never had to worry about folks coming to your door looking to kill either one of your parents for something you had no business with. You never had to deal with your parents telling you that you are stupid, you will never be nothing in life, seeing your momma smoke crack in front of you, your daddy taking a needle sticking it in his arm in front of you. Folks who grow up in this stuff has psychological problems. They never get help, so they drown themselves in things like buying material objects to make themselves feel better. If you have never had to deal with that stuff as a child, it has a dramatic outcome on you. Having to wear the same under wear to school because you only own three pair, having only three tee shirts, two pair of pants, the same shoes for three years. These things are the reality of being born into a situation you had nothing to with. It is hard when these kids become the grown ups of the house at 9 years old raising their brothers and sisters, all while trying to get a education. Making a dollar out of 15 cents.

Cee, you do know that the rebuttal will be that their parents/relatives had it much tougher during the Great Depression or in other times in history and found a way to make it with just good old fashioned hard work, ingenuity and want to.
Cee, you do know that the rebuttal will be that their parents/relatives had it much tougher during the Great Depression or in other times in history and found a way to make it with just good old fashioned hard work, ingenuity and want to.

Kendrick one thing I have learned in life is that you can be educated and have no reality of life, and you can be uneducated and a terrible reality of life. Either you are fuked. Feel me......
Kendrick one thing I have learned in life is that you can be educated and have no reality of life, and you can be uneducated and a terrible reality of life. Either you are fuked. Feel me......

Feel you.

I think that one can't say blacks are behind in wealth compared to whites soley because we don't manage our finances or we spend above our means. A lot of this was systematic and set up to be where we would always be behind ( labor, education etc). Not saying that we shouldn't be held accountable, but one can't overlook other factors beyond our own control.
Feel you.

I think that one can't say blacks are behind in wealth compared to whites soley because we don't manage our finances or we spend above our means. A lot of this was systematic and set up to be where we would always be behind ( labor, education etc). Not saying that we shouldn't be held accountable, but one can't overlook other factors beyond our own control.

That is all I am trying to say bruh. Many factors play a part in why we are the way we are.