Rice and Powell.

MH, I am self-employed...I own 11 guns....I am 6'3" and 290lbs....I have never sold myself short on anything. And you are right, I can find something on the Klan's website to fit my agenda, like where they buy their guns and get their ammo so I can own them as well.

I can learn anything from dayumm near anybody...the military taught me to adapt and overcome, so it's just my nature. But if you consider N.R.A endorsements, tough stances on crime such as 2 strikes and you're out rules (isht, California the most liberal state in the nation has a 3 strike rule), and his obviously high moral stances as liberal...then you are on the same team as I am bruh!!

Walk into the light my brother...leave the darkside...let the glow embrace you!!!

:jump: :jump:
It's sad that we're actually debating this.
I live here. I dont have to go to a website, read a couple of paragraphs and then think I am knowledgeable enough to debate his positions as either liberal or conservative.
That would be as crazy as if I go find out who the attorney general of Mississippi is, read a little from his webpage, pick out a few catchwords, and then label him as either conservative or liberal. And if I didn't know, I could say that his positions as listed on that webpage could make him a Democrat or they could make him a Republican.

And, the point I was making about the klan is they can spin words on their website to make them out to be something they're not--- Probably how they're a God-fearing, Christian organization founded for the betterment of society. :rolleyes:
If somebody who didn't know what they're all about clicked on their website, do you think that person would have a true idea of what the klan is about?

I don't profess to be the smartest brotha in the world (well I'm one of the smartest :D ), but there are some things that I do know about. Politics is one of them. Sometimes, I choose to discuss it on here, sometimes I don't. But don't assume that you're the only person here who is knowledgeable.

Now take your Republican loving, too many guns having, Bush supporting arse over there ------------->

You damn Republicans think yall know every damn thing anyway!

Click here to visit HBCUSportsShop
Originally posted by mighty hornet

Now take your Republican loving, too many guns having, Bush supporting arse over there ------------->

You damn Republicans think yall know every damn thing anyway!

MH, what scares you most of all is the fact that you know I am right yet you argue just to uphold some sense of honor.
I am right!!! I am always right!!! And you know it....It just eats you up inside like a Sandpaper Tapeworm.

So I will leave you with a quote from Col. Jessup...

MH, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Bartram? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for the Liberal agenda and you curse the Republicans. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that the Liberal agenda's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because, deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said "thank you" and went on your way. Otherwise I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand at post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to.

:p :p :p
MH, you go always be alright with me bruh. You stand by your convictions whether they be popular belief or otherwise. I joke alot, but I hope that dialogue like this allows us to see both points of view, whether we like them or not.

:D :D :D
It's all good bruh.

You know I like a good debate. Besides, it's my mission to provide you Republicans some insight every now and then.
Dr. Mac,,,,

Originally posted by Dr. Mac
Sorry folks, Rice will not win the governorship of Cali.


,,, can't concure. unfortunately the democrat in office now has got more problem den Bush has with world opinion on a U.S. attack against Iraq. it would be a cake-walk. this guy will be lucky to survive a RECALL. DEY TRYIN' TO RECALL HIS ARSE.
ok Makaho,, this is great stuff. i'll bite.

Originally posted by Makaho Bedrock
But what I don't understand is the blind labeling of "US" just because of our political beliefs. No other ethnic group does this...no other ethic group holds it's members to certain standards because they hold to certain convictions.

...and mofos want to use labels like puppets and uncle tom......Yeah, mofos have been loyal as a Bassett Hound to the Democratic party where is the reward for that.....

Name me one election where White Democrats have voted overwhelmingly for a Black Democrat in an election...I can name several where White Republicans have voted for Black Republicans. What does that say.....the most loyal voting base in U.S. history is constantly being taken for granted by the very same bastion it benefits from. If that is not a reason to diversify our voting power, I don't know what is. Remember, you must first govern in order to change policy.....you change absolutely 0% from the outside.

First of all Makaho,,, your last question first,,, I would be interested in your list where "white republicans have voted for Black Republicans". #1, my guess is that either those cases were in places that had little to no black populations or they were in races where the republicans were targeting black democrats that they considered "troublemakers". I know of no such situations that you tout EVER happening in Alabama, but I could be wrong since there has been a few black republican candidates of late.

I would also counter your touting of the republican party and party loyalty by submitting that IT WAS THE INDEPENDENT BLACK DEMOCRATIC PARTY in Alabama that plowed the field and laid the foundation for blacks TO GAIN POLITICAL POWER in Alabama,,, not no dayum stupid-arse klansmen, white citizen council, disgruntled republicans("dixiecrats" at the time). The blacks who fought for and won black political AND SOCIAL gains in Alabama WAS DEMOCRATS (and liberals and republican outsiders),,, an off-shoot of the white democratic pre-60s regeme in Alabama (as you know, all politicians in the south used to be democrats. There were "dixiecrats" and democrats in Washington,,, but nowdays, the "dixiecrats", since the Reagan Revolution, identify with the REPUBLICAN party.),,,, WHICH HAVE VIRTUALLY ALL NOW CONVERTED TO THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!!!!!!!!!!.

You may say that the "democratic party" has not been faithful to blacks,,,, but I would say to you,,, how can you be in and vote for members of a party that is the best place for open racist elements to find sanctuary politically and socially????? The Klan, the david dukes, the militias, the skinheads, et al groups like that,, can most easily speak in unison with republicans/conservatives and meld into the scenary in open forums and in political debate in the republican party than with democrats/liberals,,,, you gotta admitt breh (other than all this conspiracy siht bout the KKK owning fast food chicken restaraunts to kill n-words/democrats-since we mostly poe, through food,, blah, blah,,).

Now,,, if you want to distinguish yourself from the racist elements that ALSO exist in the republican party that would never vote for blacks and say that you are an "independent" black republican/conservative,,, I wouldn't have much, if anything, to say,,, but to sit here and attempt to profess that the republican party is generally any better or more moral or less "racists" than the democratic party and thus blacks should switch to the republican party soely on that premise,,,,,,,,,,, breh,,, I'd have to always respond with this type of diatribe!!!! YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!!!

Other than that,, you make some good points in your initial statements. I have no problem with those statements, nor with Colen Powell and Condi (BAMA HOMIE!!!!!!) Rice.