Since MikeBigg opened the back door...


Jaguar Nation
What does the following has in common?

Harold Lundy
Raymond Hicks
Steve Favors
Neari Warner
Originally posted by BgJag
What does the following has in common?

Harold Lundy
Raymond Hicks
Steve Favors
Neari Warner

If they've ever come to BR, probably "Ms You Know Who"!!!

looks like a Grambling connection to me.....

weren't they all fired presidents?
Since 1994, they all have been appointed President of Grumbling State. Still can't balance a checkbook.

Rudy send help!!!!!!!!
Can you hear the crickets chirping

Is this SMACK??? Warner is still acting pres right now. I don't think you know what you're talking about with this one. We'll let this one sit up and collect dust.


Now I can see if you said, what does an man that coached at SU during the 80s have in common? Now that would be smack. Like....we sent Cazz(Jackson) out on his AZZ!!! You can have that one.
Re: Can you hear the crickets chirping

Originally posted by NASTYNUPE
Is this SMACK??? Warner is still acting pres right now. I don't think you know what you're talking about with this one. We'll let this one sit up and collect dust.

Now I can see if you said, what does an man that coached at SU during the 80s have in common? Now that would be smack. Like....we sent Cazz(Jackson) out on his AZZ!!! You can have that one.

None of GSU's last four presidents--Harold Lundy, hired in 1991; Raymond Hicks, hired in 1994; Steve Favors, hired in 1998; and Warner, named interim president in 2000--met the system's qualifications for university president.
Your point is...

None of SU's coaches before Pete Richardson met the NCAA's requirements for being a head coach either!!!
Re: Your point is...

Originally posted by NASTYNUPE
None of SU's coaches before Pete Richardson met the NCAA's requirements for being a head coach either!!!

I guess hall of fame college coach "Ace" Mumford doesn't count with his few black college national titles and all. Just because he is the 2nd most winning coach in all of black college football and taught Eddie a thing or three I guess we should not count him. And by the way grambling is a system too.
Re: Re: Your point is...

Originally posted by JROCK

I guess hall of fame college coach "Ace" Mumford doesn't count with his few black college national titles and all. Just because he is the 2nd most winning coach in all of black college football and taught Eddie a thing or three I guess we should not count him. And by the way grambling is a system too.
Its not that mumford doesn't count its just that America never really gives a isht about who finshes second. At Grambling the only thing that matters is being the best, which is something that Ace or pete will never have on Eddie Robinson. Remember that the only reason Sucks has played on national television is because of EDDIE and the ICON. No one cares about second place or who taught who the game of football, the only name that appears next to most winningest coach in COLLEGE FOOTBALL HISTORY is EDDIE ROBINSON. Second place celebrations occur at sixth grade spelling bees and with the cowards of the fagwar nation Scotlandville.:o :rolleyes:
Althought this thread is not about football coaches, it's about checks and balance, math 101, book keeping 101, and accountabiltity.

Name one football coach from Grumbling past or present whom has beaten Pete Richardson??????????
Post your reply over there>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
hell...both of your schools manage money like a 1-year old..get over it...

SU steals money from work study and issues out illegal scholarships to undeserving students (Yates 1997)

GSU can't keep a president past Bayou Classic and seems to have a knack for hiring presidents with sticky fingers or short lifespans

see how much you both have in common?

Althought this thread is not about football coaches, it's about checks and balance, math 101, book keeping 101, and accountabiltity.

Seems like the school on the bluff needs to add more Ethics/Scruples 101 classes......... :(

Two former Southern University employees pleaded guilty Thursday in a fraud scheme that bilked about $169,000 from a federal work-study program for students.

Darell B. Lee, who was an officer in the university's financial aid office, and Richard Wilson III, who headed intramural sports at the school, pleaded guilty in federal court in Baton Rouge.

Lee and Wilson were released on their own recognizance. Each faces up to five years in prison when U.S. District Judge Ralph Tyson sentences them. No date has been set.

Lee, 35, 12254 LaMargie Ave., pleaded guilty to embezzlement as well as misapplying and obtaining federal work-study funds by theft or fraud.

Wilson, 43, 6044 Howell Drive, pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting in those charges.

The two admitted their guilt in a scam of the federally funded Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities Program, which pays students who work at the university.

In court, Lee, who admitted cheating the program of about $111,000, agreed with a factual basis of the case, which is the prosecution's version of events.

According to the factual basis, Lee recruited and added the names of students to the work-study program, though the students did little or no work.

"Eventually as many as 12 to 14 non-working students were carried on the payroll at the same time," prosecutors wrote in the factual basis.

Lee's boss, Eloise G. Blount, who headed the program, got him involved in the scheme, prosecutors claim.

Blount has not been charged in the case, but prosecutor Ian Hipwell said the investigation is continuing and includes some students.

Students gave Lee part of the money they got after he picked up their checks from various departments, prosecutors say.

Blount told Lee she needed the cash because her husband was out of work and her daughter had been in a car wreck, according to the prosecution.

"Lee said Blount was aware of his own extensive debt for which he needed his share of the money," prosecutors wrote.

