Pro-palestinian protests on HBCU campuses.


Brand HBCUbian
Saw where good ole Berkley along with other colleges are experiencing growing protests against the Israeli occupation of Palestinian areas in the middle east.

I'm looking at these kids at Berkley flying the Palestinian flags and wearing the Palestinian garb, and I'm just not convinced that they really have a stake in these events. I guess maybe people were looking at white college students in the 50s and 60s saying the same thing huh? Oh well.

Is this something that's getting any run on HBCU campuses? There were many who had converted to Islam when I was in school and many Africans and Indians who were Muslim. Is this the case on the HBCU campuses today?
I am not a support of terriost - I the HBCU kids are into getting good grades and stay out of this crap.


On HBCUs, we don't have protests on things like this. You'll just have those couple o' brothas (or sistas) who make a lot of noise about this around whoever will listen. Some will laugh and talk trash to em, others might keep listening. But I doubt it'll get much farther than that.
I've noticed that too at a lot of the HBCUs i've visited lately. Most don't really care about issues, unless it's financial aid.
I didn't think so.

Man,,, the line about only worried about financial aid is CLASSIC!!! LOL!!!!!!:lmao:

Yeah, come to think of it, the main thing we used to get into it about was Islam mugz clashing with the christian/bible study contingent on the yard. :eek2: Those were some EPIC debates! I mean,, the Islamic mugz going to the, "uncle tom" card on the christians,,, the christian mugz going to the, "well, you are going to hell!" card on the Islam mugz,,,,, it was great!:D