SWAC Jeopardy

Get Ready

Well-Known Member
Mighty Dog=MD

T: Lemme get "Song Lyricks" for 100
Alex: Who do the lyrics, "aint nobody fresh as me, Im just so fresh and clean. Dont you think Im so sexy Im just so fresh and clean," refer to?
Tru: Who is Trudawg?
Alex: No
MD: Who is Lafayette Stribling?
Alex: Correct

MD: Give me "Football Championships" for 100
Alex: Name 6 SWAC champioship years of the Great Jackson State University?
hastily Str: What are '85, '86, '87, 88, '95, '96?
Alex: Correct

Str: Give me "Football Championships" for 200
Alex: The years Alabama A&M won a football title:
:Crickets chirping:
Alex: Let me repeat...Name the years Alabama A&M won a football title.
:crickets chirping louder:

[Edited by Get Ready on 04-19-01 at 12:29 PM]
Alex: Moving right along

Strawdog: "Song Lyricks for 300"

Alex: The song goes..."We represent the lolipop kids the lolipop kids the lolipop kids."
Tru: Who is Jackson State
Alex: No
Mighty Dog: Who is Ron Cooper?
Alex: Yes..good answer

Mighty Dog: "Song Lyricks 400"

Alex: "Dont know much about history, Dont know much Biology, Dont know much about a science book, Dont know much about the math I took"
Tru: Who is Jackson State?
Str: Who is Jackson State?
MD: Who are Kenyon Hambrick, them two linemen, and Curtis Donnel.
Alex:Great...good answer

Mighty Dog: "Swac Coaches" for 100

Alex: This coach won 8 SWAC titles in the 80s.
MD: Who is Ron Cooper?
Alex: No
Str: Who is Ronald Cooper?
Alex: uuuh no
Tru: Who is Mr. Ronald Cooper?
Alex: Damit, I said no.
All: Are you sure
Alex: <font size=6> Hell Yes Im sure </font> The answer is W.C. Gordon from Jackson State Univerisity
All: It wasnt Ron Cooper? He told us he won those...We think its Ron Cooper :confused:

Mighty Dog: "Song Lyrics 400"
Alex: She's a bad mamma jamma, just as fine as she can be. She's a bad mamma jamma, just as fiiiine as she can be. Her body measurements are perfect in every dimension. Her curves sho worht paying attention. She is poetry in motion, a beatuiful sight to see, I get sooo excited, viewing her anatomy.

Tru: Who are, all my honies?
Alex: Take his buzzer..NO
Str: Who is Ron Cooper?
Alex: :rolleyes:
MD: Who is Momma Jag
Alex: <font size=8> YES </FONT>

[Edited by Get Ready on 04-19-01 at 02:10 PM]
Alex: We have two participants from our audience that want in on this action: GET READY = GR

GR: I'd like to have SWAC Championships for $100.
Alex: What SWAC member institution last won a mytical championship but was beaten by then D2 ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY?
Rob: What is UAPB!
Alex: Wrong.... GR?
Gr: Alex, who are the 'tiny tiggers' from jsue
Alex: That is correct and by the way that jsue team was very sad. They were heard mumbling something about Walter Payton sending them some HELP!
MD: Lemme Get Social Issues for 100
Alex: This program what formed to help people that cant help themselves. Sometimes it causes people to depend on the powerful to help, without doing anything to help themselves.
Tru: What is...My Love Jones?
Alex: Didnt I say to turn his buzzer off?!!
MD: What is the Welfare System?
Alex: Mighty Dog is on a roll..you are correct.

I like the song lyricks Alex

Alex: The song goes "I know you want to leave me, but I refuse to let you go...If I have to beg and plead for your sympathy, I dont mind cause you mean that much to me"
Tru: I gots this one Alex...What is, What my honies be saying to me
Alex: Thats it...Im gonna kick your ass!!!
Straw: I know...What is...What A&M says to Mr. Ronald Cooper?
Alex: :confused:
MD: What is uuuh uuuuh uuuh I dont know Alex :confused:
Alex: oooh nooo.. the correct answer is...What does the SWAC office say to Jackson State University?
Outstanding Private Pyle!!!

