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Man as long as I have been loyal to this team, through all the down seasons, etc. Tom Benson better sit his arse down! I'm too old to be trying to find a new team!

Well damn san antonio. :confused: I know they've been positioning themselves over the last 7-8 years to acquire a franchise but man... <b>This</b> would be very, very interesting. :confused:

San Antonio Saints? :confused: San Antonio Tacos/Enchilidas? Lawd... :slap:

Where's Jay Arrah? This requires brevity and I don't have it this morn.
It would be a damn shame if the Falcons have to be my favorite team. I wanted to see the New Orleans Saints in the Superbowl. I guess it may never happen.
I hope this doesn't happen. :(

I enjoy going to the Saints game even though they can't seem to beat Tampa Bay!! :mad:
If yall had the good sense, yall should want to see those all-time losers leave.


JagsPride said:
I wanted to see the New Orleans Saints in the Superbowl. I guess it may never happen.
You aint got to guess.
It aint happening. Ever. Period!!!!!!!

:emlaugh: :emlaugh: :emlaugh: :emlaugh:

carry on....
I'm from a section of New Orleans called Hollygrove, the writing has been on the wall for some time now. Benson see's no value in keeping the Saints in New Orleans please understand the bottom line is money. He doesn't see the value of the Saints increasing because of the economic state New Orleans is in. I was watching the special onAdrian McPherson a few days ago on ESPN and it took me by surprise how negative Coach Hasslett was towards the City, he sounded much like a guy who was ready for re-location. The badder the Saints or the easier the breakup will be, that explains the Saints draft picks the last few years. Benson is not about winning he's only about a profit. If I was Ray Nagin I would let them leave if it came to it, but just like the city of Cleveland did I would make the NFL promise me a new team and Benson would not be allowed to take the naming rights to the SAINTS and their TEAM COLORS.
BgJag said:


Heck, they MADE THE THREAT, :rolleyes: , to move the SAINT's to the Mississippi Gulf Coast a few years ago. We all knew that shat was not gonna happen. He just trying to get some money or a New Stadium out of the BIG EASY.

The Saint's ain't going nowhere. :emlaugh:
mighty hornet said:
If yall had the good sense, yall should want to see those all-time losers leave.


You aint got to guess.
It aint happening. Ever. Period!!!!!!!

:emlaugh: :emlaugh: :emlaugh: :emlaugh:

carry on....

ROTFLMAO@ MH. Bruh you aint right. Kicking Saint fan during their darkest days aint right. :swink:
He will need to get the City of SA to build him a new stadium because the Alamo Dome is in worse shape that the Superdome. He will also have to convince the 23 or 24 of the other owners to vote for him to move the team.
The owners of the Texas teams will launch a major campaign against him if it ever gets that serious.

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They need to move. Maybe once they're gone that'll solve the High Blood Pressure problem in this city. I'm tired of hearing about Tom Benson and where he wants to move that team. :whine:

I'm a Ray Lewis fan anyway. :kiss: :ebrow:
I don't have a problem with them leaving. The State of Louisiana is paying Tom Benson $186.5 over ten years to stay in New Orleans and is finding it hard to come up with the money yearly. Tom Benson is asking way too much for someone that owns a losing team (one playoff game win in almost 39 years :( ). The state should use this money to up the pay for teachers, policemen, firemen, state workers, etc.
BG is correct, Benson is playing his hand, and is forcing the state to do what he wants. It's already happened in Phoenix, San Diego, and Indianapolis in the last 2 years, and for a minute Red McCombs was threatening the same thing in Minneapolis, until he decided to sell the team.

From a business standpoint, I don't blame him. He has the state by the short, and curlies, so why not threaten to move until he get what he wants. It's business.

Hollygroove, economics has nothing to do with this. Benson wants money, from the last report released by the NFL, the Saints have been one of the 10 most profitable teams in the league. Trust me, the way NFL is set up, NO TEAM is losing money. ESPN just did a segment on this 2 weeks ago after the draft.

Benson is a smart business man, he won't open his books to the state to show how much money his team is making, because he knows he will lose the argument, but with all of the other teams in the league getting new stadiums, or renovated stadiums, he wants his piece of the pie as well, and I can't blame him (I don't like it, but I can't blame him). Outside of the US Government the NFL may be the most powerful entity in America, look what's happened to television, and radio since the NFL got mad at CBS. Hell, look what happened to Janet Jackson's career since the NFL got mad, she didn't sell 10 CD's from her latest release.

