Obama Cuts HBCU Funding

President Obama cuts HBCU funding - not cool

Morris O'Kelly

LA Race Relations Examiner

See, y’all wanted to jump down Tavis Smiley’s throat for making sure “We†(African-Americans) asked the tough questions, and involved ourselves in honest public discussion of (then) Senator Barack Obama on a policy level.

Many of “Us†balked at the idea and contended that Smiley was a “hater,†“jealous†and 10 other names that aren’t fit for print.

His point was simple and clear, “We†can’t simply “wait until he gets into office†and assume a man will have “Our†best interests if we’ve not held the candidate accountable during the primary and the general election.

Only promises made are promises to be kept and promises NOT made mean expectations that need not be met

The latest is that President Obama has cut funding for HBCUs to the tune of $85 million. To the rising criticism, the White House has responded, arguing that other initiatives have been strengthened regarding education which will also benefit HBCUs.

Maybe, maybe not…but $85 million is $85 million, especially in a down economy.

But Smiley was “wrong†and “selfish†to request Obama’s appearance at his annual State of the Black Union? Wouldn’t it have been nice to have had the opportunity to press him on this issue and others similar in nature? We can only imagine that the issue of education would have been broached, invariably leading to the discussion of HBCUs. But remember, people said…
