This is My Prayer


Postmaster General!!!
...I Pray Father that you would watch over my little one today.

...I Pray Father that you would watch over me today.

...I Pray Father for my dear friend who just lost her baby.

...I Pray Father for my family, both near and far.

...I Pray Father for the 2nd Annual SwacPage Reunion.

...I Pray Father that you strengthen me where I'm weak and build me up where you know I'm torn down.

...I Pray Father for world peace.

...I Pray Father that you feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and shelter the homeless.

...I Pray Father that you bless my finances.

...and last but not least, I thank you Father for all these things in your son's most precious name.

Thank you!

Lord God, I lift up the 2nd Annual SWACPAGE Reunion. I leave it in your care. I ask you to BLESS all of its participants! I thank you for making our time of fellowship a good one! I thank you for safe traveling mercies! I thank you for those who are not trying to destroy this reunion. I thank you for those who encougage and for those who have been a GREAT help! All this in Jesus's Name. Amen!