As bad as the economic situation is in New Orleans, they've managed to sell out every game for the past 5 years, except 2 out of the last 3 mainly because fans got tired of seeing the Saints lose.

I'm sure at some point he'll get what he wants, or close to what he wants, but right now he's showing Kathleen Blanco how business is done. I applaud her efforts in trying to get the Saints to come down, but she's not going about it the right way.

cat daddy said:
He will need to get the City of SA to build him a new stadium because the Alamo Dome is in worse shape that the Superdome. He will also have to convince the 23 or 24 of the other owners to vote for him to move the team.
The owners of the Texas teams will launch a major campaign against him if it ever gets that serious.

That's absolutely right. The team owners will not approve the move. No more SuperBowls in N.O. The NFL and its owners, particularly Jerry Jones and Texans' owner, do not want to see the San Antonio Saints/Desperados. Man, it's the state, not N.O., from which Benson seeks funding for a new facility. Something is truly wrong with this picture. But, if Benson thinks Blanco is going for his foolishness, he's truly mistaken. And, anyway, north and west of Baton Rouge, there are many more Cowboy fans than Saints fans.
IWJNSU said:
I don't have a problem with them leaving. The State of Louisiana is paying Tom Benson $186.5 over ten years to stay in New Orleans and is finding it hard to come up with the money yearly. Tom Benson is asking way too much for someone that owns a losing team (one playoff game win in almost 39 years :( ). The state should use this money to up the pay for teachers, policemen, firemen, state workers, etc.

Agree 100%. Let the Hornets go too! When we decide to go to a Hornet's game, it is only to see the other TEAM'S star players.(Shaq, LeBron, Iverson) If they get rid of them, maybe I will have a decent paycheck!
IWJNSU said:
I don't have a problem with them leaving. The State of Louisiana is paying Tom Benson $186.5 over ten years to stay in New Orleans and is finding it hard to come up with the money yearly. Tom Benson is asking way too much for someone that owns a losing team (one playoff game win in almost 39 years :( ). The state should use this money to up the pay for teachers, policemen, firemen, state workers, etc.

Thank you!
JagBR said:
Agree 100%. Let the Hornets go too! When we decide to go to a Hornet's game, it is only to see the other TEAM'S star players.(Shaq, LeBron, Iverson) If they get rid of them, maybe I will have a decent paycheck!

The Hornet move was the NBA's fault. They should have made Shinn sell the team like Tagilibue did Red McCombs with Minnesota. Like D-Nice said, the NFL is very powerful. So Benson will get what he wants or Tags will tell him to sell to a La owner. Blanco will not win this one. The NFL loves NO simply just to have Super Bowls. I am sure Tags will tell Blanco if she don't help Benson then the NO and state will never see another Super Bowl. That's exactly what he told San Diego. Also unlike Houston, if NO loses the Saints, it may be along time getting another franchise. Especially if they piss Tags off.

On the social side, I do feel bad that the teachers and other state funded agencies do not get what they deserve but will spend money on a sports franchise. It is indeed sad, but Sports are big business these days and unfortunately alot businesses look at cities based on what there is to do before moving there. Sports teams play a big part in those decisions.
I just heard on "The Tony Kornheiser Show" that a group of local investors in New Orleans have reportedly offered Tom Benson 1.6 BILLION DOLLARS to buy the team from him, and keep the team in New Orleans.

This is not the first time a group, or groups have stepped up to the plate to buy the team from Benson after one of his threats, and it certainly won't be the last. So from the looks of it, the ball is now in Benson's court.

JR, we have this conversation all the time, and you're right, Benson will be like McCombs, and have to sell the team. Any move not concerning Los Angeles will go on deaf ears.

This $186.5 million dollars is the doings of the former governor Mike Foster. Louisiana is the only state subsidizing a professional football team.

Tom Benson owns a 122-foot yacht that is valued between $12 million and $20 million. Tom Benson donated $50,000, and Bensco, Inc. gave $100,000 to the Presidential inaugural fund (seems to me he is not hurting for money). The state had to borrow $7.15 million from a special fund to pay Tom Benson the $15 million guarantee last year. This year the state will be more than $9 million short of the $15 it owes the New Orleans Saints in a payment due in early July.

Again, if they think the grass is greener on the other side, the New Orleans Saints and its owner should pack up and leave.