Sciatica: Anybody ever have it?


Staff member
Just wondering if anyone has ever had Sciatica and what was the results for treatment.

I was having some back and leg pains last week. Made a appointment with my doctor, but couldn't get in to see him till tomorrow. I was taking just some over the counter meds for the pain and it was some what working. Well on saturday night (early sunday morning), I got these agonizing plains from my buttocks all the way down my right leg. Tried to suck it up and find a relaxing position but it just got worst. Had to bite the bullet and go to the ER (went to one of those standalone ER's).

They gave me a shot for the pain and a prescription for pain and steroids for the inflammation. I have a follow up with my doctor tomorrow.

Any information will do if you had it and how it was treated.