Sex and the 401(k) investor

Olde Hornet

Well-Known Member

Regardless of gender, get help
If you have a 401(k), your plan’s fees probably already cover advisory services – take advantage. If not, find a fiduciary retirement adviser and get their insight on how much to save and how to invest.

Men: know when to get advice
Since men are prone to overconfidence and excess trading, they should focus on self-discipline, seeking help and admitting they could be wrong. When your gut tells you to trade, talk to a good adviser. Tell them what you’re contemplating and why. Have a conversation. Make your goal to learn something. After meeting with an adviser, if you don’t much feel like tinkering with your portfolio, congrats – you’re the far wiser

Women: Push for better advice
Meanwhile, while these studies suggest women want more guidance, they should focus on getting better advice. If you find your adviser conversations are one-sided – them talking, you going “uh-huh” – talk more. Ask open-ended questions. Make your goal to stump them. Learn everything you can. If they blather with indecipherable finance jargon, cut them off – demanding they speak plainly.