MD: Alex, lemme get "SWAC 2000" for 100
Alex: This is the number of games A&M lost in 2000
Trudawg: What is zero?
Alex: :(
Straw: What is none?
Alex: :confused:
MD: Alex, the Bulldogs didnt lose any games in 2000 so the question is, what is a big fat zero?
Alex: No you ninnies. 0-7 lost 5 games in 2000!!! 5 games.
All: But Alex, we are just a D2 school. Those teams didnt blow us out by 20 or more, so we won. Cooper said we almost beat a lot of teams.
Alex: This is sad....I have never seen souls more misguided than yours. Can please get something to work with here? I need some honest, thoughtful, unbiased people. Give me another group right now.
Next Group...

Byron, Jag03, Kellis

Alex: I finally got a group that at least look like they know a little about the SWAC, LETS PLAY JEOPARDY

Jag03: Alex, lemme get SWAC championships for 100
Alex: This is the number of SWAC championships SU has won in the past 20 years
Jag03: What is 20?
Alex: No
Byron: My friend is trying to forget last year Alex....The correct answer is, What is 19?
Alex: No
Kellis: Alex, what are you asking me about my personal life for. I got my thang together. You need to mind you own damn bitness before I get in your stuff.
Alex: Anyway..the correct answer is 3
All: Wait a minute Alex...SU done won waaay more than that...you need you check your records.
Alex: :rolleyes:

Jag03: Alex lemme get "Saddest SWAC moments" for 100
Alex: Name the saddest moment in SWAC history
Jag03: What is, When them girls in the PV band didnt run fast enough from The Jukebox
Alex: Thats a good answer, but not quite
Byron: What is, when Eddie Robinson was at the BC balling is eyes out cause he was being fired?
Alex: ooooh. nice answer, it was #2 but not quite
Kellis: What is, when Byron showed up at Bg's house after the JSU game last year with that sick sad look on his face
Alex: Thats it...GOOD ANSWER. I didnt think anyone would get that one.

Kellis: "Big feet women of the SWAC" for 100 Alex
Alex: Name the woman with the biggest feet in the SWAC?
Byron: :confused:
Alex: No
Jag03: Who is JSU ATL?
Alex: Nope, close but no cigar
Kellis: Who is GSUSpirit?
Alex: Yes, that is correct. Spirit got the edge cause she got the hammertime going on.

Why does Spirit's tootsies have to be involved in this ?

*putting oxygen mask on from laughing so hard*
GR, just moved up to the #3 Smacker with this one.

MD will not respond to this one because we have been pretty hard on GR during the month of April.

Props to you for becoming the #3 smacker with this one.



[Edited by MightyDog on 04-20-01 at 03:36 PM]
Byron: sniffle sniffle sniffle .....whaaaaha ha haaah haha whwhwwhaaa.... I cant take it no mo sniffle sniffle
Alex: What is his problem?
Kellis: He aint got his bitness scraight Alex. He is still wimpering over that loss to JSU last year, and he is thinking about the ass whooping SU is going to take this year at the hands of JSU.
Alex: Well get him off this show. And wipe that snot of my microphone. Who can we replace him with?
Jag4Jag: I will

Next item

J4J: "Saddest SWAC moments"
Alex: This event almost cost the cancellation of a SWAC game.
J4J: I broke a nail right before a game and almost couldnt make it.
Jag03: What is, When Richardson stubbed his toe?
Alex: Kellis, will you quit staring at the new contestant and answer the question?
Kellis: steaming
Alex: The answer is...What is, security gaurd shooting during the football game?

Kellis: Before we continue...there is something I gotta say....#@#% all you m)()&(&*s and if you dont like it you can kiss my !#%
Alex: I wonder what her problem was....
J4J: :snicker:

<font size=6 color=blue>
*wiping away tears* Somebody *kekekekekekekeekeke* come get ready! ROTF... LMMMFAO!!!! :D

Alex: Moving right along

Mighty Dog: "Song Lyricks 400"

Alex: "Dont know much about history, Dont know much Biology, Dont know much about a science book, Dont know much about the math I took"
Tru: Who is Jackson State?
Str: Who is Jackson State?
MD: Who are Kenyon Hambrick, them two linemen, and Curtis Donnel.
Alex:Great...good answer

*DYING* LMAO@GR!!! It's not even *kekeekekekekekeke* football season yet! ROTF :D