Wilson's factual basis says Blount got him wrapped up in the scheme in 1997 by asking him to add non-working students to his payroll.

Wilson's participation cost the federal program more than $42,000. There is some overlap among the $110,995 Lee was involved in and the $42,000 Wilson is responsible for, Hipwell said.

Unlike Lee, Wilson did not get any kickbacks, and his role was minor compared to others in the case, Hipwell said in court.

The U.S. Attorney's Office in Baton Rouge got the case from the state Office of the Legislative Auditor. Internal auditors at Southern uncovered the problems, Legislative Auditor Dan Kyle said after court.

The Southern University Police Department did not have the investigators needed to develop a case that prosecutors could pursue, he said.

"So we went in there and did additional work and submitted it to the U.S. attorney," Kyle said.

Lee's attorney, Jean Faria, declined to comment after court. Wilson's lawyer, Gerard Torry, emphasized that his client did not "get a dime" from the scheme.
A Landscaping 101 or Sanitation (101) course may be prudent also.

Re: Re: Re: Your point is...

Originally posted by ICEICE5
Its not that mumford doesn't count its just that America never really gives a isht about who finshes second. At Grambling the only thing that matters is being the best, which is something that Ace or pete will never have on Eddie Robinson. Remember that the only reason Sucks has played on national television is because of EDDIE and the ICON. No one cares about second place or who taught who the game of football, the only name that appears next to most winningest coach in COLLEGE FOOTBALL HISTORY is EDDIE ROBINSON. Second place celebrations occur at sixth grade spelling bees and with the cowards of the fagwar nation Scotlandville.:o :rolleyes:
Just like most of La. Normal aka grambling faithful you are confused. Only two years ago you had the worst basketball team in all of D-1. Hambling is the icon of being SUperiors "whipping boys." SUperior huge crowd and alumini base is what makes the classic and has always. You have had a decent football history but hambling is only a developed embryo impregnated by SUccess. Your baseball team has never won a post season D-1 game. Hamlings mother was LA. Normal and that is why only your football team has had a degree of SUcess. Hambling is only half SUperior child and picked up bad habits on La. Normal side of the family. Your pitiful basketball team has never been to the NCAA tourney. Your nepotism infested presidential seats has shown $$%% but ____ hamblingnites that has no ????? acumen. Your fair weather fans would look assinine in a classic without SUperior as this was quite apparent when poor Eddie was snubbed by the very school and aluminus (at his last coached home football game)that he put on the map. The last time you played in Jackson there was less than 20k fans. The last time SUperior played there was +60K. But, I know disillusion can distort reality. Just take those 8 yrs of SUccess shellacking on National T.V. and "BOW DOWN" to your SUperior. Hambling is the icon of bending over to SUperior and certainly "world famed" for that. La. Normal/aka grambling has won a battle or two but SUccess has won the war. SUperior has always been hambling's DADDY and your pipe dream about being first is only superseded by that pathetic product that was shamed in Louisville and trounced in the Classic. Your SCG visit was like going to a BBQ without any meat after the pimp slapping that SUperior inflicted on la. normal. Hambling will always bring up the rear when being compared to SUccess as every one know who is your SUperior
P.S. There is only one bandfan memorial scholarship available left for entrance in M.D.'s smackology school. I encourage all with the "crab" status to apply. The school has distinquished faculty members.

Let's not skirt my original point...

It had nothing to do with performance (at least not on the field).
Another thread asked when would GSU win another classic. Was some decent smack. Then someone brought Coach Rob unto the thread with the only smack yall try to run.

I then brought a picture of Ole Leon who was smiling his arse off since TG was no longer coaching. I didn't want to go there, but
since yall wanted to pick on senior citizens I decided to make my post. Don't try to act like yall don't know what I was talking about!!! We know that it had nothing to do with President's performance, but rather the lack of it!

Pzifer Manufacturers (Viagra) send Help!!!!
Re: Let's not skirt my original point...

Originally posted by MikeBigg
It had nothing to do with performance (at least not on the field).
Another thread asked when would GSU win another classic. Was some decent smack. Then someone brought Coach Rob unto the thread with the only smack yall try to run.

I then brought a picture of Ole Leon who was smiling his arse off since TG was no longer coaching. I didn't want to go there, but
since yall wanted to pick on senior citizens I decided to make my post. Don't try to act like yall don't know what I was talking about!!! We know that it had nothing to do with President's performance, but rather the lack of it!

Pzifer Manufacturers (Viagra) send Help!!!!

That pic of Coach Rob has been on this board a long time. You posted Traver pic and made your comment about TG, I know what you were doing and that had nothing to do with that thread. I through with this subject now. See you on Nov 24th!!
Re: Re: Let's not skirt my original point...

Originally posted by BgJag

That pic of Coach Rob has been on this board a long time. You posted Traver pic and made your comment about TG, I know what you were doing and that had nothing to do with that thread. I through with this subject now. See you on Nov 24th!!

So am I...for now!
This entire line of smack is weak on both sides. What's next?

Yall can continue on as you please.....I'll pass.