Percussionists: an invitation to my Yahoo Group, "The Thunder Corner"


New Member
What up, fellow SWACPage percussionists!

I created a brand new site on Yahoo! Groups for all percussionists to check out; even those that are musicians on the 5th which also have experience in percussion (especially marching) are also invited to join the club. All you have to do is abide by the few rules and have fun!

By the way, if you have any pics, audio or video of drumlines from any different style of marching (Drum Corps, HBCUs, etc.), feel free to contribute!

It'll always be under construction with constant updates from time to time, so be sure to check it out here:

The Thunder Corner
My Yahoo! Group e-mail:

Let me know what you think and like I said, feel free to sign up, and invite your fellow percussionists to join! Holla...